© 2025 Clarivate
POST /api/.../patrons/{id}/accounttransactions/credit?action=refundfrmpay
This method allows the caller to update patron account and ILSStore data when a credit card refund transaction completed successfully on the credit card reader device.
CR_AccessPatronServices_Allow CR_PatronStatus_Access CR_PatronStatus_ModifyPatronAccount CR_FinesRefund_Allow
Name | Type | Required | Description |
id | Integer | Yes | The unique id assigned to the patron code. Used to return a single object. |
action | String | Yes. Value should be 'refundfrmpay' | action identifier |
Property | Type | Nullable | Description | ||||||||||||
TxnAmount | Decimal | No | Required. (Value must be less than outstanding balance for single txnId, Value has to be equal to outstanding balance for multiple txnIds) | ||||||||||||
FreeTextNote | String | Yes | Notes | ||||||||||||
MainTxnIds | List of integer | No | Txn Ids of payment transactions to be refunded. | ||||||||||||
Credit card refund data | CreditCardPaymentData | No |
Credit card refund transaction data package returned from IPS.Polling.
"TxnAmount" :0.03,
"FreeTextNote" : "Fiddler refund from CC Payment",
"PatronPaymentMethod": 11,
"CreditCardPaymentData": {
"TrackId": 4239,
"Guid": "95e8818f-22e7-4ac3-9574-799b6678",
"VendorId": 0,
"BaseAddress": null,
"CustomerID": null,
"TerminalID": null,
"UserName": null,
"Password": null,
"Amount": 0.03,
"PatronID": null,
"Language": null,
"LastUnfinishedTrackId": 0,
"LastUnfinishedGuid": null,
"Result": 0,
"TrackNumber": null,
"Error": "OK",
"TxnStatus": "Finished",
"TroutId": "0703190393",
"CCDigits": "5726",
"CCType": "MAST",
"AuthCode": null,
"Request": "",
"Response": "Credit Success 0703190393 OK 5726 MAST "
"CreditCardProcessRequired": false,
"CreditData": {
"PatronID": 359317,
"TxnAmount": 0.03,
"FreeTextNote": "Fiddler refund from CC Payment",
"PatronPaymentMethod": 11,
Code | Description |
200 | OK. Success |
403 | Forbidden (privileges). |
404 | Not Found. Patron not found |
409 | CONFLICT. Patron record is secured. |