© 2024 Clarivate
These API methods may be used to upload files, retrieve file information, retrieve the original file and
return file data as a list of IDs (for IDList uploaded files).
There are six types of file groups:
The Export group is used to generate output files. It allows the following file extensions for upload:
The IDList group is used to provide lists of IDs for processing. It allows the following file extensions for upload:
The MARC group is used to provide MARC data for processing. It allows the following file extensions for upload:
The Report group is used to provide simple output for review. Reports are generated by the server and are all "_txt" files.
Report files are retrieved from the path defined by web.config's "ReportsFilePath" value. The default path is:
EDI is used to create EDI files and upload to 3rd party vendors via FTP. Example file extensions for upload:
BulkAddToPO is used to provide a simple report for review. The report is generated by the server and is a "_txt" file. BulkAddToPO report files are retrieved from the path defined by web.config's "BulkAddToPOFilePath" value. The default path is:
The folders used to store and retrieve files must have the appropriate security settings that will allow the IIS 'Polaris
Application Services' app pool to have read/write access. For example, grant both read and write ACL permissions to the
ApplicationPoolIdentity (IIS APPPOOL\ApplicationPool) on the App_Data/Uploads folder.
At service startup, files older than 24 hours are automatically deleted from both the uploads and reports folders.