Update Outreach Patrons Last Service Date

Update Last Service Date

PUT /api/.../orsmanager/nextservicedate

Updates patrons last service date and returns list of objects with patron id, next service date and information if the update is successful.

Required Permissions

Permission IDs found here.


Request Information

Name Type Required Description
patronData DtoORSManagerLastSVCDateInfo Yes Define this parameter in the request body.
Property Type Nullable Description
PatronRecordIDs List of integer No Required. List of Patron record IDs. Unique identifier for each patron to update.
LastServiceDate DateTime No Required. Date to update each patron's last service date.
Request body
application/json, text/json

      "PatronRecordIDs": [356950,12],
      "LastServiceDate": "2020-02-28"

Response Information

application/json, text/json
        "PatronID": 356950,
        "NextServiceDate": "2020-02-29T23:59:59-05:00",
        "IsUpdated": true
        "PatronID": 12,
        "NextServiceDate": null,
        "IsUpdated": false

HTTP Response Codes

Code Description
200 OK. Success
400 FAILURE. Bad request
  • Invalid JSON
  • Invalid PatronRecordIDs List
  • Invalid LastServiceDate
403 FAILURE. User or workstation is not privileged.