Object Locks

Unlock an Object

DELETE /api/.../objectlocks/{objecttypeid}/{objectid}

Delete a current object lock. A return status of 200 signifies a successful release of the lock. A return of 409 signifies that there is an existing lock, but that it is for another Polaris user and/or workstation.

Request Information

Name Type Required Description
objecttypeid Integer Yes The id of the type of object.
objecttid Integer Yes The id of the object.

HTTP Response Codes

Code Description
200 OK. Object successfully unlocked.
409 FAIL. Object is locked by another user.

Unlock a list of Objects

DELETE /api/.../objectlocks

Delete all currently locked objects for the calling user and workstation. A return status of 200 signifies a successful release of the locks.

Request Information


HTTP Response Codes

Code Description
200 OK. Object successfully unlocked.