Import Jobs

Post MARC Import Job to Jobs Queue

POST /api/.../importjob

Post a MARC import job to the jobs queue

Request Information

Name Type Required Description
verifyOnly boolean No Indicates if verify only or verify and create import job.
Parameters (DtoMARCImportJob)
Name Type Required Description
ImportProfileID Integer No The Import Profile ID to be added to the jobs import queue.
ImportScheduled Boolean Yes The import scheduled indicator.
ScheduledTimeForImport DateTime No The scheduled time for import.
ImportFileNameClient String No The import file name client.
ImportFileClientPathName String No The path name of import file client.
ImportFileMediumID Integer Yes Import file medium ID.
BibRecordOwnerID Integer No The bibliographic record owner ID.
BibDisplayInPAC Boolean No The bibliographic display in PAC indicator.
ItemDisplayInPAC Boolean No The item display in PAC indicator.
BibRecordSaveOptionID Integer No The bibliographic record save option ID.
BibAuthorityControlOptionID Integer NO The bibliographic authority control option ID.
BibMARCValidationOptionID Integer No The bibliographic MARC validation option ID.
BibDuplicateOptionID Integer No The bibliographic duplicate option ID.
ImportEncodingCheckBibOptionID Integer No The import encoding check bib option ID.
UseSystemBibDuplicateRules Boolean No The use system bibliographic duplicate rules indicator.
RetainDataFromRetentionTable Boolean No Theretain data from retention table indicator.
UseSystemBibRetainRules Boolean No The use system bibliographic retain rules indicator.
AuthorityRecordSaveOptionID Integer No The authority record save option ID.
AuthoritySeeAlsoFromOptionID Integer NO The authority see also from option ID.
AuthorityMARCValidationOptionID Integer No The authority MARC validation option ID.
AuthorityDuplicateOptionID Integer No The authority duplicate option ID.
UseSystemAuthorityDuplicateRules Boolean No The use system authority duplicate rules indicator.
AuthorityDeDupOrgID Integer No The authority dedup organization ID.
ItemRecordSaveOptionID Integer No The item record save option ID.
ItemTemplateID Integer No The item template ID.
ImportDuplicateItemBarcodeOptionID Integer NO The import duplicate item barcode option ID.
ImportNoItemBarcodeOptionID Integer No The import no item barcode option ID.
ImportItemCreationOptionID Integer No The import item creation option ID.
ImportEDIItemUpdateOptionID Integer No The import EDI item update option ID.
VendorAccountID Integer No The vendor account ID.
FileIndexID Integer No The file index ID.
DeleteDataFromRetentionTable Boolean No The delete data from retention table indicator.
UseSystemBibDeleteRules Boolean No The use system bibliographic delete rules indicator.
DoNotOverlay Boolean No The bibliographic do not overlay indicator.
ImportRecordSetOptions List of DtoImportRecordSetOption No The blist of record set options.
Name Type Required Description
ImportRecordSetKind Integer Yes The kind of record set option.
New Boolean Yes The new record set option indicator.
Existing Boolean Yes The existing record set option indicator.
Name String No Record set name.
OwnerID Integer No The record set owner ID, not required for Existing Record Sets
OwnerName String No The Record set owner name, not required for Existing Record Sets
ExistingID Integer No The existing record set ID.
AppendOrReplace Boolean Yes The Append or replace record set indicator.
Example body.
application/json, text/json
  "ImportProfileID": 0,
  "ImportScheduled": true,
  "ScheduledTimeForImport": "2021-03-02T19:55:52.737Z",
  "ImportFileNameClient": "string",
  "ImportFileClientPathName": "string",
  "ImportFileMediumID": 0,
  "BibRecordOwnerID": 0,
  "BibDisplayInPAC": true,
  "ItemDisplayInPAC": true,
  "BibRecordSaveOptionID": 0,
  "BibAuthorityControlOptionID": 0,
  "BibMARCValidationOptionID": 0,
  "BibDuplicateOptionID": 0,
  "ImportEncodingCheckBibOptionID": 0,
  "UseSystemBibDuplicateRules": true,
  "RetainDataFromRetentionTable": true,
  "UseSystemBibRetainRules": true,
  "AuthorityRecordSaveOptionID": 0,
  "AuthoritySeeAlsoFromOptionID": 0,
  "AuthorityMARCValidationOptionID": 0,
  "AuthorityDuplicateOptionID": 0,
  "UseSystemAuthorityDuplicateRules": true,
  "AuthorityDeDupOrgID": 0,
  "ItemRecordSaveOptionID": 0,
  "ItemTemplateID": 0,
  "ImportDuplicateItemBarcodeOptionID": 0,
  "ImportNoItemBarcodeOptionID": 0,
  "ImportItemCreationOptionID": 0,
  "ImportEDIItemUpdateOptionID": 0,
  "VendorAccountID": 0,
  "FileIndexID": 0,
  "DeleteDataFromRetentionTable": true,
  "UseSystemBibDeleteRules": true,
  "DoNotOverlay": true,
  "ImportRecordSetOptions": [
      "ImportRecordSetKind": 0,
      "New": true,
      "Existing": true,
      "Name": "string",
      "OwnerID": 0,
      "OwnerName": "string",
      "ExistingID": 0,
      "AppendOrReplace": true

HTTP Response Codes

Code Description
200 OK. Success