ImportProfileID |
Integer |
No |
The Import Profile ID to be added to the jobs import queue. |
ImportScheduled |
Boolean |
Yes |
The import scheduled indicator. |
ScheduledTimeForImport |
DateTime |
No |
The scheduled time for import. |
ImportFileNameClient |
String |
No |
The import file name client. |
ImportFileClientPathName |
String |
No |
The path name of import file client. |
ImportFileMediumID |
Integer |
Yes |
Import file medium ID. |
BibRecordOwnerID |
Integer |
No |
The bibliographic record owner ID. |
BibDisplayInPAC |
Boolean |
No |
The bibliographic display in PAC indicator. |
ItemDisplayInPAC |
Boolean |
No |
The item display in PAC indicator. |
BibRecordSaveOptionID |
Integer |
No |
The bibliographic record save option ID. |
BibAuthorityControlOptionID |
Integer |
NO |
The bibliographic authority control option ID. |
BibMARCValidationOptionID |
Integer |
No |
The bibliographic MARC validation option ID. |
BibDuplicateOptionID |
Integer |
No |
The bibliographic duplicate option ID. |
ImportEncodingCheckBibOptionID |
Integer |
No |
The import encoding check bib option ID. |
UseSystemBibDuplicateRules |
Boolean |
No |
The use system bibliographic duplicate rules indicator. |
RetainDataFromRetentionTable |
Boolean |
No |
Theretain data from retention table indicator. |
UseSystemBibRetainRules |
Boolean |
No |
The use system bibliographic retain rules indicator. |
AuthorityRecordSaveOptionID |
Integer |
No |
The authority record save option ID. |
AuthoritySeeAlsoFromOptionID |
Integer |
NO |
The authority see also from option ID. |
AuthorityMARCValidationOptionID |
Integer |
No |
The authority MARC validation option ID. |
AuthorityDuplicateOptionID |
Integer |
No |
The authority duplicate option ID. |
UseSystemAuthorityDuplicateRules |
Boolean |
No |
The use system authority duplicate rules indicator. |
AuthorityDeDupOrgID |
Integer |
No |
The authority dedup organization ID. |
ItemRecordSaveOptionID |
Integer |
No |
The item record save option ID. |
ItemTemplateID |
Integer |
No |
The item template ID. |
ImportDuplicateItemBarcodeOptionID |
Integer |
NO |
The import duplicate item barcode option ID. |
ImportNoItemBarcodeOptionID |
Integer |
No |
The import no item barcode option ID. |
ImportItemCreationOptionID |
Integer |
No |
The import item creation option ID. |
ImportEDIItemUpdateOptionID |
Integer |
No |
The import EDI item update option ID. |
VendorAccountID |
Integer |
No |
The vendor account ID. |
FileIndexID |
Integer |
No |
The file index ID. |
DeleteDataFromRetentionTable |
Boolean |
No |
The delete data from retention table indicator. |
UseSystemBibDeleteRules |
Boolean |
No |
The use system bibliographic delete rules indicator. |
DoNotOverlay |
Boolean |
No |
The bibliographic do not overlay indicator. |
ImportRecordSetOptions |
List of DtoImportRecordSetOption |
No |
The blist of record set options. |