POST /api/.../templates/{objectid}
Creates an item bulk change template.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
objectid | Integer | Yes | ID of Object Type to create bulk change templates for: Item Bulk Change Template = 104. |
Property | Type | Nullable | Description |
ItemBulkChangeTemplateID | Int32 | No | Primary key |
Name | String | Yes | |
OrganizationOwnerID | Int32 | Yes | Required. Examples: user:1 or org:1 |
OwningBranchEnabled | Bool | No | |
OwningBranchID | Int32 | Yes | |
AssignedBranchEnabled | Bool | No | |
AssignedBranchID | Int32 | Yes | |
AssignedCollectionEnabled | Bool | No | |
AssignedCollectionAbbreviation | String | No | |
AssignedCollectionName | String | No | |
ShelfLocationEnabled | Bool | No | |
ShelfLocationName | String | No | |
HomeBranchEnabled | Bool | No | |
HomeBranchID | Int32 | No | |
TemporaryShelfLocationEnabled | Bool | No | |
TemporaryShelfLocation | String | No | |
ItemStatusEnabled | Bool | No | |
CirculationStatusID | Int32 | No | |
MaterialTypeEnabled | Bool | No | |
MaterialTypeID | Int32 | No | |
LoanPeriodEnabled | Bool | No | |
LoanPeriodCodeID | Int32 | No | |
Holdable | Bool | No | |
FineCodeEnabled | Bool | No | |
FineCodeID | Int32 | No | |
StatisticalCodeEnabled | Bool | No | |
StatisticalCodeName | String | No | |
RenewalLimitEnabled | Bool | No | |
RenewalLimit | Int32 | No | |
HoldableByPickupEnabled | Bool | Yes | |
HoldableByPickup | Bool | No | |
HoldPickupBranchID | Int32 | No | |
HoldableByLibraryEnabled | Bool | No | |
HoldableByLibrary | Bool | No | |
HoldableByBranchEnabled | Bool | No | |
HoldableByBranch | Bool | No | |
HoldableByPrimaryLenderEnabled | Bool | No | |
HoldableByPrimaryLender | Bool | No | |
LoanableOutsideSystemEnabled | Bool | No | |
LoanableOutsideSystem | Bool | No | |
NonCirculatingEnabled | Bool | No | |
NonCirculating | Bool | No | |
DoNotMailToPatronEnabled | Bool | No | |
DoNotMailToPatron | Bool | No | |
ItemDoesNotFloatEnabled | Bool | No | |
ItemDoesNotFloat | Bool | No | |
ShelvingSchemeEnabled | Bool | No | |
ShelvingSchemeID | Int32 | No | |
CallNumberPrefixEnabled | Bool | No | |
CallNumberPrefix | String | No | |
ClassificationNumberEnabled | Bool | No | |
ClassificationNumber | String | No | |
CutterNumberEnabled | Bool | No | |
CutterNumber | String | No | |
CallNumberSuffixEnabled | Bool | No | |
CallNumberSuffix | String | No | |
CopyNumberEnabled | Bool | No | |
CopyNumber | String | No | |
VolumeNumberEnabled | Bool | No | |
VolumeNumber | String | No | |
LibraryAssignedBlockEnabled | Bool | No | |
ItemBlockName | String | No | |
FreeTextBlockEnabled | Bool | No | |
FreeTextBlock | String | No | |
FreeTextBlockMode | Int32 | No | 0 = Replace, 1 = Prepend, 2 = Append |
PublicNoteEnabled | Bool | No | |
PublicNote | String | No | |
PublicNoteMode | Int32 | No | 0 = Replace, 1 = Prepend, 2 = Append |
NonPublicNoteEnabled | Bool | No | |
NonPublicNote | String | No | |
NonPublicNoteMode | Int32 | No | 0 = Replace, 1 = Prepend, 2 = Append |
PhysicalConditionEnabled | Bool | No | |
PhysicalCondition | String | No | |
PhysicalConditionMode | Int32 | No | 0 = Replace, 1 = Prepend, 2 = Append |
BibControlNumberEnabled | Bool | No | |
AssociatedBibRecordID | Int32 | No | |
DisplayInPacEnabled | Bool | No | |
DisplayInPac | Bool | No | |
ParentItemRecordEnabled | Bool | No | |
ParentItemRecordID | Int32 | No | |
NameOfPieceEnabled | Bool | No | |
NameOfPiece | String | No | |
FundingSourceEnabled | Bool | No | |
FundingSource | String | No | |
PriceEnabled | Bool | No | |
Price | Decimal | No | |
UseSystemBarcodes | Bool | No |
AssignedBranchID: 3,
AssignedCollectionAbbreviation: "ADK",
AssignedCollectionName: "Adirondack Collection",
AssociatedBibRecordID: 748744,
CallNumberPrefix: "prefix",
CallNumberSuffix: "suffix",
CirculationStatusID: 1,
ClassificationNumber: "class",
CopyNumber: "1",
CreatorID: "1",
CutterNumber: "212",
DisplayInPAC: 1,
DoNotMailToPatron: 1,
FineCodeID: 26,
FreeTextBlock: "free text",
FreeTextBlockMode: 1,
FundingSource: "funding source",
HomeBranchID: 3,
ItemBlockName: "Damaged",
ItemDoesNotFloat: 1,
LoanPeriodCodeID: 4,
LoanableOutsideSystem: 1,
MaterialTypeID: 1,
Name: "Bulk Change Template",
NameOfPiece: "piece",
NonCirculating: 1,
NonPublicNote: "non public note",
NonPublicNoteMode: 1,
OrganizationOwnerID: 0,
OwningBranchID: 3,
ParentItemRecordID: 1000,
PhysicalCondition: "condition",
PhysicalConditionMode: 1,
Price: 1.25,
PublicNote: "public note",
PublicNoteMode: 1,
RenewalLimit: 10,
ShelfLocationName: "Adult Paperback",
ShelvingSchemeID: 3,
StatisticalCodeName: "Adult/YA Nonfiction",
TemporaryShelfLocation: "temp loc",
VolumeNumber: "vol"
Code | Description |
200 | OK. Success |
400 | Bad request |
404 | Invalid object ID |
PUT /api/.../templates/{objectid}/{id}
Update an item bulk change template.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
objectid | Integer | Yes | ID of Object Type to create bulk change templates for: Item Bulk Change Template = 104. |
id | Integer | Yes | ID of template to update. |
Property | Type | Nullable | Description |
ItemBulkChangeTemplateID | Int32 | Yes | Primary key |
Name | String | Yes | |
OrganizationOwnerID | Int32 | Yes | Required. Examples: user:1 or org:1 |
OwningBranchEnabled | Bool | No | |
OwningBranchID | Int32 | Yes | |
AssignedBranchEnabled | Bool | No | |
AssignedBranchID | Int32 | Yes | |
AssignedCollectionEnabled | Bool | No | |
AssignedCollectionAbbreviation | String | No | |
AssignedCollectionName | String | No | |
ShelfLocationEnabled | Bool | No | |
ShelfLocationName | String | No | |
HomeBranchEnabled | Bool | No | |
HomeBranchID | Int32 | No | |
TemporaryShelfLocationEnabled | Bool | No | |
TemporaryShelfLocation | String | No | |
ItemStatusEnabled | Bool | No | |
CirculationStatusID | Int32 | No | |
MaterialTypeEnabled | Bool | No | |
MaterialTypeID | Int32 | No | |
LoanPeriodEnabled | Bool | No | |
LoanPeriodCodeID | Int32 | No | |
Holdable | Bool | No | |
FineCodeEnabled | Bool | No | |
FineCodeID | Int32 | No | |
StatisticalCodeEnabled | Bool | No | |
StatisticalCodeName | String | No | |
RenewalLimitEnabled | Bool | No | |
RenewalLimit | Int32 | No | |
HoldableByPickupEnabled | Bool | Yes | |
HoldableByPickup | Bool | No | |
HoldPickupBranchID | Int32 | No | |
HoldableByLibraryEnabled | Bool | No | |
HoldableByLibrary | Bool | No | |
HoldableByBranchEnabled | Bool | No | |
HoldableByBranch | Bool | No | |
HoldableByPrimaryLenderEnabled | Bool | No | |
HoldableByPrimaryLender | Bool | No | |
LoanableOutsideSystemEnabled | Bool | No | |
LoanableOutsideSystem | Bool | No | |
NonCirculatingEnabled | Bool | No | |
NonCirculating | Bool | No | |
DoNotMailToPatronEnabled | Bool | No | |
DoNotMailToPatron | Bool | No | |
ItemDoesNotFloatEnabled | Bool | No | |
ItemDoesNotFloat | Bool | No | |
ShelvingSchemeEnabled | Bool | No | |
ShelvingSchemeID | Int32 | No | |
CallNumberPrefixEnabled | Bool | No | |
CallNumberPrefix | String | No | |
ClassificationNumberEnabled | Bool | No | |
ClassificationNumber | String | No | |
CutterNumberEnabled | Bool | No | |
CutterNumber | String | No | |
CallNumberSuffixEnabled | Bool | No | |
CallNumberSuffix | String | No | |
CopyNumberEnabled | Bool | No | |
CopyNumber | String | No | |
VolumeNumberEnabled | Bool | No | |
VolumeNumber | String | No | |
LibraryAssignedBlockEnabled | Bool | No | |
ItemBlockName | String | No | |
FreeTextBlockEnabled | Bool | No | |
FreeTextBlock | String | No | |
FreeTextBlockMode | Int32 | No | 0 = Replace, 1 = Prepend, 2 = Append |
PublicNoteEnabled | Bool | No | |
PublicNote | String | No | |
PublicNoteMode | Int32 | No | 0 = Replace, 1 = Prepend, 2 = Append |
NonPublicNoteEnabled | Bool | No | |
NonPublicNote | String | No | |
NonPublicNoteMode | Int32 | No | 0 = Replace, 1 = Prepend, 2 = Append |
PhysicalConditionEnabled | Bool | No | |
PhysicalCondition | String | No | |
PhysicalConditionMode | Int32 | No | 0 = Replace, 1 = Prepend, 2 = Append |
BibControlNumberEnabled | Bool | No | |
AssociatedBibRecordID | Int32 | No | |
DisplayInPacEnabled | Bool | No | |
DisplayInPac | Bool | No | |
ParentItemRecordEnabled | Bool | No | |
ParentItemRecordID | Int32 | No | |
NameOfPieceEnabled | Bool | No | |
NameOfPiece | String | No | |
FundingSourceEnabled | Bool | No | |
FundingSource | String | No | |
PriceEnabled | Bool | No | |
Price | Decimal | No | |
UseSystemBarcodes | Bool | No |
AssignedBranchID: 5,
AssignedCollectionAbbreviation: " spnt",
AssignedCollectionName: " space in name test",
AssociatedBibRecordID: 8,
CallNumberPrefix: "",
CallNumberPrefixChange: 0,
CallNumberSuffix: "",
CallNumberSuffixChange: 0,
ClassificationNumber: "Classification",
CopyNumber: "CopyY",
CreatorID: "1",
CutterNumber: "Cutter",
FreeTextBlock: "Replace Free Text block",
FreeTextBlockMode: 0,
HomeBranchID: 5,
ItemBlockName: "Check for missing or broken parts",
ItemBulkChangeTemplateID: 18,
Name: "UI Only Template",
NonPublicNote: "Append",
NonPublicNoteMode: "2",
OrganizationOwnerID: 0,
OwningBranchID: 5,
PhysicalCondition: "Prepend Physical note",
PhysicalConditionMode: "1",
PublicNote: "Public Note",
PublicNoteMode: 0,
PullCallNumberFromBibChange: 0,
ShelfLocationName: "abc",
TemporaryShelfLocation: "",
TemporaryShelfLocationChange: 0,
VolumeNumber: "",
VolumeNumberChange: 0
true is returned upon success.
Code | Description |
200 | OK. Success |
400 | Bad request |
404 | Invalid object ID |