Check In

Start Check In Process

POST /api/.../workflow

This method allows the caller to check in an item.

Request Information

Name Type Required Description
WorkflowRequest DtoWorkflowRequest Yes Define this parameter in the request body.
Property Type Nullable Description
WorkflowRequestType Int No Required. For a checkin, this must be set to 1.
TxnBranchID Int No Transacting branch ID. This should represent where the request originated from. Typically the same as the logged on branch, but in the case of offline processing it would be the branch that was logged into during offline processing.
TxnUserID Int No Transacting Polaris user ID. This should represent who originally created this request. Typically the same as the logged on user, but in the case of offline processing it would be the user that was logged on during offline processing.
TxnWorkstationID Int No Transacting workstation ID. This should represent where the request originated from. Typically the same as the logged on workstation, but in the case of offline processing it would be the workstation that was logged into during offline processing.
RequestExtension DtoWorkflowRequestExtension No A check in request requires a DtoWorkflowRequestExtension that contains a DtoCheckinData object.
WorkflowReplies List of DtoWorkflowReply Yes It is possible to pass in a list of replies for automated processing.
Property Type Nullable Description
WorkflowRequestExtensionType Int No For a check in request, the extension type must be a 2 (CheckInData).
Data Object No This must be an extension data object of type DtoCheckinData
Property Type Nullable Description
CheckinTypeID Int No
  • CHKIN_NORM = 1
  • CHKIN_BULK = 2
  • CHKIN_QUIC = 5
  • CHKIN_OFFL = 13
ItemBarcode String No Barcode of item.
FreeDays Int No Number of free days given to the patron. Set to -1 if this is an offline checkin.
OfflineCheckinDate DateTime Yes Provide a date if this is an offline checkin.
IgnoreInventoryStatusMessages Boolean No When performing inventory check ins, ignore prompts related to the item status.
MissingPartsPatronID Decimal Yes Patron ID. Required when performing missing part check ins from claimed items list (CHKIN_MISSPART_CLAIMSLIST).
MissingPartsChargeAmount Decimal Yes Amount to charge the patron account for missing parts. Required when performing missing part check ins from claimed items list (CHKIN_MISSPART_CLAIMSLIST).
MissingPartsChargeNote String Yes Note added to charge for missing parts. Optional use when performing missing part check ins from claimed items list (CHKIN_MISSPART_CLAIMSLIST). Maximum of 255 characters.
MissingPartsSendBill Boolean Yes Send a bill to patron for missing parts. Optional use when performing missing part check ins from claimed items list (CHKIN_MISSPART_CLAIMSLIST).
MissingPartsBillingNote String Yes Note added to billing notification for missing parts. Optional use when performing missing part check ins from claimed items list (CHKIN_MISSPART_CLAIMSLIST). Maximum of 255 characters.
Request body
application/json, text/json
    "WorkflowRequestType": 1,
    "TxnBranchID": 3,
    "TxnUserID": 1,
    "TxnWorkstationID": 923,
    "RequestExtension": {
        "WorkflowRequestExtensionType": 2,
        "Data": {
            "CheckinTypeID": 1,
            "ItemBarcode": "123",
            "FreeDays": 2,
            "IgnoreInventoryStatusMessages": false
    "WorkflowReplies": null
application/json, text/json
    "WorkflowRequestType": 1,
    "TxnBranchID": 3,
    "TxnUserID": 63,
    "TxnWorkstationID": 472,
    "RequestExtension": {
        "WorkflowRequestExtensionType": 2,
        "Data": {
            "CheckinTypeID": 13,
            "ItemBarcode": "123",
            "FreeDays": -1,
            "OfflineCheckinDate": "2015-09-21T23:59:59"
    "WorkflowReplies": null

Response Information

Example: DtoWorkflowAnswer - Check in successful
application/json, text/json
            "Message":"Check-in successful"
            "ItemTitle":"My girl 2 [videorecording]",
            "Status":"Out -> In",
            "CallNumber":"VC Fict My",
            "PatronName":"Astro Jetson",
            "AssignedBranchName":"Amsterdam Free Library",
            "Collection":"Adult Nonfiction",

HTTP Response Codes

Code Description
200 OK. Success

Required Permissions

Permission IDs found here.
