Add or Update Item Record

Start Add or Update Item Record Process

POST /api/.../workflow

This method allows the caller to add a new or update an existing item record.

Partial item record updates are allowed. For example, passing only the AssignedBranchID in the DtoWorkflowRequestExtension JSON will only update that single field. The API will load the existing item record and merge the fields passed in to the request.

Request Information

Name Type Required Description
WorkflowRequest DtoWorkflowRequest Yes Define this parameter in the request body.
Property Type Nullable Description
WorkflowRequestType Int No Required. For add/update item record, this must be set to 8.
TxnBranchID Int No Transacting branch ID. This should represent where the request originated from. Typically the same as the logged on branch, but in the case of offline processing it would be the branch that was logged into during offline processing.
TxnUserID Int No Transacting Polaris user ID. This should represent who originally created this request. Typically the same as the logged on user, but in the case of offline processing it would be the user that was logged on during offline processing.
TxnWorkstationID Int No Transacting workstation ID. This should represent where the request originated from. Typically the same as the logged on workstation, but in the case of offline processing it would be the workstation that was logged into during offline processing.
RequestExtension DtoWorkflowRequestExtension No An update item record request requires a DtoUpdateItemRecordExtensionData object.
WorkflowReplies List of DtoWorkflowReply Yes It is possible to pass in a list of replies for automated processing.
Property Type Nullable Description
WorkflowRequestExtensionType Int No For an update item record request, the extension type must be a 6 (UpdateItemRecordData).
Data Object No This must be an extension data object of type DtoUpdateItemRecordExtensionData
Property Type Nullable Required Description
IsNewBooleanNoYes* Is this a new item record? Default: false
* Only required when creating a new item record.
IsProvisionalSaveBooleanNoNoDefault: false
IsTemplateBooleanNoNoIs this a template item record? Default: false
ItemTemplateIDIntegerNoNoUsed when creating a new item record.
UseTemplateValuesBooleanNoNo Used when creating a new item record. Use template values if available.

Default: false
ItemRecordHistoryActionID Int No Yes* * Only required when creating a new item record

Valid values for create:
   6 - CreatedCataloging
  32 - CreatedCirculation

Valid values for update:
   9 - Modified via Cataloging
  99 - Circulation status modified via Picklist processing

OriginalItemStatusIDIntNoYes** Send the item status ID before any changes were made to the record. This is used to track any potential circulation changes that may have occurred while a user was editing the record.

** Only required when updating an existing item record.
LockRecordAfterInsertBooleanNoNo After adding a new item record, automatically lock the object. Default: false
ItemRecordIDIntNoYes** Item record ID to update.

** Only required when updating an existing item record.
ItemStatusID Int No Yes 1 - In
2 - Out
3 - Out-ILL
4 - Held
5 - Transferred
6 - In-Transit
7 - Lost
8 - Claim Returned
9 - Never had
10 - Missing
11 - Withdrawn
12 - Bindery
13 - On-Order
14 - In-Repair
15 - In-Process
16 - Unavailable
17 - Returned-ILL
18 - Routed
19 - Shelving
20 - Non-circulating
21 - Claim Missing Parts
22 - EContent External Loan
AssignedBranchID Int No Yes* When supplied, caller must also send:

* Only required when creating a new item record.
AssociatedBibRecordIDIntYesYes** Only required when creating a new item record.
MaterialTypeIDIntNoYes** Only required when creating a new item record.
DisplayInPACBooleanNoNoDefault: true
NonCirculatingBooleanNoNoDefault: false
LoanableOutsideSystemBooleanNoNoDefault: true
RenewalLimitIntNoYes** Only required when creating a new item record.
HoldableBooleanNoNoDefault: true
LoanPeriodCodeIDIntNoYes** Only required when creating a new item record.
FineCodeIDIntYesYes** Only required when creating a new item record.
OwningBranchIDIntYesYes** Only required when creating a new item record.
HomeBranchIDIntNoYes** Only required when creating a new item record.
ShelvingSchemeIDIntNoYes** Only required when creating a new item record.
HoldableByPickupBooleanNoNoWhen set to true, must supply HoldPickupBranchID.
HoldPickupBranchIDIntYesYes****** Required when HoldableByPickup is set to true.
HoldableByPrimaryLenderBooleanNoNo When multiple 'holdable by' options are supplied, this value is processed first.
When 'true', no other 'holdable by' options can also be set to 'true'.
HoldableByLibraryBooleanNoNo It is not valid to set both HoldableByLibrary and HoldableByBranch to 'true'.
HoldableByBranchBooleanNoNo It is not valid to set both HoldableByLibrary and HoldableByBranch to 'true'
PriceStringYesNo This is a string currency format. The maximum USD value is $922,337,203,685,477.58.
ReserveAssignedBranchIDIntYes*No*Only nullable when not updating a reserve item record.
CopyrightFeeStringYesNo This is a string currency format. The maximum USD value is $922,337,203,685,477.58.
DonorFirstNameStringYesNo**** Ignored if DonorID is provided.

**** All 4 donor fields must be supplied when updating.
DonorMiddleNameStringYesNo**** Ignored if DonorID is provided.

**** All 4 donor fields must be supplied when updating.
DonorLastNameStringYesNo**** Ignored if DonorID is provided.

**** All 4 donor fields must be supplied when updating.
DonorCorporateNameStringYesNo**** Ignored if DonorID is provided.

**** All 4 donor fields must be supplied when updating.
DelayedHoldsFlagBooleanNoNoWhen set to true, must supply DelayedNumberOfDays.

Item Record Update Request body

application/json, text/json
    "WorkflowRequestType": 8,
    "TxnBranchID": 3,
    "TxnUserID": 1,
    "TxnWorkstationID": 1218,
    "RequestExtension": {
        "WorkflowRequestExtensionType": 6,
        "Data": {
            "ItemRecordID": 2254290,
            "OriginalItemStatusID": 1,
            "ItemStatusID": 1,
            "AssignedBranchID": 3
    "WorkflowReplies": null

Item Record Update Response Information

Example: DtoWorkflowAnswer - Update item record successful
application/json, text/json
  "WorkflowRequestGuid": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
  "WorkflowRequestType": 8,
  "WorkflowStatus": 1,
  "Prompt": null,
  "InformationMessages": [
      "Type": 1,
      "Title": "",
      "Message": "The item record has been updated."
  "AnswerExtension": {
    "WorkflowAnswerExtensionType": 5,
    "Data": {
      "ItemRecord": {
        "ItemRecordID": 10686045,
        "OwningBranchID": 3,
        "CreatorID": 1,
        "ModifierID": 0,
        "CreatorName": "PolarisExec",
        "ModifierName": null,
        "CallNumberPrefix": null,
        "ClassificationNumber": null,
        "CutterNumber": null,
        "CallNumberSuffix": null,
        "CopyNumber": null,
        "VolumeNumber": null,
        "TemporaryShelfLocation": null,
        "PublicNote": null,
        "NonPublicNote": null,
        "CreationDate": "2016-11-18T13:28:02.997-05:00",
        "ModificationDate": null,
        "ImportedDate": null,
        "LastInventoryDate": null,
        "Price": null,
        "LoanableOutsideSystem": false,
        "HoldableByPickup": false,
        "HoldPickupBranchID": 0,
        "HoldableByBranch": false,
        "HoldableByLibrary": false,
        "HoldableByPrimaryLender": false,
        "RenewalLimit": 0,
        "Holdable": true,
        "ImportedBibControlNumber": null,
        "ImportedRecordSource": null,
        "PhysicalCondition": null,
        "NameOfPiece": null,
        "FundingSource": null,
        "AcquisitionDate": null,
        "ShelvingSchemeID": 3,
        "CallNumber": null,
        "Barcode": "1234123412341",
        "ItemStatusID": 1,
        "ItemStatusDescription": "In",
        "LastCircTransactionDate": null,
        "AssociatedBibRecordID": 283211,
        "ParentItemRecordID": null,
        "RecordStatusID": 1,
        "RecordStatusDate": "2016-11-18T13:28:02.99-05:00",
        "AssignedBranchID": 3,
        "AssignedCollectionID": null,
        "AssignedCollectionName": "None",
        "MaterialTypeID": 1,
        "LastUsePatronID": null,
        "LastUsePatronBarcode": null,
        "LastUseBranchID": null,
        "YTDCircCount": 0,
        "YTDPrevCircCount": 0,
        "LifetimeCircCount": 0,
        "YTDInHouseUseCount": 0,
        "YTDPrevInHouseUseCount": 0,
        "LifetimeInHouseUseCount": 0,
        "FreeTextBlock": null,
        "ManualBlockID": null,
        "ManualBlockDescription": null,
        "FineCodeID": 3,
        "FineCodeDescription": "Book",
        "LoanPeriodCodeID": 9,
        "LoanPeriodCodeDescription": "Standard",
        "StatisticalCodeID": null,
        "StatisticalCodeDescription": null,
        "ShelfLocationID": null,
        "ShelfLocationDescription": "None",
        "LanguageID": null,
        "LanguageDescription": null,
        "ILLFlag": false,
        "DisplayInPAC": true,
        "NonCirculating": false,
        "DonorID": null,
        "LastCircWorkstationID": null,
        "LastCircPolarisUserID": null,
        "LastCircWorkstationName": null,
        "LastCircUserName": null,
        "ItemStatusDate": "2016-11-18T13:28:02.993-05:00",
        "CheckInBranchID": null,
        "CheckInWorkstationID": null,
        "LastCheckInWorkstationName": null,
        "CheckInUserID": null,
        "LastCheckInUserName": null,
        "CheckInDate": null,
        "InTransitSentBranchID": null,
        "InTransitSentDate": null,
        "InTransitRecvdBranchID": null,
        "InTransitRecvdDate": null,
        "LastCheckOutRenewDate": null,
        "ShelvingBit": false,
        "FirstAvailableDate": "2016-11-18T13:28:02.993-05:00",
        "LoaningOrgID": null,
        "HomeBranchID": 3,
        "ItemDoesNotFloat": false,
        "DoNotMailToPatron": false,
        "ElectronicItem": false,
        "ResourceEntityID": null,
        "VendorAccountID": null,
        "VendorAccountName": null,
        "VendorID": null,
        "VendorName": null,
        "ResourceGroupID": null,
        "ResourceGroupName": null,
        "SystemBlockOTF": false,
        "SystemBlockILL": false,
        "SystemBlockID": null,
        "SystemBlockDescription": null,
        "SpecialItemCheckInNote": null,
        "SystemBlockMissPart": false,
        "SystemBlockDamaged": false,
        "NotificationData": {
          "ItemRecordID": 10686045,
          "OVDNoticeDate1": null,
          "OVDNoticeDate2": null,
          "OVDNoticeDate3": null,
          "BillingDate": null,
          "HoldNotificationDate": null,
          "ReminderDate": null
        "AcquisitionData": {
          "ItemRecordID": 10686045,
          "PONumberSuffix": null,
          "InvNumberSuffix": null,
          "DonorReadOnly": false,
          "DonorFirstName": null,
          "DonorMiddleName": null,
          "DonorLastName": null,
          "DonorCorporateName": null
        "HoldRequestLinks": {
          "ItemRecordID": 10686045,
          "HeldShippedPatronID": null,
          "HeldShippedPatronBarcode": null,
          "HeldShippedPickupBranchID": null,
          "HeldShippedPickupBranchName": null,
          "PendingPatronID": null,
          "PendingPatronBarcode": null,
          "PendingPickupBranchID": null,
          "PendingPickupBranchName": null,
          "PulledPatronID": null,
          "PulledPatronBarcode": null,
          "PulledPickupBranchID": null,
          "PulledPickupBranchName": null
        "ReserveData": {
          "IsReserveItemRecord": false,
          "ReserveAssignedBranchID": 0,
          "ReserveAssignedCollectionID": null,
          "ReserveShelfLocationID": null,
          "ReserveLoanPeriodCodeID": null,
          "ReserveFineCodeID": null,
          "ReserveRenewalLimit": 0,
          "ReserveHoldable": 0,
          "CopyRightFeeRequired": false,
          "CopyrightCompliance": null,
          "CopyrightFee": null,
          "CopyrightFeePaid": null,
          "LimitedToLibUse": null,
          "RequiresFullCataloging": null,
          "LibraryCopy": false,
          "DeleteWhenDone": false,
          "ActionWhenDone": 0,
          "Purchase": false,
          "YTDCircCount": 0,
          "Note": null
        "CourseReserveLinks": {
          "CourseReserveID": 0,
          "CourseName": null,
          "AlternateName": null,
          "CourseNumber": null,
          "SectionNumber": null,
          "ReserveStatus": 0,
          "StartDate": null,
          "EndDate": null,
          "Note": null,
          "YTDCircCount": null
        "BibInfo": {
          "ItemRecordID": 10686045,
          "Barcode": "1234123412341",
          "BrowseTitle": "My girl 2 : a novel",
          "BrowseAuthor": "Hermes, Patricia.",
          "DueDate": null,
          "CallNumber": null,
          "MaterialType": "Book",
          "RenewalsLeft": "0 of 0",
          "AssignedBranch": "Amsterdam Free Library",
          "AssignedBranchID": 3,
          "FormatID": 1,
          "Renewals": 0,
          "RenewalLimit": 0,
          "BillingNoticeSent": false,
          "ReplCostTxnID": 0,
          "ProcChargeTxnID": 0,
          "OVDChargeTxnID": 0,
          "BibliographicRecordID": 283211,
          "DisplayInPAC": true,
          "CanItemBeRenewed": false,
          "IsChargeForCheckout": false,
          "ItemRenewalErrorCode": 0,
          "LoanUnits": 0,
          "ElectronicItem": false,
          "VendorAccountID": 0,
          "VendorObjectIdentifier": "",
          "VendorID": 0,
          "ISBN": "9780671888282",
          "ISSN": "",
          "OCLCNumber": "",
          "UPCNumber": ""
        "LinkedSerialData": {
          "IssueID": 0,
          "Designation": null,
          "LinkedToSOPart": false,
          "LinkedToSerialIssue": false
        "CirculationData": {
          "ItemRecordID": 10686045,
          "OriginalCheckoutDate": null,
          "OriginalDueDate": null,
          "RenewalDate": null,
          "DueDate": null,
          "CurrentBorrowerID": null,
          "PatronBarcode": null,
          "LoaningBranch": null,
          "LoaningBranchID": null,
          "RenewalCount": null
  "CircTranType": 0,
  "ReceiptType": 0,
  "ReceiptUrl": "",
  "FineEReceiptSent": false

Item Record Insert Request body

application/json, text/json
    "WorkflowRequestType": 8,
    "TxnBranchID": 3,
    "TxnUserID": 1,
    "TxnWorkstationID": 1218,
    "RequestExtension": {
        "WorkflowRequestExtensionType": 6,
        "Data": {
            "IsNew": true,
            "IsProvisionalSave": false,
            "ItemRecordHistoryActionID": 6,
            "AssociatedBibRecordID": 283211,
            "ItemStatusID": 1,
            "OwningBranchID": 3,
            "AssignedBranchID": 3,
            "HomeBranchID": 3,
            "MaterialTypeID": 1,
            "DisplayInPAC": true, 
            "NonCirculating": false,
            "LoanableOutsideSystem": false,
            "RenewalLimit": 0,
            "Holdable": true,
            "LoanPeriodCodeID": 9,
            "FineCodeID": 3,
            "ShelvingSchemeID": 3,
            "Barcode": "123412341234"
    "WorkflowReplies": null

Item Record Insert Response Information

Example: DtoWorkflowAnswer - Insert item record successful
application/json, text/json
  "WorkflowRequestGuid": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
  "WorkflowRequestType": 8,
  "WorkflowStatus": 1,
  "Prompt": null,
  "InformationMessages": [
      "Type": 1,
      "Title": "",
      "Message": "The record was saved successfully."
  "AnswerExtension": {
    "WorkflowAnswerExtensionType": 5,
    "Data": {
      "ItemRecord": {
        "ItemRecordID": 10686045,
        "OwningBranchID": 3,
        "CreatorID": 1,
        "ModifierID": 0,
        "CreatorName": "PolarisExec",
        "ModifierName": null,
        "CallNumberPrefix": null,
        "ClassificationNumber": null,
        "CutterNumber": null,
        "CallNumberSuffix": null,
        "CopyNumber": null,
        "VolumeNumber": null,
        "TemporaryShelfLocation": null,
        "PublicNote": null,
        "NonPublicNote": null,
        "CreationDate": "2016-11-18T13:28:02.997-05:00",
        "ModificationDate": null,
        "ImportedDate": null,
        "LastInventoryDate": null,
        "Price": null,
        "LoanableOutsideSystem": false,
        "HoldableByPickup": false,
        "HoldPickupBranchID": 0,
        "HoldableByBranch": false,
        "HoldableByLibrary": false,
        "HoldableByPrimaryLender": false,
        "RenewalLimit": 0,
        "Holdable": true,
        "ImportedBibControlNumber": null,
        "ImportedRecordSource": null,
        "PhysicalCondition": null,
        "NameOfPiece": null,
        "FundingSource": null,
        "AcquisitionDate": null,
        "ShelvingSchemeID": 3,
        "CallNumber": null,
        "Barcode": "1234123412341",
        "ItemStatusID": 1,
        "ItemStatusDescription": "In",
        "LastCircTransactionDate": null,
        "AssociatedBibRecordID": 283211,
        "ParentItemRecordID": null,
        "RecordStatusID": 1,
        "RecordStatusDate": "2016-11-18T13:28:02.99-05:00",
        "AssignedBranchID": 3,
        "AssignedCollectionID": null,
        "AssignedCollectionName": "None",
        "MaterialTypeID": 1,
        "LastUsePatronID": null,
        "LastUsePatronBarcode": null,
        "LastUseBranchID": null,
        "YTDCircCount": 0,
        "YTDPrevCircCount": 0,
        "LifetimeCircCount": 0,
        "YTDInHouseUseCount": 0,
        "YTDPrevInHouseUseCount": 0,
        "LifetimeInHouseUseCount": 0,
        "FreeTextBlock": null,
        "ManualBlockID": null,
        "ManualBlockDescription": null,
        "FineCodeID": 3,
        "FineCodeDescription": "Book",
        "LoanPeriodCodeID": 9,
        "LoanPeriodCodeDescription": "Standard",
        "StatisticalCodeID": null,
        "StatisticalCodeDescription": null,
        "ShelfLocationID": null,
        "ShelfLocationDescription": "None",
        "ILLFlag": false,
        "DisplayInPAC": true,
        "NonCirculating": false,
        "DonorID": null,
        "LastCircWorkstationID": null,
        "LastCircPolarisUserID": null,
        "LastCircWorkstationName": null,
        "LastCircUserName": null,
        "ItemStatusDate": "2016-11-18T13:28:02.993-05:00",
        "CheckInBranchID": null,
        "CheckInWorkstationID": null,
        "LastCheckInWorkstationName": null,
        "CheckInUserID": null,
        "LastCheckInUserName": null,
        "CheckInDate": null,
        "InTransitSentBranchID": null,
        "InTransitSentDate": null,
        "InTransitRecvdBranchID": null,
        "InTransitRecvdDate": null,
        "LastCheckOutRenewDate": null,
        "ShelvingBit": false,
        "FirstAvailableDate": "2016-11-18T13:28:02.993-05:00",
        "LoaningOrgID": null,
        "HomeBranchID": 3,
        "ItemDoesNotFloat": false,
        "DoNotMailToPatron": false,
        "ElectronicItem": false,
        "ResourceEntityID": null,
        "VendorAccountID": null,
        "VendorAccountName": null,
        "VendorID": null,
        "VendorName": null,
        "ResourceGroupID": null,
        "ResourceGroupName": null,
        "SystemBlockOTF": false,
        "SystemBlockILL": false,
        "SystemBlockID": null,
        "SystemBlockDescription": null,
        "SpecialItemCheckInNote": null,
        "SystemBlockMissPart": false,
        "SystemBlockDamaged": false,
        "NotificationData": {
          "ItemRecordID": 10686045,
          "OVDNoticeDate1": null,
          "OVDNoticeDate2": null,
          "OVDNoticeDate3": null,
          "BillingDate": null,
          "HoldNotificationDate": null,
          "ReminderDate": null
        "AcquisitionData": {
          "ItemRecordID": 10686045,
          "PONumberSuffix": null,
          "InvNumberSuffix": null,
          "DonorReadOnly": false,
          "DonorFirstName": null,
          "DonorMiddleName": null,
          "DonorLastName": null,
          "DonorCorporateName": null
        "HoldRequestLinks": {
          "ItemRecordID": 10686045,
          "HeldShippedPatronID": null,
          "HeldShippedPatronBarcode": null,
          "HeldShippedPickupBranchID": null,
          "HeldShippedPickupBranchName": null,
          "PendingPatronID": null,
          "PendingPatronBarcode": null,
          "PendingPickupBranchID": null,
          "PendingPickupBranchName": null,
          "PulledPatronID": null,
          "PulledPatronBarcode": null,
          "PulledPickupBranchID": null,
          "PulledPickupBranchName": null
        "ReserveData": {
          "IsReserveItemRecord": false,
          "ReserveAssignedBranchID": 0,
          "ReserveAssignedCollectionID": null,
          "ReserveShelfLocationID": null,
          "ReserveLoanPeriodCodeID": null,
          "ReserveFineCodeID": null,
          "ReserveRenewalLimit": 0,
          "ReserveHoldable": 0,
          "CopyRightFeeRequired": false,
          "CopyrightCompliance": null,
          "CopyrightFee": null,
          "CopyrightFeePaid": null,
          "LimitedToLibUse": null,
          "RequiresFullCataloging": null,
          "LibraryCopy": false,
          "DeleteWhenDone": false,
          "ActionWhenDone": 0,
          "Purchase": false,
          "YTDCircCount": 0,
          "Note": null
        "CourseReserveLinks": {
          "CourseReserveID": 0,
          "CourseName": null,
          "AlternateName": null,
          "CourseNumber": null,
          "SectionNumber": null,
          "ReserveStatus": 0,
          "StartDate": null,
          "EndDate": null,
          "Note": null,
          "YTDCircCount": null
        "BibInfo": {
          "ItemRecordID": 10686045,
          "Barcode": "1234123412341",
          "BrowseTitle": "My girl 2 : a novel",
          "BrowseAuthor": "Hermes, Patricia.",
          "DueDate": null,
          "CallNumber": null,
          "MaterialType": "Book",
          "RenewalsLeft": "0 of 0",
          "AssignedBranch": "Amsterdam Free Library",
          "AssignedBranchID": 3,
          "FormatID": 1,
          "Renewals": 0,
          "RenewalLimit": 0,
          "BillingNoticeSent": false,
          "ReplCostTxnID": 0,
          "ProcChargeTxnID": 0,
          "OVDChargeTxnID": 0,
          "BibliographicRecordID": 283211,
          "DisplayInPAC": true,
          "CanItemBeRenewed": false,
          "IsChargeForCheckout": false,
          "ItemRenewalErrorCode": 0,
          "LoanUnits": 0,
          "ElectronicItem": false,
          "VendorAccountID": 0,
          "VendorObjectIdentifier": "",
          "VendorID": 0,
          "ISBN": "9780671888282",
          "ISSN": "",
          "OCLCNumber": "",
          "UPCNumber": ""
        "LinkedSerialData": {
          "IssueID": 0,
          "Designation": null,
          "LinkedToSOPart": false,
          "LinkedToSerialIssue": false
        "CirculationData": {
          "ItemRecordID": 10686045,
          "OriginalCheckoutDate": null,
          "OriginalDueDate": null,
          "RenewalDate": null,
          "DueDate": null,
          "CurrentBorrowerID": null,
          "PatronBarcode": null,
          "LoaningBranch": null,
          "LoaningBranchID": null,
          "RenewalCount": null
  "CircTranType": 0,
  "ReceiptType": 0,
  "ReceiptUrl": "",
  "FineEReceiptSent": false

HTTP Response Codes

Code Description
200 OK. Success

Required Permissions

Permission IDs found here.
