Weeding Criteria

Get Weeding Criteria

GET /api/.../weedingcriteria/{id}

Return properties of a weeding criteria.

Request Information

Name Type Required Description
id Integer Yes The id of the weeding criteria.

Response Information

application/json, text/json
    "WeedingCriteriaID": 3,
    "Name": "Weeding Criteria - Template 1",
    "WeedingTemplateID": 1,
    "WeedingTemplateName": "Sample Weeding Template 1",
    "CreatorID": 1,
    "CreatorName": "PolarisExec",
    "CreationDate": "2023-05-04T15:50:57.263-04:00",
    "ModifierID": 1,
    "ModifierName": "PolarisExec",
    "ModificationDate": "2023-05-04T15:55:12.547-04:00",
    "QueryText": "FREQ = a",
    "NewerThanValue": 11,
    "NewerThanTerm": "Y",
    "OlderThanValue": 58,
    "OlderThanTerm": "M",
    "LifetimeCircCount": 20,
    "LifetimeCircTerm": "O",
    "LifetimeInHouseUse": 20,
    "LifetimeInHouseTerm": "U",
    "YTDCircCount": 4,
    "YTDCircTerm": "U",
    "YTDInHouseUse": 4,
    "YTDInHouseTerm": "U"

HTTP Response Codes

Code Description
200 OK. Success
404 Not Found

Create Weeding Criteria

POST /api/.../weedingcriteria

Create a new weeding criteria.

Request Information

Name Type Required Description
Weeding Criteria Data DtoWeedingCriteriaData Yes Define this parameter in the request body.
Property Type Nullable Description
Name string No The unique name assigned to the weeding criteria.
WeedingTemplateID integer No The unique id assigned to the weeding template.
QueryText string Yes The search command to qualify items.
NewerThanValue integer Yes The numeric value for items to be newer than for comparisons.
Accepts: 0 - 999
Must be used with "NewerThanTerm" property.
NewerThanTerm string Yes The indicator term for the "NewerThanValue" property.
Accepts: M (Months), Y (Years)
Must be used with "NewerThanValue" property.
OlderThanValue integer Yes The numeric value for items to be older than for comparisons.
Accepts: 0 - 999
Must be used with "OlderThanTerm" property.
OlderThanTerm string Yes The indicator term for the "OlderThanValue" property.
Accepts: M (Months), Y (Years)
Must be used with "OlderThanValue" property.
LifetimeCircCount integer Yes The numeric value for items' lifetime circulation count for comparisons.
Accepts: 0 - 999
Must be used with "LifetimeCircTerm" property.
LifetimeCircTerm string Yes The indicator term for the "LifetimeCircCount" property.
Accepts: O (Over), U (Under)
Must be used with "LifetimeCircCount" property.
LifetimeInHouseUse integer Yes The numeric value for items' lifetime in house use for comparisons.
Accepts: 0 - 999
Must be used with "LifetimeInHouseTerm" property.
LifetimeInHouseTerm string Yes The indicator term for the "LifetimeInHouseUse".
Accepts: O (Over), U (Under)
Must be used with "LifetimeInHouseUse" property.
YTDCircCount integer Yes The numeric value for items' year to date circulation count for comparisons.
Accepts: 0 - 999
Must be used with "YTDCircTerm" property.
YTDCircTerm string Yes The indicator term for the "YTDCircCount" property.
Accepts: O (Over), U (Under)
Must be used with "YTDCircCount" property.
YTDInHouseUse integer Yes The numeric value for items' year to date in house use for comparisons.
Accepts: 0 - 999
Must be used with "YTDInHouseTerm" property.
YTDInHouseTerm string Yes The indicator term for the "YTDInHouseUse".
Accepts: O (Over), U (Under)
Must be used with "YTDInHouseUse" property.

Response Information

application/json, text/json

The added WeedingCriteriaID is returned upon success.


HTTP Response Codes

Code Description
200 OK. Success
404 Not Found

Update Weeding Criteria

PUT /api/.../weedingcriteria/{id}

Update a weeding criteria.

Request Information

Name Type Required Description
Weeding Criteria Data DtoWeedingCriteriaData Yes
Property Type Nullable Description
WeedingCriteriaID integer No The unique id assigned to the weeding criteria.
Name string No The unique name assigned to the weeding criteria.
WeedingTemplateID integer No The unique id assigned to the weeding template.
QueryText string Yes The search command to qualify items.
NewerThanValue integer Yes The numeric value for items to be newer than for comparisons.
Accepts: 0 - 999
Must be used with "NewerThanTerm" property.
NewerThanTerm string Yes The indicator term for the "NewerThanValue" property.
Accepts: M (Months), Y (Years)
Must be used with "NewerThanValue" property.
OlderThanValue integer Yes The numeric value for items to be older than for comparisons.
Accepts: 0 - 999
Must be used with "OlderThanTerm" property.
OlderThanTerm string Yes The indicator term for the "OlderThanValue" property.
Accepts: M (Months), Y (Years)
Must be used with "OlderThanValue" property.
LifetimeCircCount integer Yes The numeric value for items' lifetime circulation count for comparisons.
Accepts: 0 - 999
Must be used with "LifetimeCircTerm" property.
LifetimeCircTerm string Yes The indicator term for the "LifetimeCircCount" property.
Accepts: O (Over), U (Under)
Must be used with "LifetimeCircCount" property.
LifetimeInHouseUse integer Yes The numeric value for items' lifetime in house use for comparisons.
Accepts: 0 - 999
Must be used with "LifetimeInHouseTerm" property.
LifetimeInHouseTerm string Yes The indicator term for the "LifetimeInHouseUse".
Accepts: O (Over), U (Under)
Must be used with "LifetimeInHouseUse" property.
YTDCircCount integer Yes The numeric value for items' year to date circulation count for comparisons.
Accepts: 0 - 999
Must be used with "YTDCircTerm" property.
YTDCircTerm string Yes The indicator term for the "YTDCircCount" property.
Accepts: O (Over), U (Under)
Must be used with "YTDCircCount" property.
YTDInHouseUse integer Yes The numeric value for items' year to date in house use for comparisons.
Accepts: 0 - 999
Must be used with "YTDInHouseTerm" property.
YTDInHouseTerm string Yes The indicator term for the "YTDInHouseUse".
Accepts: O (Over), U (Under)
Must be used with "YTDInHouseUse" property.

Response Information

application/json, text/json

True is returned upon success.


HTTP Response Codes

Code Description
200 OK. Success
404 Not Found

Delete Weeding Criteria

DELETE /api/.../weedingcriteria/{id}

Delete a weeding criteria.

Request Information

Name Type Required Description
id Integer Yes The id of the weeding criteria.

Response Information

application/json, text/json

True is returned upon success.


HTTP Response Codes

Code Description
200 OK. Success
404 Not Found

Bulk Delete Weeding Criteria

DELETE /api/.../weedingcriteria

Delete multiple weeding criteria.

Request Information

Name Type Required Description
id List of Integer Yes The ids of the weeding criteria provided in the request body.

Response Information

application/json, text/json

True is returned upon success.


HTTP Response Codes

Code Description
200 OK. Success
404 Not Found

Test Weeding Criteria Inclusion Criteria

POST /api/.../weedingcriteria?type=testquery

Test a new weeding criteria search.

Request Information

Name Type Required Description
Weeding Criteria Data DtoWeedingCriteriaData Yes Define this parameter in the request body.
DtoWeedingCriteriaData (minimal)
Property Type Nullable Description
QueryText string No The search command to qualify items.
      All other properties are not required.

Response Information

application/json, text/json

No content is returned when valid. An exception is returned with error details when invalid.

HTTP Response Codes

Code Description
204 No Content. Success
400 Invalid