POST /api/.../workflow
This method allows the caller to add a new authority record or update an existing authority record. When used for update, if the MARC21 collection is not passed in, a provisional record will be re-saved as a final record.
It is also possible to delete the authority record by passing in a LDR/05 value of 's' or 'x'.
The API will load the existing authority record and update.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
WorkflowRequest | DtoWorkflowRequest | Yes | Define this parameter in the request body. |
Property | Type | Nullable | Description |
WorkflowRequestType | Int | No | Required. For add or update authority record, this must be set to 35. |
TxnBranchID | Int | No | Transacting branch ID. |
TxnUserID | Int | No | Transacting Polaris user ID. |
TxnWorkstationID | Int | No | Transacting workstation ID. |
RequestExtension | DtoWorkflowRequestExtension | No | An update authority record request requires a DtoAddOrUpdateAuthorityRecordExtensionData object. |
WorkflowReplies | List of DtoWorkflowReply | Yes | It is possible to pass in a list of replies for automated processing. |
Property | Type | Nullable | Description |
WorkflowRequestExtensionType | Int | No | For an add or update authority record request, the extension type must be a 32 (AddOrUpdateAuthorityRecordData). |
Data | Object | No | This must be an extension data object of type DtoAddOrUpdateAuthorityRecordExtensionData |
Property | Type | Nullable | Required | Description |
AuthorityRecordID | Int | No | No | Authority record ID. Only required if updating an existing authority record. |
IsTemplate | Boolean | No | Yes | Is this a authority template record? Default: false |
IsNewRecord | Boolean | No | Yes | Is this a new authority record? Default: false |
RecordStatusID | Int | No | No | |
MARC21Collection | MARC21Collection | No | No |
"MARC21Collection": {
"records": [
"id": 0,
"leader": " nz 22 o 4500",
"controlfields": [
"tag": "003",
"data": "PolarisTest 01",
"position": 2
"tag": "008",
"data": "890306n| azannaabn |b aaa ",
"position": 4
"datafields": [
"tag": "040",
"ind1": " ",
"ind2": " ",
"subfields": [
"code": "a",
"data": "AMS"
"code": "c",
"data": "AMS"
"position": 5
"tag": "150",
"ind1": " ",
"ind2": " ",
"subfields": [
"code": "a",
"data": "Polaris Test Subject Heading"
"position": 6
"tag": "667",
"ind1": " ",
"ind2": " ",
"subfields": [
"code": "a",
"data": "Polaris system generated authority record"
"position": 7
"WorkflowRequestGuid": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"WorkflowRequestType": 35,
"WorkflowStatus": 1,
"Prompt": null,
"InformationMessages": [
"Type": 1,
"Title": "",
"Message": "The authority record has been added."
"AnswerExtension": {
"WorkflowAnswerExtensionType": 13,
"Data": {
"AuthorityRecordID": 925313
"CircTranType": 0,
"ReceiptType": 0,
"ReceiptUrl": "",
"FineEReceiptSent": false
"WorkflowRequestGuid": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"WorkflowRequestType": 35,
"WorkflowStatus": 1,
"Prompt": null,
"InformationMessages": [
"Type": 1,
"Title": "",
"Message": "The authority record has been updated."
"AnswerExtension": null,
"CircTranType": 0,
"ReceiptType": 0,
"ReceiptUrl": "",
"FineEReceiptSent": false
"MARC21Collection": {
"records": [
"id": 0,
"leader": " nz 22 o 4500",
"controlfields": [
"tag": "003",
"data": "PolarisTest 01",
"position": 2
"tag": "008",
"data": "890306n|eabannaa|n n ann |d",
"position": 4
"datafields": [
"tag": "040",
"ind1": " ",
"ind2": " ",
"subfields": [
"code": "a",
"data": "AMS"
"code": "c",
"data": "AMS"
"position": 5
"tag": "150",
"ind1": " ",
"ind2": " ",
"subfields": [
"code": "a",
"data": "Polaris Test Subject Heading E - Modified"
"position": 6
"tag": "667",
"ind1": " ",
"ind2": " ",
"subfields": [
"code": "a",
"data": "Polaris system generated authority record"
"position": 7
"WorkflowRequestGuid": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"WorkflowRequestType": 35,
"WorkflowStatus": 1,
"Prompt": null,
"InformationMessages": [
"Type": 1,
"Title": "",
"Message": "The authority record has been updated."
"AnswerExtension": null,
"CircTranType": 0,
"ReceiptType": 0,
"ReceiptUrl": "",
"FineEReceiptSent": false
"WorkflowRequestGuid": "ff18c283-2312-40cd-aacb-9d1c58ae68eb",
"WorkflowRequestType": 35,
"WorkflowStatus": -3,
"Prompt": {
"WorkflowPromptID": 143,
"Name": null,
"Description": null,
"WorkflowPromptType": 53,
"WorkflowPromptOptions": 8,
"DefaultPromptOption": 1,
"Title": "MARC Validation Results",
"Message": "Leader is not the correct length of 24
"AlternateMessage": "The authority record cannot be saved with the following errors.",
"AlternateYesText": "",
"AlternateNoText": "",
"AlternateCancelText": "",
"AlternateContinueText": "",
"PromptExtension": null
"InformationMessages": [],
"AnswerExtension": null,
"CircTranType": 0,
"ReceiptType": 0,
"ReceiptUrl": "",
"FineEReceiptSent": false
"WorkflowRequestGuid": "250989b2-6b49-4309-bba8-fa33e92c4614",
"WorkflowRequestType": 35,
"WorkflowStatus": -3,
"Prompt": {
"WorkflowPromptID": 142,
"Name": null,
"Description": null,
"WorkflowPromptType": 52,
"WorkflowPromptOptions": 2,
"DefaultPromptOption": 3,
"Title": "Check For Duplicates Results",
"Message": "This record appears to be a duplicate of existing records:",
"AlternateMessage": "",
"AlternateYesText": "Replace",
"AlternateNoText": "Continue",
"AlternateCancelText": "",
"AlternateContinueText": "",
"PromptExtension": {
"WorkflowPromptExtensionType": 47,
"Data": {
"AuthorityRecordID": 925310,
"LaunchedFromSavingRecord": true,
"DuplicateErrors": [
"ErrorText": "925311",
"ErrorType": 10,
"ObjectType": 0,
"ObjectID": 0,
"RecordID": 925311,
"OwnerID": 0,
"OwnerName": "",
"Reason": "Heading/Thesaurus",
"Author": "",
"Title": "",
"FormatID": 0,
"FormatDescription": "",
"RecordStatusID": null,
"LinkedRecordCount": 0,
"DoNotOverlay": false
"InformationMessages": [],
"AnswerExtension": null,
"CircTranType": 0,
"ReceiptType": 0,
"ReceiptUrl": "",
"FineEReceiptSent": false
"WorkflowPromptID": 87,
"WorkflowPromptResult": 2,
"ReplyValue": null,
"ReplyExtension": {
"WorkflowReplyExtensionType": 18,
"Data": {
"RecordToMaintainID": 0,
"RecordIDs": [925311]
'RecordToMaintainID' is not used when adding or updating authority records.
"WorkflowRequestGuid": "0888d9ea-103e-4e6d-9bfb-3b03b38dd86e",
"WorkflowRequestType": 35,
"WorkflowStatus": -3,
"Prompt": {
"WorkflowPromptID": 145,
"Name": null,
"Description": null,
"WorkflowPromptType": 54,
"WorkflowPromptOptions": 6,
"DefaultPromptOption": 0,
"Title": "Manage Linked Records",
"Message": "The heading data or usage has changed for this authority record and links need to be reprocessed.",
"AlternateMessage": "",
"AlternateYesText": "",
"AlternateNoText": "",
"AlternateCancelText": "",
"AlternateContinueText": "",
"PromptExtension": {
"WorkflowPromptExtensionType": 48,
"Data": {
"BibHeading": "4 Bibliographic heading(s) will be affected by this change.",
"SeeAlsoHeading": "1 See also reference(s) will be affected by this change.",
"BibModifyHeadingsEnabled": true,
"BibDeleteHeadingsEnabled": true,
"BibUnlinkHeadingsEnabled": true,
"SeeAlsoModifyHeadingsEnabled": true,
"SeeAlsoDeleteHeadingsEnabled": true,
"SeeAlsoUnlinkHeadingsEnabled": true,
"BibUnlinkReasons": [
"Reason": "No headings have to be unlinked",
"Count": "-"
"SeeAlsoUnlinkReasons": [
"Reason": "No references have to be unlinked.",
"Count": "-"
"InformationMessages": [],
"AnswerExtension": null,
"CircTranType": 0,
"ReceiptType": 0,
"ReceiptUrl": "",
"FineEReceiptSent": false
"ReplyExtension": {
"WorkflowReplyExtensionType": 17,
"Data": {
"BibOption": 0,
"SeeAlsoOption": 0
BibOption and SeeAlsoOption values:Code | Description |
200 | OK. Success |
Permission IDs found here.
AccessCatalogingSubsystem_Allow AuthorityRecords_Access AuthorityRecords_Create - If adding a record AuthorityRecords_Modify - If deleting a record AuthorityRecords_Modify