Purchase Order Line Item Segments

Get list of segments that can be used to link a purchase order to a serial holdings record

GET /api/.../polineitemsegments?listType=linkable&bibRecordID={bibRecordID}&orderTypeID={orderTypeID}

Return a list of DtoLinkablePOLISegment objects that are:

  1. linked to the same Bib entry as the Copy record and;
  2. have the same destination and collection as indicated on the Copy record and;
  3. not already linked to a number of Copy records that equals the quantity on the POLI Segment and;
  4. have a status of 'On-order' (10), 'Backordered' (1), 'Out-of-print' (11) or 'Never published' (9);
  5. and whose parent POLI is NOT linked to a subscription record or is linked to the same
  6. subscription record as the parent POLI;
  7. have the same order type as Copy record

Request Information

Query String Parameters
Name Type Required Description
listType String Yes Valid values: 'linkable'.
bibRecordID Int Yes Required when listType is 'linkable'.
orderTypeID Int Yes Required when listType is 'linkable'.
destinationOrgID Int No Optional when listType is 'linkable'.
destinationCollectionID Int No Optional when listType is 'linkable'.
supplierID Int No Optional when listType is 'linkable'.

Response Information

application/json, text/json
    "PurchaseOrderID": 5109,
    "OrganizationID": 101,
    "PlanName": null,
    "SupplierID": 587,
    "DestinationOrgID": 101,
    "DestinationCollectionID": 0,
    "StatusID": 10,
    "PONumber": "SAL849 kek",
    "LineNumber": 1,
    "OrderTypeID": 7,
    "MaxClaims": 0,
    "ClmWtPer1": 0,
    "ClmWtPer2": 0,
    "ClmWtPer3": 0,
    "ClmWtPer4": 0,
    "ClmWtPer5": 0,
    "POLISegmentNumber": 1,
    "POLineItemSegmentID": 188465,
    "POLineItemID": 154697,
    "Destination": "Southern Adirondack Library System",
    "Collection": null,
    "Status": "On Order"

HTTP Response Codes

Code Description
200 OK. Success
400 Bad Request
404 Not Found

Required Permissions

Permission IDs found here.

    CR_AccessAcquisitions_Allow ()