Group Hold Request

Add Hold Request to a Group

PUT /api/.../patrons/{id}/requests/group?action=add

Add local hold request(s) to a Hold Request Group.

Remove Hold Request from a Group

PUT /api/.../patrons/{id}/requests/group?action=remove

Remove local hold request(s) from Hold Request Group(s).


    CR_AccessPatronServices_Allow: patron registered branch
    CR_PatronStatus_Access: patron registered branch
    CR_PatronStatus_DisplayHoldRequestList: patron registered branch

Request Information

Name Type Required Description
id Integer Yes The unique id assigned to the patron.
action String Yes. Possible values, "add" for ADD or "remove" for REMOVE) action identifier
Array of integer
Type Nullable Description
Integer Yes Unique ID assigned to a system hold request.

integer array example: [123, 456, 789]

HTTP Response Codes

Code Description
200 OK. Success
403 Forbidden (privileges)
404 FAILURE. Patron not found. Incorrect ID provided.