Add Local Hold Request

POST /api/.../holds?bulkmode=false&isORSStaffNoteManuallySupplied=false

Place a local hold request for a patron at either the bibliographic or item level.

The 'bulkmode' option is used to limit functionality and conversation steps if hold requests are being created in bulk. Currently, the only steps that are skipped are the checks for serials and multi-part monograph holds processing. This is an optional parameter. The default value is 'false'.

A typical hold request is "locked". The means that all that needs to be provided in this API call are the fields marked as required below. Any additional bibliographic or item data that needs to be included will be pulled from the bibliographic and/or item records inside the API call.

For "unlocked" hold requests (signify by setting the 'UnlockedRequest' attribute to 'true'), the caller must provide at least the 'Title' attribute plus any additional fields listed below the 'UnlockedRequest' attribute in the table below.


This call requires the HoldRequests_Create (ID: 89) permission to create the request and the OverrideRequestBlocks_Allow (ID: 132) permission to override hold request blocks.

Request Information

Name Type Required Description
bulkmode Boolean No When set to true, limit functionality and conversation steps.
isORSStaffNoteManuallySupplied Boolean No Default is false. When set to true, the service will not add the system supplied staff note for an ORS patron. This should be set to true when the UI is handling the 'Outreach Services Patron' staff note.

The process of adding a hold request is "conversational" in nature. Multiple API requests may have to be made as the user may need to acknowledge, bypass, or otherwise answer questions. As such, along with the actual hold request data, additional procedural state information will be passed back and forth.

The body of the REQUEST calls to the API will follow this general pattern:

application/json, text/json
    ProcedureStep: 20,
    Answer: 1,
    ActivationDate: "2013-11-22",
    BibliographicRecordID: 26,
    ExpirationDate: "11/30/2013",
    Origin: 1,
    PatronID: 357971,
    PickupBranchID: 13

The body of the RETURNED calls will follow this general pattern:

application/json, text/json
    ProcedureStep: null,
    Answer: null,
    HoldRequestID: null,
    DuplicateHoldRequests: null,
    DesignationsOrVolumes: null,
    MaxHoldMaterialTypes: null,
    PAPIProcedure: 0,
    PAPIProcedureStep: 2,
    PAPIAction: 2,
    PAPIActionProcedure: 0,
    PAPIPromptType: 4,
    PAPIStopType: 0,
    PAPIReturnCode: -4008,
    PatronBlocks: null,
    LinkedPatronBlocks: null,
    Success: false,
    Message: "Patron is blocked.  Do you want to continue with this operation?"

Workflow Steps

The initial API request should have a ProcedureStep value of 1 (Start). Check the returned values for the Success attribute as an indication if adding the new hold request was successful. If Success is true, the HoldRequestID attribute will contain the ID of the newly created hold request.

If the 'Pre-Check Add Local Hold Request' API call has been previously called, you may bypass the checking of patron blocks in this call by using an initial ProcedureStep value of '23' (PreCheckVerified).

For cases where Success is false, check the other PAPI* attributes for what is required next in order to resubmit the API request. The PAPIProcedureStep may contain any of the following values if the Success attribute is false:

  • 2 - Patron is blocked (can be bypassed)
  • 20 - Title is not holdable (can be bypassed)
  • 21 - Duplicate hold requests exist (can be bypassed)
  • 22 - Patron already has maximum number of holds total or by material type (can be bypassed)
  • 25 - Select a specific designation (list of possible values is returned in the DesignationsOrVolumes attribute)
  • 26 - Select a specific volume (list of possible values is returned in the DesignationsOrVolumes attribute)
  • 27 - Prompt for whether a specific item or serial should be used for hold request
  • 28 - Prompt for whether or not to promote an item-level request to a bib level (related to serials/multi-part monograph processing)
  • 32 - Patron already has maximum number of holds by material type (can be bypassed)
The Message attribute contains the prompt to display to the user. When reissuing the call to the API, set the ProcedureStep attribute to the same value as what was returned in PAPIProcedureStep, and the Answer value to 0 for no, and 1 for yes.

Continue this workflow until PAPIStopType comes back as 1 (Exit) or the HoldRequestID attribute is > 0, and there are no further procedure steps.

For PAPIProcedureStep 20 (title is not holdable), the following are reasons a hold request is blocked and can NOT be bypassed:

  • Hold request not permitted. The bibliographic record has been created for ILL.
  • The bibliographic record is Provisional
  • The bibliographic record is Deleted
  • This item is marked 'Do not mail to patron'
  • Hold request not permitted
  • The item record is Provisional
  • The item record is Deleted.

For PAPIProcedureStep 20 (title is not holdable), the following are reasons a hold request is blocked and CAN be bypassed:

  • No items are attached to the bibliographic record
  • An item at this branch is IN
  • All items have a prohibited status and will not fill this request
  • All items are restricted from filling this request
  • All items are restricted from filling this request according to their assigned branch policy
  • All items will not fill this request because they do not belong to a responder branch for this pickup location
  • The item is IN
  • The item has a prohibited status and is not available to fill your request
  • This item is not holdable
  • This item cannot fill the request according to its assigned branch policy
  • This item will not fill this request because it does not belong to a responder branch for this pickup location
  • This multipart item is restricted from filling requests
  • This serial item is restricted from filling requests

For PAPIProcedureStep 2 (patron blocks), summary data for the list of patron blocks will be returned in the PatronBlocks and LinkedPatronBlocks properties. (See the 'Patron Blocks' API call for more detailed information on the format of the data in those lists). They can be displayed to the user for acknowlegment or bypass. The data is returned in the following format:

application/json, text/json
    ProcedureStep: null,
    Answer: null,
    HoldRequestID: null,
    DuplicateHoldRequests: null,
    DesignationsOrVolumes: null,
            PatronID: 222,
            PatronFullName: "John Smith",
            BlockType: 1,
            BlockID: 45629,
            BlockDescription: "Test Block Description"
            PatronID: 222,
            PatronFullName: "John Smith",
            BlockType: 1,
            BlockID: 45631,
            BlockDescription: "Patron has overdue items"
            PatronID: 222,
            PatronFullName: "John Smith",
            BlockType: 1,
            BlockID: 45632,
            BlockDescription: "Verify Address"
            PatronID: 2143,
            PatronFullName: "Jane Smith",
            BlockType: 1,
            BlockID: 4563,
            BlockDescription: "Test Block Description"
    MaxHoldMaterialTypes: null,
    PAPIProcedure: 0,
    PAPIProcedureStep: 2,
    PAPIAction: 2,
    PAPIActionProcedure: 0,
    PAPIPromptType: 4,
    PAPIStopType: 0,
    PAPIReturnCode: -4008,
    Success: false,
    Message: "Patron is blocked.  Do you want to continue with this operation?"

For PAPIProcedureStep 21 (duplicate hold requests exist), summary data for the list of duplicate hold requests will be returned in the DuplicateHoldRequests attribute. They can be displayed to the user for acknowlegment or bypass. The data is returned in the following format:

application/json, text/json
    ProcedureStep: null,
    Answer: null,
    HoldRequestID: null,
            SysHoldRequestID: 0,
            BrowseAuthor: "Galvin, Patrick J.",
            BrowseTitle: "Finishing off",
            FormatDescription: "Book",
            CreationDate: "2013-08-12T09:23:38.487",
            PickupBranch: "Amsterdam Free Library"
            SysHoldRequestID: 0,
            BrowseAuthor: "Galvin, Patrick J.",
            BrowseTitle: "Finishing off",
            FormatDescription: "Book",
            CreationDate: "2013-10-02T11:54:38.487",
            PickupBranch: "Raquette Lake Public Library"
            SysHoldRequestID: 0,
            BrowseAuthor: "Galvin, Patrick J.",
            BrowseTitle: "Finishing off",
            FormatDescription: "Book",
            CreationDate: "2013-09-18T17:20:56.66",
            PickupBranch: "Main Branch"
    DesignationsOrVolumes: null,
    MaxHoldMaterialTypes: null,
    PAPIProcedure: 0,
    PAPIProcedureStep: 21,
    PAPIAction: 2,
    PAPIActionProcedure: 0,
    PAPIPromptType: 4,
    PAPIStopType: 0,
    PAPIReturnCode: -4010,
    Success: false,
    Message: "Duplicate hold requests exist."

For PAPIProcedureStep 25 (select a specific designation), a list of unique designation strings will be returned in the DesignationsOrVolumes attribute. They can be displayed to the user for selection or bypass. The data is returned in the following format:

application/json, text/json
    ProcedureStep: null,
    Answer: null,
    HoldRequestID: null,
    DuplicateHoldRequests: null,
        "Issue 1",
        "Issue 2",
        "Issue 3",
        "Issue 4",
        "Issue 5"
    MaxHoldMaterialTypes: null,
    PAPIProcedure: 0,
    PAPIProcedureStep: 25,
    PAPIAction: 2,
    PAPIActionProcedure: 0,
    PAPIPromptType: 9,
    PAPIStopType: 0,
    PAPIReturnCode: -4012,
    Success: false

For PAPIProcedureStep 26 (select a specific volume), a list of unique volume strings will be returned in the DesignationsOrVolumes attribute. They can be displayed to the user for selection or bypass. The data is returned in the following format:

application/json, text/json
    ProcedureStep: null,
    Answer: null,
    HoldRequestID: null,
    DuplicateHoldRequests: null,
        "Volume 1",
        "Volume 2",
        "Volume 3",
        "Volume 4",
        "Volume 5"
    MaxHoldMaterialTypes: null,
    PAPIProcedure: 0,
    PAPIProcedureStep: 26,
    PAPIAction: 2,
    PAPIActionProcedure: 0,
    PAPIPromptType: 9,
    PAPIStopType: 0,
    PAPIReturnCode: -4012,
    Success: false

For PAPIProcedureStep 32 (material type limit reached), a list of material types affected is returned in the MaxHoldMaterialTypes field:

application/json, text/json
    ProcedureStep: null,
    Answer: null,
    HoldRequestID: null,
    DuplicateHoldRequests: null,
    DesignationsOrVolumes: null,
    MaxHoldMaterialTypes: [1, 3],
    PAPIProcedure: 0,
    PAPIProcedureStep: 32,
    PAPIAction: 2,
    PAPIActionProcedure: 0,
    PAPIPromptType: 9,
    PAPIStopType: 0,
    PAPIReturnCode: -4012,
    Success: false
POST Form Data

Provide the following in the form/body of the request:

Name Type Required Description
ProcedureStep Integer Yes (see above)
Answer Integer No (see above)
PatronID Integer Yes
PickupBranchID Integer Yes
Origin Integer Yes 1 - PAC, 2 - Staff, 3 - NCIPILL
ActiviationDate DateTime Yes Date cannot be in the past
ExpirationDate DateTime Yes Must be greater than ActivationDate
BibliographicRecordID Integer *No Field is ignored if UnlockedRequest is set to 'true'.
ItemRecordID Integer *No Only required if it is an item-level request. Field is ignored if UnlockedRequest is set to 'true'.
StaffDisplayNotes String No
NonPublicNotes String No
PACDisplayNotes String No
BorrowByMail Boolean No
TrackingNumber String No
UnlockedRequest Boolean No If set to 'true', any of the bibliographic and item fields listed below will be used instead of the data from the associated bibliographic or Item record. If not specified or set to 'false', all of the fields below will be ignored.
Title String Yes (when UnlockedRequest is true) Max length: 255
Author String No Max length: 255
Series String No Max length: 255
Publisher String No Max length: 40
PublicationYear Integer No
ISBN String No Max length: 50
ISSN String No Max length: 50
Edition String No Max length: 10
LCCN String No Max length: 40
MARCTOMID Integer No For a list of valid IDs, see Bibliographic Types of Material
Pages String No Max length: 255
Designation String No Used for "issue" data. Max length: 780
VolumeNumber String No Max length: 60

HTTP Response Codes

Code Description
200 OK. Check body for conversational procedure status, continue until process is complete.

FAILURE due to invalid input or data validation.

409 CONFLICT. Patron record is secured.