Job Queue

Post New Bulk Change Job

POST /api/.../jobqueue/bib

Post a new bibliographic bulk change job.

Request Information

Parameters (DtoBulkBibChange)
Name Type Required Description
RecordSetID Integer Yes The bibliographic record set that will be the target of the bulk change job.
NonMARCChange DtoBibBulkNonMARCChange No Non-MARC changes to be performed by the bulk change job.
LeaderChanges List of DtoBibBulkLeaderChange No Leader changes to be performed by the bulk change job.
FieldLevel00XChanges List of DtoBibBulkFieldLevel00XChange No Field level 00X changes to be performed by the bulk change job.
TagLevel00XChanges List of DtoBibBulkTagLevel00XChange No Tag level 00X changes to be performed by the bulk change job.
DataFieldChanges List of DtoBibBulkDataFieldChange No DataField changes to be performed by the bulk change job.
SubfieldChanges List of DtoBibBulkSubfieldChange No Subfield changes to be performed by the bulk change job.
Name Type Required Description
DisplayInPAC Integer No The Display-In-PAC value to change the records to (on/off).
DIPDescription String No Description of the Display-In-PAC change (for the report).
OwnerFrom Integer No The original value of the record owner; An organization ID value (for a conditional owner change - the bib must have this owner value for the change to be applied).
OwnerTo Integer No The owner (organization ID) to change the record(s) to.
OwnerDescription String No Description of the owner change (for the report).
SaveAsFinal Integer No Indicates whether or not the user specified to save 'as final' any provisional bib records found in the record set for which a Bulk Bib Change job is being performed.
ResourceEntityVendorAccountID Integer No The vendor account for which resource entities are being created.
ResourceEntityDescription String No The resource entity action being taken.
DoNotOverlay Integer No Yes/No flag that allows or prohibits this record from being overlaid.
DoNotOverlayDescription String No Do not overlay change description (for reporting).
Name Type Required Description
Pos Integer Yes The actual leader position being changed (5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 17, 18, or 19).
FromChar String Yes The original value of the particular leader position being changed (for a conditional change - the original value must match this value for the change to be applied). Case sensitive, lower case expected.
ToChar String Yes The value to change the leader position 'to'. Case sensitive, lower case expected.
Description String Yes Description of the leader tag change specified (for the report).
Name Type Required Description
TagNumber Integer Yes The 00X tag number involved in the change (6, 7, or 8).
MARCFixedFieldTagType Integer Yes Tag type code for the control field tag being changed (eg. 008-BOOK (3), 007-MICROFORM (21), 006-MUSIC (8)).
StartPosition Integer Yes The 0-based position that represents the first character of the field being changed.
FieldLength Integer Yes The length of the actual tag field being changed.
FromValue String Yes The original value of the field (for a conditional change - must match this value to qualify for the change). Case sensitive, lower case expected.
ToValue String Yes The new value of the field (the value to change 'to'). Case sensitive, lower case expected.
Description String Yes Description of the control field change specified (for the report).
Name Type Required Description
TagNumber Integer Yes The tag number to be affected by the change (6, 7, or 8); 008 tags can not be inserted/deleted, only replaced.
MARCFixedFieldTagType Integer Yes Tag type code for the control field tag being deleted/inserted/modified (eg. 008-BOOK (3), 007-MICROFORM (21), 006-MUSIC (8)).
Operation Integer Yes Indicates whether an insertion, deletion or a replacement is being specified.
Scope Integer Yes Indicates whether the operation applies to the 1st instance of a tag, the last instance, or all instances.
NewValue String Yes For insertions and replacements, the new tag in its entirety.
Description String Yes Description of the tag-level change (for the report).
Name Type Required Description
ExecutionOrder Integer Yes The relative order in which to execute this particular data field change for a given bulk change job.
OperationID Integer Yes Data field operation identifier (foreign key reference to the Cat_BulkBibChange_DFOperations.OperationID column).
TagNumber Integer Yes The tag number that is targeted by this particular data field change (used for all data field changes except the non-filing indicator operation).
AltTagNumber Integer Yes The tag number value to change an existing tag 'to' for a tag number change data field operation. This effectively deletes that tag whose number gets changed and inserts a whole new tag to replace it.
IndicatorOne String Yes The original single-character value of a tag's first indicator to be used as part of the criteria for a data field change.
IndicatorTwo String Yes The original single-character value of a tag's second indicator to be used as part of the criteria for a data field change.
Description String Yes Description of the data field change specified (for the report).
AltIndicatorOne String Yes The single-character value to change a tag's first indicator value 'to' for an indicator change data field operation.
AltIndicatorTwo String Yes The single-character value to change a tag's second indicator value 'to' for an indicator change data field operation.
DeleteOnlyTag Boolean Yes This column is a flag that signifies whether or not a single instance of a tag should still be deleted for the tag deletion data field operations.
Name Type Required Description
ExecutionOrder Integer Yes The relative order that the associated data field change is to be executed (maps to the 'linked' Execution Order value in Cat_BulkBibChange_DFChanges).
SubfieldOrder Integer Yes Relative subfield order for this particular data field change (grouped by the JobID/ExecutionOrder combination).
SubfieldCode String Yes Relative subfield code for this particular data field change (grouped by the JobID/ExecutionOrder combination).
SubfieldData String Yes The actual subfield data (Unicode).
Example body to enable the DisplayInPAC bit.
application/json, text/json
    "RecordSetID": 1,
        "DisplayInPAC": 1,
        "DIPDescription": "Non-MARC: Turn Display-In-PAC flag ON"

HTTP Response Codes

Code Description
200 OK. Success
400 Bad Request. Error occurred.
403 Forbidden. Permission(s) not granted.

Required Permissions

Permission IDs found here.
