© 2025 Clarivate
GET /api/.../patrons/{id}/holdsprecheck
Pre-Check if patron is blocked from placing new hold requests. Returns list of blocks associated with the patron and if the staff user is permitted to override CR_OverrideRequestBlocks_Allow permission. For complete process to place a hold see Holds Workflow
This call requires the HoldRequests_Create (ID: 89) permission to create the request
Name | Type | Required | Description |
id | Integer | Yes | The unique id assigned to the patron. |
"OverrideRequestBlocksPermitted": true,
"PatronFullName":"Ramaraos, వనజ 5.2",
"BlockDescription":"Patron owes money. Amount due: $548.41",
"PatronFullName":"Ramaraos, వనజ 5.2",
"BlockDescription":"Patron has 16 held items at registered branch of Amsterdam Free Library",
"PatronFullName":"Smith, Mary A",
"BlockDescription":"Library Assigned Block 1",
Code | Description |
200 | OK. |
400 |
FAILURE due to invalid input or data validation. |