Cover Images Configuration

Get Cover Images URL Templates

GET /api/.../sysadmin/coverimagesconfig/{id}

Returns a set of secure and non-secure URL templates to be used to display bookjacket cover images from various third party vendors.

Request Information

Name Type Required Description
id Integer *No Organization ID - If not provided, the logged in branch ID will be used.

Response Information

Valid values for VendorID are:

  • 1 - Baker and Taylor
  • 2 - Syndetics
  • 3 - ChiliFresh

The URL templates contain placeholders for {isbn}, {upc}, {issn}, and {oclc}. The placeholders should be replaced with the corresponding field data, or if there is no value for a specific placeholder, the placeholder should be removed.

Example:{isbn}&upc={upc}&issn={issn} might be converted to something like:

** NOTE: For Baker and Taylor there is a placeholder named {isbn-or-upc}. For this case, the placeholder should be replaced by either an ISBN or a UPC code, with ISBN having preference.

application/json, text/json
    "OrganizationID": 85,
    "IsEnabled": true,
    "VendorID": 3,
    "VendorName": "ChiliFresh",
    "SmallCoverImageURL": "{isbn}&upc={upc}&issn={issn}",
    "MediumCoverImageURL": "{isbn}&upc={upc}&issn={issn}",
    "LargeCoverImageURL": "{isbn}&upc={upc}&issn={issn}",
    "SmallCoverImageSecureURL": "{isbn}&upc={upc}&issn={issn}",
    "MediumCoverImageSecureURL": "{isbn}&upc={upc}&issn={issn}",
    "LargeCoverImageSecureURL": "{isbn}&upc={upc}&issn={issn}"

HTTP Response Codes

Code Description
200 OK. Success