Bibliographic Record Availability

Get Bibliographic Record Availability by ID

GET /api/.../bibliographicrecords/{id}/availability?branch=bo&nofilter=true&volumeNumber=vol.1

Returns bibiographic record's availability

Request Information

Name Type Required Description
id Integer Yes Bibliographic Record ID
branch string No Only return availability for specified branch. If null then return availability for all branches. Default value is null.
noFilter Boolean No If 'true', include all items, if 'false' then only include items that:
  • Bib is displayable in PAC
  • Item in displayable in PAC
  • Item has a record status of FINAL
  • Item circ status is one of the following:
    • IN (1)
    • OUT (2)
    • OUT-ILL (3)
    • HELD (4)
    • IN-TRANSIT (6)
    • BINDERY (12)
    • SHELVING (19)
Default value is 'false'.
volumeNumber string No Only return availability for specified volumeNumber. If null then return availability for all volume Numbers. Default value is null.

Response Information

Property Type Nullable Description
BibliographicRecordID int No Unique identifier for bibliographic record.
IssueID int Yes Unique identifier for issue record. There is no zero-to-one or one-to-one mapping from bibliographic record to issue record so this will be set to NULL until the logic can be worked out.
Details List No One row for each branch that has at least one final item record linked to the bibliographic record.
Property Type Nullable Description
BranchAbbreviation string No Branch abbreviation.
BranchName string No Branch name.
TotalCount int No One row for each branch that has at least one final item record linked to the bibliographic record.
AvailableCount int No Number of items that have an item status of 'In'.

HTTP Response Codes

Code Description
200 OK. Success
404 id is invalid