Patron fine

Charge patron fine

POST /api/.../patrons/{id}/accounttransactions/finesfees?reload={true}

This method allows the caller to add fine to patron account.

Request Information

Name Type Required Description
chargeData DtoChargeData Yes Define this parameter in the request body.
reload Bool Yes Define this parameter in the request query string. If the value is 'true', updated fines and fees list is returned
id int Yes patron identifier
Property Type Nullable Description
PatronID Int No Required.
TxnAmount Decimal No Required.
FeeReasonCode Int No Required. Must be a fee reason code allowed by the logged in branch.
ItemBarcode Int Yes Charging against an item
FreeTextNote String Yes Notes
IsManualCharge Boolean No Default is false.
SendBill Boolean No Default is false. Set to true if manually billing this charge.
AddedMsg String Yes Additional message to be displayed on the patron's bill. Only used when 'SendBill' is set to true.
BypassChargeThreshold Boolean No Flag to skip checking the passed in TxnAmount against the "Patron Account: Charge Alert Threshold" system administration setting.
Request body
application/json, text/json
    "PatronID": 365058,
    "TxnAmount": 10, 
    "FreeTextNote": "Adding the charge",       
    "FeeReasonCode": 3,
    "ItemBarcode": "0003900006580",
    "SendBill": false,
    "AddedMsg": "",
    "BypassChargeThreshold": true

Response Information

Returns fine information if reqeusted otherwise only returns status code.
application/json, text/json
    "ItemRecordID": 1968051,
    "IsDeleted": false,
    "TxnID": 3718493,
    "TxnCodeID": 1,
    "CallNumber": "Fict Gri",
    "MaterialType": "Book",
    "TxnDate": "2019-08-14T10:37:01.837-04:00",
    "Type": "Charge",
    "FeeDescription": "Overdue Item",
    "BrowseTitle": "The client",
    "BrowseTitleNonFilingCount": 4,
    "Barcode": "0003900006580",
    "TxnAmount": 0.25,
    "OutstandingAmount": 0.25,
    "Organization": "Amsterdam Free Library",
    "TxnOrgID": null,
    "FreeTextNote": "Adding the charge",
    "PatronAcctBillingStatusID": null,
    "WaiverRequestID": null,
    "HasPendingWaiverRequest": false
    "ItemRecordID": 9945830,
    "IsDeleted": false,
    "TxnID": 3716424,
    "TxnCodeID": 1,
    "CallNumber": null,
    "MaterialType": "Book",
    "TxnDate": "2019-08-09T15:46:08.21-04:00",
    "Type": "Charge",
    "FeeDescription": "Overdue Item",
    "BrowseTitle": "The tipping point : how little things can make a big difference",
    "BrowseTitleNonFilingCount": 4,
    "Barcode": "1234",
    "TxnAmount": 4.6,
    "OutstandingAmount": 4.6,
    "Organization": "Amsterdam Free Library",
    "TxnOrgID": null,
    "FreeTextNote": "Lost and found",
    "PatronAcctBillingStatusID": null,
    "WaiverRequestID": null,
    "HasPendingWaiverRequest": false
    "ItemRecordID": 2071534,
    "IsDeleted": false,
    "TxnID": 3708557,
    "TxnCodeID": 1,
    "CallNumber": "jP PB Fict Lon",
    "MaterialType": "Book",
    "TxnDate": "2018-11-09T14:25:23.693-05:00",
    "Type": "Charge",
    "FeeDescription": "Hold Request",
    "BrowseTitle": "Froggy goes to the doctor",
    "BrowseTitleNonFilingCount": 0,
    "Barcode": "0004300594829",
    "TxnAmount": 0.99,
    "OutstandingAmount": 0.89,
    "Organization": "Amsterdam Free Library",
    "TxnOrgID": null,
    "FreeTextNote": null,
    "PatronAcctBillingStatusID": null,
    "WaiverRequestID": null,
    "HasPendingWaiverRequest": false

Reference for Polaris enum values:

enum PatronAccountTxnCode
    Charge = 1,
    Payment = 2,
    Return = 3,
    Deposit = 4,
    Waive = 5,
    WaiveExistingCharge = 6,
    Forfeit = 7,
    Credit = 8,
    PayRefund = 9,
    AutoWaive = 10

public enum FeeReasonCode
    ItemCheckoutCharge = -11,
    BorrowByMailCharge = -10,
    RegistrationFee = -9,
    FusionCharge = -8,
    CreditCardProcessingCharge = -7,
    ProcessingCharge = -6,
    OverpaymentCredit = -5,
    CreditRefund = -4,
    HoldRequest = -3,
    CollectionAgency = -2,
    ReplacementCost = -1,
    OverdueItem = 0,
    CaseCover = 1,
    CopyPrint = 2,
    Damage = 3,
    ILL = 4,
    ManualFee = 5,
    NewCard = 6,
    PhoneFax = 7,
    Postage = 8,
    Rental = 9,
    MiscCharge = 10,
    MiscTestCharge = 11,
    Mm = 12,
    Misc = 13,
    Test1 = 14,
    Test2 = 15        


HTTP Response Codes

Code Description
200 OK. Success
409 CONFLICT. Patron record is secured.