Bulk Add to Purchase Order

POST /api/.../purchaseorders/polineitems/bulkadd?recordsetid={id}

Create a new Purchase Order and add Line Items for each bibliographic record in the record set.

Request Information

Name Type Required Description
id Integer Yes ID of the record set.
bulkAddToPOData DtoBulkAddToPOData Yes Define this parameter in the request body.
Property Type Nullable Description
PONumber String No Required. PO Number for the Purchase Order
PONumberSuffix String Yes PO Number Suffix for the Purchase Order
POTemplateID Int Yes Unique ID of the Purchase Order Template to use.
OrderedAtBranchID String Yes Required. Organization that owns the Purchase Order
OrderTypeID Int Yes Required. Order Type of the Purchase Order.
PaymentMethoID Int Yes Required. Payment Method of the Purchase Order.
SupplierID Int No Required. Supplier of the Purchase Order.
MaterialTypeID String Yes Default Material type for Purchase Order Line Items.
Quantity Int No Required if Line Item Default Data is enabled in SA. Quantity to order for Purchase Order Line Items.
DestinationOrgID Int Yes Required if Line Item Default Data is enabled in SA. Destination organization for the Purchase Order Line Items.
ListPrice Decimal No Required if Line Item Default Data is enabled in SA. Price to use for Purchase Order Line Items.
CollectionID Int Yes Required if Line Item Default Data is enabled in SA. Collection to use for Purchase Order Line Items. Use 0 for no collection.
DiscountRate Decimal Yes Discount rate for the Purchase Order.
FundID Int No Required if Line Item Default Data is enabled in SA and Payment Method is not Free. Fund to use for the Purchase Order.
PurchaseOrderID Int No Required. Unique ID of the Purchase Order to Add Line Items to. Not implemented.
Example Body
application/json, text/json
        "PONumber": "AMS1234",
        "PONumberSuffix": "",
        "POTemplateID": 0,
        "OrderedAtBranchID": 3,
        "OrderTypeID": 8,
        "PaymentMethodID": 3,
        "SupplierID": 1,
        "MaterialTypeID": 4,
        "Quantity": 1,
        "DestinationOrgID": 3,
        "ListPrice": 1.99,
        "CollectionID": 0,
        "DiscountRate": 0,
        "FundID": 3,
        "PurchaseOrderID": 0,

Response Information

Example Response
application/json, text/json
            "message":"Bulk Add processing encountered errors during processing.
Check BulkAddToPOReport_20220112121000_txt for details.", "reportId":"BulkAddToPOReport_20220112121000_txt", "reportFilename":"BulkAddToPOReport_20220112121000.txt" }

HTTP Response Codes

Code Description
200 Success
400 Bad request
403 Permission(s) not granted.