Claim Alert List

Get Claim alert list by branch and status

GET /api/.../claimalertlist/{orgid}/{objecttype}/{statusid}

Returns claim alert list by branch and status.

Request Information

Name Type Required Description
orgid Integer Yes Destination org id.
objecttype Integer Yes Object Type ID of the object that links to the claim. Valid values: Issues - 25, Parts - 43
statusid Integer Yes ID of issue's current status. Valid values: All - 0, Pending claim - 3: Claimed - 4

Response Information

application/json, text/json
       "IssueId": 7398,
       "CALDate": "2005-08-04T00:00:00+05:30",
       "ClmCycNum": 0,
       "MaxClaim": 2,
       "LastClaimedDate": null,
       "BrowseTitle": "Parenting.",
       "NormalISBN": "0890247X",
       "Designation": "Vol 21 No. 6  (Aug. 2005)",
       "Destination": "Amsterdam Free Library",
       "IssueStatusId": 3,
       "Reminder": false,
       "IssueStatus": "Pending Claim"

HTTP Response Codes

Code Description
200 OK. Success
  • Invalid org
  • Invalid object type
  • Invalid status id

Required Permissions

Permission IDs found here.

    CR_ClaimAlertList_Access ()