Polaris Groups

Get Polaris Groups by search criteria

GET /api/.../groups?filter={filter}

Return permission groups data, including a list of Polaris User IDs, by provided search criteria.

Request Information

Name Type Required Description
filter String No The filter query in following format: {propertyName} {condition operator} '{filterValue}'
Applicable {propertyName} values: GroupName
Applicable {condition operator} values: like, co, eq. ('eq' means equals, 'co' means contains)
sortType String No The sorting operator Ascending/Descending (Ascending by default)
sortBy String No The sort property name (GroupID by default).
Applicable values: GroupID, GroupName
startIndex Integer No Paging start index (0 by default)
itemsPerPage Integer No Count of items per page (20 by default)

Request Example Data

Name Value
filter GroupName co 'admin'
sortType ascending
sortBy GroupID
startIndex 0
itemsPerPage 20

Response Information

application/json, text/json
  "GroupID": 1,
  "GroupName": "Administrator",
  "GroupDescription": "",
  "CreatorID": null,
  "ModifierID": 1,
  "CreationDate": null,
  "ModificationDate": "2013-11-20T10:32:03.007+04:00",
  "PolarisUserIDs": [
      "PolarisUserID": 1,
      "ExternalID": null
      "PolarisUserID": 2,
      "ExternalID": null

Required Permissions

Permission IDs found here.


HTTP Response Codes

Code Description
200 OK. Success
404 Not Found