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GET /api/.../polarisusers?filter={filter}
Return polaris users data, including email and group data by provided search criteria.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
filter | String | No |
The filter query in following format: {propertyName} {condition operator} '{filterValue}' Applicable {propertyName} values: GroupID, GroupName Applicable {condition operator} values: like, co, eq. ('eq' means equals, 'co' means contains) |
sortType | String | No | The sorting operator Ascending/Descending (Ascending by default) |
sortBy | String | No |
The sort property name (PolarisUserID by default). Applicable values: GroupID, GroupName, PolarisUserID or Name |
startIndex | Integer | No | Paging start index (0 by default) |
itemsPerPage | Integer | No | Count of items per page (20 by default) |
Name | Value |
filter | GroupName co 'admin' |
sortType | ascending |
sortBy | PolarisUserID |
startIndex | 0 |
itemsPerPage | 20 |
Only permitted polaris users will be returned
"PolarisUserID": 11,
"OrganizationID": 17,
"ExternalID": "testID",
"Name": "Cambridge Patron Update",
"BranchID": null,
"Enabled": true,
"CreatorID": 1,
"ModifierID": 1,
"CreationDate": "2011-02-16T20:28:16.177+04:00",
"ModificationDate": "2022-01-04T14:35:09.64+04:00",
"NetworkDomainID": null,
"RecordStatusID": 1,
"Email": "temp.template@polarislibrary.com",
"Groups": [
"GroupID": 1,
"GroupName": "Administrator"
"GroupID": 14,
"GroupName": "No Permissions"
"GroupID": 392,
"GroupName": "A-New-Permission-Group"
"PolarisUserID": 127,
"OrganizationID": 3,
"ExternalID": null,
"Name": "ams-only-test",
"BranchID": null,
"Enabled": true,
"CreatorID": 1,
"ModifierID": 1,
"CreationDate": "2011-02-16T20:28:16.177+04:00",
"ModificationDate": "2021-11-08T10:49:41.157+04:00",
"NetworkDomainID": null,
"RecordStatusID": 1,
"Email": "test@aol.com",
"Groups": [
"GroupID": 1,
"GroupName": "Administrator"
"GroupID": 382,
"GroupName": "WinRunner Group"
Permission IDs found here.
Code | Description |
200 | OK. Success |
404 | Not Found |