Purchase Order Line Item Segments

Get list of segments for purchase order line item by purchase order line item ID

GET /api/.../polineitems/{id}/segments

Returns list of DtoPurchaseOrderLineItemSegment objects.

Request Information

Name Type Required Description
id Integer Yes The unique id assigned to the purchase order line item.

Response Information

application/json, text/json
    "POLineItemSegmentID": 393232,
    "PurchaseOrderID": 15804,
    "POLineItemID": 221517,
    "AmountEncumbered": 0,
    "BindFormatChargeBase": 0,
    "CatServChargeBase": 0,
    "CreationDate": "2021-09-23T14:31:42-04:00",
    "CreatorID": 1,
    "CreatorName": "PolarisExec",
    "DestinationCollectionID": null,
    "DestinationCollectionName": null,
    "DestinationOrgID": 3,
    "DestinationOrganizationName": "Amsterdam",
    "Encumbered": false,
    "Expended": false,
    "GrandTotalSegmentBase": 10.8,
    "Invoiced": 0,
    "ModificationDate": null,
    "ModifierID": null,
    "ModifierName": null,
    "POLISegmentNumber": 1,
    "PaymentStatusID": 6,
    "PaymentStatusDescription": "Open",
    "PaymentStatusDate": "2021-09-23T14:31:42-04:00",
    "OtherChargeBase": 0,
    "QuantOrd": 1,
    "QuantRec": 0,
    "QuantSent": 0,
    "SalesTax1Base": 0.8,
    "SalesTax2Base": 0,
    "ServChargeBase": 0,
    "ShipChargeBase": 0,
    "SpecialHandChargeBase": 0,
    "StatusID": 12,
    "LineItemStatusDescription": "Pending",
    "StatusDate": "2021-09-23T14:31:42-04:00",
    "TotDiscPriceBase": 10,
    "RequesterName": null,
    "ItemTemplateCode": null,
    "RecByASN": false,
    "SplitPOLISegmentID": null,
    "POLineItemSegmentAmounts": [
        "POLineItemSegmentID": 393232,
        "FiscalYearID": 100,
        "FundID": 7612,
        "Amount": 10.8,
        "Percentage": 100,
        "FiscalYearName": "CAM FY 2005ee",
        "FundName": "1112UM7TdWN7tDcbPUNUFSNJTDoo",
        "FundAlternativeName": "alt name 111"

HTTP Response Codes

Code Description
200 OK. Success
  • Bad request
  • Invalid purchase order line item ID

Required Permissions

Permission IDs found here.

    CR_AccessAcquisitions_Allow (),
    CR_PurchaseOrders_Access (based on owner ID)