Templates by ID

Get contents of a template by ID

GET /api/.../templates/{objectid}/{id}&fullObject=false

Return the contents of a template for the specified object type and ID.

Name Type Required Description
objectid Integer Yes ID of Object Type to retrieve templates for. Authority = 4, Bibliographic = 5, Item = 6, PO = 49, Reserve Item = 68, Reserve Course = 70, Item Bulk Change Template = 104, Weeding Template = 108.
id Integer Yes ID of template to retrieve contents for.
fullObject Boolean No For Item Bulk Change Templates. False is the default and will return a dynamic object containing only the fields that have been changed from the defaults. Setting this to True will return the entire ItemBulkChangeTemplateData object.
ownerInfoOnly Boolean No For Item Bulk Change Templates. False is the default. Setting this to true will only return the OrganizationOwnerID and CreatorID.
type String No For Weeding Templates. Null is the default. Setting this to 'criteria' will return all of the weeding criteria associated with the template.
See Weeding Templates page for more information.

Response Information

Example for Authority Record Template
application/json, text/json
      "AuthorityTemplateID": 1,
      "CreatorID": 1,
      "CreatorName": "PolarisExec",
      "ModifierID": 0,
      "ModifierName": "",
      "CreationDate": "2000-01-06T17:14:11.743+04:00",
      "ModificationDate": null,
      "MARCStatus": "n",
      "MARCType": "z",
      "MARCCharCodingScheme": "",
      "MARCEncodingLevel": "n",
      "Name": "Corporate Name",
      "OrganizationOwnerID": 1,
      "MARC21Record": {
        "leader": "     nz 22     n4500",
        "controlfields": [
            "tag": "003",
            "data": "Pol"
            "tag": "008",
            "data": "220829 c|ac   a  |||||||||||   ana|||| d"
        "datafields": [
            "tag": "010",
            "ind1": " ",
            "ind2": " ",
            "subfields": [
                "code": "a",
                "data": null
            "tag": "040",
            "ind1": " ",
            "ind2": " ",
            "subfields": [
                "code": "a",
                "data": null
            "tag": "110",
            "ind1": "0",
            "ind2": " ",
            "subfields": [
                "code": "a",
                "data": null
            "tag": "410",
            "ind1": "0",
            "ind2": " ",
            "subfields": [
                "code": "a",
                "data": null
            "tag": "510",
            "ind1": "0",
            "ind2": " ",
            "subfields": [
                "code": "a",
                "data": null
            "tag": "667",
            "ind1": " ",
            "ind2": " ",
            "subfields": [
                "code": "a",
                "data": null
            "tag": "670",
            "ind1": " ",
            "ind2": " ",
            "subfields": [
                "code": "a",
                "data": null
            "tag": "680",
            "ind1": " ",
            "ind2": " ",
            "subfields": [
                "code": "a",
                "data": null
Example for Bibliographic Record Template
application/json, text/json
          "BibliographicTemplateID": 1,
          "CreatorID": 1,
          "CreatorName": "PolarisExec",
          "ModifierID": null,
          "ModifierName": "",
          "CreationDate": "2000-01-06T17:14:17.603-05:00",
          "ModificationDate": "2002-11-12T16:37:45.687-05:00",
          "RecordOwnerID": 1,
          "DisplayInPAC": true,
          "DoNotOverlay": false,
          "Name": "Book",
          "OrganizationOwnerID": 1,
          "MARC21Record": {
            "leader": "     nam  22      a 4500",
            "controlfields": [
                "tag": "003",
                "data": "Pol"
                "tag": "008",
                "data": "210506b        usa           000 0 eng"
            "datafields": [
                "tag": "020",
                "ind1": " ",
                "ind2": " ",
                "subfields": [
                    "code": "a",
                    "data": null
                "tag": "040",
                "ind1": " ",
                "ind2": " ",
                "subfields": [
                    "code": "a",
                    "data": null
                "tag": "100",
                "ind1": "0",
                "ind2": " ",
                "subfields": [
                    "code": "a",
                    "data": null
                "tag": "260",
                "ind1": " ",
                "ind2": " ",
                "subfields": [
                    "code": "a",
                    "data": null
                "tag": "740",
                "ind1": "0",
                "ind2": " ",
                "subfields": [
                    "code": "a",
                    "data": null
Example for Course Reserve Template
application/json, text/json
          "CourseReserveTemplateID": 3,
          "Name": "General use template",
          "OrganizationOwnerID": 92,
          "CreatorID": 941,
          "CreatorName": "marycay.phelps",
          "ModifierID": 941,
          "ModifierName": "marycay.phelps",
          "CreationDate": "2011-05-24T08:14:49.857-04:00",
          "ModificationDate": "2011-05-24T08:15:06.767-04:00",
          "OrganizationID": 92,
          "CourseID": 12,
          "CourseNumberID": 12,
          "CourseSectionID": 12,
          "TermID": 0,
          "CourseStatusID": 1,
          "SchoolDivisionID": 4,
          "DepartmentID": 6,
          "NumberOfStudents": 0,
          "Note": "General use",
          "PublicNote": null,
          "CourseName": "Communications",
          "CourseNumber": "211",
          "SectionNumber": "Section 2",
          "TermName": null,
          "StartDate": null,
          "EndDate": null,
          "Creator": "marycay.phelps",
          "Modifier": "marycay.phelps",
          "AlternateName": null
Example for Item Record Template
application/json, text/json
          "ItemTemplateID": 1,
          "SystemWideOwnerID": 3,
          "CreatorID": 130,
          "CreatorName": "jferriss",
          "ModifierID": 899,
          "ModifierName": "egraham",
          "CallNumberPrefix": null,
          "ClassificationNumber": null,
          "CutterNumber": null,
          "CallNumberSuffix": null,
          "CopyNumber": null,
          "VolumeNumber": null,
          "TemporaryShelfLocation": null,
          "PublicNote": null,
          "NonPublicNote": null,
          "CreationDate": "2005-05-23T16:00:11.223-04:00",
          "ModificationDate": "2014-02-12T11:38:09.807-05:00",
          "Price": null,
          "LoanableOutsideSystem": false,
          "NonCirculating": false,
          "RenewalLimit": 1,
          "Holdable": true,
          "HoldableByPickup": false,
          "HoldPickupBranchID": 0,
          "HoldableByLibrary": false,
          "HoldableByBranch": false,
          "HoldableByPrimaryLender": false,
          "PhysicalCondition": null,
          "NameOfPiece": null,
          "FundingSource": null,
          "ShelvingSchemeID": 0,
          "ItemStatusID": 1,
          "AssociatedBibRecordID": 0,
          "ParentItemRecordID": 0,
          "AssignedBranchID": 3,
          "AssignedCollectionID": 0,
          "MaterialTypeID": 1,
          "FreeTextBlock": null,
          "ManualBlockID": 0,
          "FineCodeID": 3,
          "LoanPeriodCodeID": 9,
          "StatisticalCodeID": 1,
          "ShelfLocationID": 0,
          "DisplayInPAC": true,
          "Name": "Adult Fiction",
          "OrganizationOwnerID": 4,
          "ReserveAssignedBranchID": 0,
          "ReserveAssignedCollectionID": 0,
          "ReserveShelfLocationID": 0,
          "ReserveLoanPeriodCodeID": 0,
          "ReserveFineCodeID": 0,
          "ReserveRenewalLimit": 0,
          "ReserveHoldable": 0,
          "CopyRightFeeRequired": false,
          "CopyrightCompliance": 0,
          "CopyrightFee": null,
          "CopyrightFeePaid": false,
          "LimitedToLibUse": false,
          "LibraryCopy": false,
          "DeleteWhenDone": false,
          "ActionWhenDone": 0,
          "RequiresFullCataloging": false,
          "Purchase": false,
          "ReserveStatus": 1,
          "StartDate": null,
          "EndDate": null,
          "Note": null,
          "HomeBranchID": 3,
          "ItemDoesNotFloat": false,
          "DonorID": 862,
          "DonorFirstName": "Ian",
          "DonorMiddleName": "B.",
          "DonorLastName": "Given",
          "DonorCorporateName": "Ian B. Given Foundation",
          "DoNotMailToPatron": false
Example for Reserve Item Record Template
application/json, text/json
          "ItemTemplateID": 5786,
          "SystemWideOwnerID": 0,
          "CreatorID": 936,
          "CreatorName": "barr",
          "ModifierID": 0,
          "ModifierName": null,
          "CallNumberPrefix": null,
          "ClassificationNumber": null,
          "CutterNumber": null,
          "CallNumberSuffix": null,
          "CopyNumber": null,
          "VolumeNumber": null,
          "TemporaryShelfLocation": null,
          "PublicNote": null,
          "NonPublicNote": null,
          "CreationDate": "2010-07-19T15:44:25.77-04:00",
          "ModificationDate": null,
          "Price": null,
          "LoanableOutsideSystem": false,
          "NonCirculating": false,
          "RenewalLimit": 0,
          "Holdable": false,
          "HoldableByPickup": false,
          "HoldPickupBranchID": 0,
          "HoldableByLibrary": false,
          "HoldableByBranch": false,
          "HoldableByPrimaryLender": false,
          "PhysicalCondition": null,
          "NameOfPiece": null,
          "FundingSource": null,
          "ShelvingSchemeID": 0,
          "ItemStatusID": 0,
          "AssociatedBibRecordID": 0,
          "ParentItemRecordID": 0,
          "AssignedBranchID": 0,
          "AssignedCollectionID": 0,
          "MaterialTypeID": 0,
          "FreeTextBlock": null,
          "ManualBlockID": 0,
          "FineCodeID": 0,
          "LoanPeriodCodeID": 0,
          "StatisticalCodeID": 0,
          "ShelfLocationID": 0,
          "DisplayInPAC": false,
          "Name": "Reserve On The Fly",
          "OrganizationOwnerID": 228,
          "ReserveAssignedBranchID": 154,
          "ReserveAssignedCollectionID": 0,
          "ReserveShelfLocationID": 0,
          "ReserveLoanPeriodCodeID": 0,
          "ReserveFineCodeID": 0,
          "ReserveRenewalLimit": 0,
          "ReserveHoldable": 0,
          "CopyRightFeeRequired": false,
          "CopyrightCompliance": 0,
          "CopyrightFee": null,
          "CopyrightFeePaid": false,
          "LimitedToLibUse": false,
          "LibraryCopy": true,
          "DeleteWhenDone": false,
          "ActionWhenDone": 2,
          "RequiresFullCataloging": false,
          "Purchase": false,
          "ReserveStatus": 3,
          "StartDate": null,
          "EndDate": null,
          "Note": null,
          "HomeBranchID": 0,
          "ItemDoesNotFloat": false,
          "DonorID": null,
          "DonorFirstName": null,
          "DonorMiddleName": null,
          "DonorLastName": null,
          "DonorCorporateName": null,
          "DoNotMailToPatron": false
Example for Purchase Order Template
application/json, text/json
          "PurchaseOrderID": 4,
          "CreatorID": 130,
          "CreatorName": "jferriss",
          "ModifierID": 0,
          "ModifierName": null,
          "SupplierID": 46,
          "OrganizationID": 7,
          "BackorderInstrID": 0,
          "BindingSubInstrID": 0,
          "EDIFileName": null,
          "EDIFileCreateDateTime": null,
          "CatServChargeBase": 0,
          "CatServInstrID": 0,
          "ClmWtPer1": 0,
          "ClmWtPer2": 0,
          "ClmWtPer3": 0,
          "ClmWtPer4": 0,
          "ClmWtPer5": 0,
          "DelBillInstr": 0,
          "DiscRate": 0,
          "InstrSupp": null,
          "InvDeliveryMethID": 0,
          "InvCopies": 0,
          "InvSequencingID": 0,
          "IsTemplate": true,
          "CreationDate": "2005-06-01T07:43:16.36-04:00",
          "ModificationDate": null,
          "MaxClaims": 0,
          "MembershipRenewalDate": null,
          "PONote": null,
          "OrderCancelInstr": null,
          "OrderTypeID": 3,
          "OtherChargeBase": 0,
          "PaymentMethodID": 8,
          "PlanName": null,
          "POAddChrgsSubtotBase": 0,
          "POAuthorization": null,
          "POConfirmDate": null,
          "POGrndTotBase": 0,
          "POMaterSubtotBase": 0,
          "PONumber": null,
          "PONumberSuf": null,
          "ReleaseDate": null,
          "RentalReturnDate": null,
          "SalesTax1Base": 0,
          "SalesTaxRate1": 0,
          "ServChargeBase": 0,
          "ShipChargeBase": 0,
          "ShipDate": null,
          "ShippingMethodID": 0,
          "SpecialHandChargeBase": 0,
          "TemplateName": "Baker and Taylor Books",
          "Prepaid": 0,
          "OrderStatusID": 4,
          "StatusDate": "2005-06-01T07:43:16.36-04:00",
          "ClmNoticeInd": false,
          "CanNoticeInd": false,
          "AutoCancelInd": false,
          "CanWtPer": 0,
          "Lines": 0,
          "WebCheckEnabled": 1,
          "ExchangeRate": 1,
          "ExternalID": null,
          "Encumbered": 0
Example for Item Bulk Change Template with fullObject = false
application/json, text/json
          "ItemBulkChangeTemplateID": 6,
          "Name": "Jeff Test 2",
          "OrganizationOwnerID": null,
          "CreatorID": 1,
          "ModifierID": null,
          "CreationDate": "2019-03-26T10:16:14.207-04:00",
          "ModificationDate": null,
          "UseCallNumberFromBib": 1,
          "CreatorName": "Polaris",
          "ModifierName": null
Example for Item Bulk Change Template with fullObject = true
application/json, text/json
          "ItemBulkChangeTemplateID": 6,
          "Name": "Jeff Test 2",
          "OrganizationOwnerID": 0,
          "CreatorID": 1,
          "ModifierID": 0,
          "CreationDate": "2019-03-26T10:16:14.207-04:00",
          "ModificationDate": null,
          "OwningBranchChange": 0,
          "OwningBranchID": 3,
          "AssignedBranchChange": 0,
          "AssignedBranchID": 3,
          "AssignedCollectionChange": 0,
          "AssignedCollectionName": "Amsterdam collection",
          "AssignedCollectionAbbreviation": "AC2",
          "ShelfLocationChange": 0,
          "ShelfLocationName": "Adult Paperback",
          "HomeBranchChange": 0,
          "HomeBranchID": 3,
          "TemporaryShelfLocationChange": 0,
          "TemporaryShelfLocation": "temp loc",
          "ItemStatusChange": 0,
          "CirculationStatusID": 1,
          "MaterialTypeChange": 0,
          "MaterialTypeID": 1,
          "LoanPeriodChange": 0,
          "LoanPeriodCodeID": 4,
          "HoldableChange": 0,
          "Holdable": 0,
          "FineCodeChange": 0,
          "FineCodeID": 26,
          "StatisticalCodeChange": 0,
          "StatisticalCodeName": "Adult/YA Nonfiction",
          "RenewalLimitChange": 0,
          "RenewalLimit": 10,
          "HoldableByPickupChange": 0,
          "HoldableByPickup": 0,
          "HoldPickupBranchID": 0,
          "HoldableByLibraryChange": 0,
          "HoldableByLibrary": 0,
          "HoldableByBranchChange": 0,
          "HoldableByBranch": 0,
          "HoldableByPrimaryLenderChange": 0,
          "HoldableByPrimaryLender": 0,
          "LoanableOutsideSystemChange": 0,
          "LoanableOutsideSystem": 1,
          "NonCirculatingChange": 0,
          "NonCirculating": 1,
          "DoNotMailToPatronChange": 0,
          "DoNotMailToPatron": 1,
          "ItemDoesNotFloatChange": 0,
          "ItemDoesNotFloat": 1,
          "ShelvingSchemeChange": 0,
          "ShelvingSchemeID": 3,
          "CallNumberPrefixChange": 0,
          "CallNumberPrefix": "prefix",
          "ClassificationNumberChange": 0,
          "ClassificationNumber": "class",
          "CutterNumberChange": 0,
          "CutterNumber": "212",
          "CallNumberSuffixChange": 0,
          "CallNumberSuffix": "suffix",
          "CopyNumberChange": 0,
          "CopyNumber": "1",
          "VolumeNumberChange": 0,
          "VolumeNumber": "vol",
          "UseCallNumberFromBib": 1,
          "LibraryAssignedBlockChange": 0,
          "ItemBlockName": "Damaged",
          "FreeTextBlockChange": 0,
          "FreeTextBlockMode": 1,
          "FreeTextBlock": "free text",
          "PublicNoteMode": 1,
          "PublicNoteChange": 0,
          "PublicNote": "public note",
          "NonPublicNoteChange": 0,
          "NonPublicNoteMode": 1,
          "NonPublicNote": "non public note",
          "PhysicalConditionChange": 0,
          "PhysicalConditionMode": 1,
          "PhysicalCondition": "condition",
          "BibControlNumberChange": 0,
          "AssociatedBibRecordID": 748744,
          "DisplayInPacChange": 0,
          "DisplayInPAC": 1,
          "ParentItemRecordChange": 0,
          "ParentItemRecordID": 1000,
          "NameOfPieceChange": 0,
          "NameOfPiece": "piece",
          "FundingSourceChange": 0,
          "FundingSource": "funding source",
          "PriceChange": 0,
          "Price": 1.25,
          "UseSystemBarcodes": 0,
          "CreatorName": "Polaris",
          "ModifierName": null
Example for Item Bulk Change Template with ownerInfoOnly = true
application/json, text/json
          "ItemBulkChangeTemplateID": 6,
          "OrganizationOwnerID": 0,
          "CreatorID": 1
Example for Weeding Template
application/json, text/json
          "WeedingTemplateID": 11,
          "Name": "Sample Weeding Template",
          "OrganizationOwnerID": 37,
          "CreatorID": 130,
          "CreatorName": "jferriss",
          "CreationDate": "2023-03-28T16:00:11.223-04:00",
          "ModifierID": 899,
          "ModifierName": "egraham",
          "ModificationDate": "2023-03-31T08:57:22.417-05:00",
          "LastCopyAlert": true,
          "WithdrawnOption": 1,
          "DeleteAtApproval": false,
          "DiscardOption": 2,
          "DiscardAmounts": [
            { "LanguageID": 1, "LanguageDesc": "English", "Amount": 11.11 }

HTTP Response Codes

Code Description
200 OK. Success
400 Bad request
404 Invalid object ID