© 2024 Clarivate
POST /api/.../creditcardpayments?task={1}/
This method allows the caller to initiate a credit card transaction on the credit card reader device to pay patron fines.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
fineData | DtoFineData | Yes | Define this parameter in the request body. |
task | Int | Yes |
Define this parameter in the request query string. Possible values listed in enum CCPaymentTask. Default value is '1'.
Property | Type | Nullable | Description |
PatronID | Int | Yes | Patron ID. |
TxnAmount | Decimal | No | Required. Amount to pay. Amount should be equal to the balance owed. |
MainTxnIDs | List of Int | Yes | Required if 'task' is 1 (CCPaymentTask.PatronAccount) or '5' (CCPaymentTask.CheckInOverduePendingCharges). List of transaction IDs. Unique identifier for each transaction |
PatronPaymentMethod | Int | No | Payment method. Value is 12 for paying by credit card. |
FreeTextNote | String | Yes | Notes |
Charges | List of DtoChargeData | Yes | Required if 'task' is not '1' or '5'. List of charges that will be charged and paid. |
"PatronID": 1234,
"TxnAmount" : 12.15,
"FreeTextNote" : "Paying by credit card from LEAP",
"PatronPaymentMethod": 12,
"PatronID": 1234,
"TxnAmount" : 12.15,
"FreeTextNote" : "Checkout from LEAP",
"PatronPaymentMethod": 12,
"TxnAmount": 6.65
"FreeTextNote": "Overdue charge while renew"
"FeeReasonCode": 0
"TxnAmount": 5.50
"FreeTextNote": "Checkout charge while renew"
"FeeReasonCode": -11
"TrackId": 3302,
"Guid": "91242415-7546-4bc7-bdd0-fcd50951",
"VendorId": 0,
"BaseAddress": null,
"CustomerID": null,
"TerminalID": null,
"UserName": null,
"Password": null,
"Amount": null,
"PatronID": null,
"Language": null,
"Result": 0,
"TrackNumber": null,
"Error": null,
"TxnStatus": null,
"TroutId": null,
"CCDigits": null,
"CCType": null,
"AuthCode": null,
"Request": null,
"Response": null,
"PaymentsServiceUrl": "https://[server_address]/Payments.Service/api/payments/3302?guid=91242415-7546-4bc7-bdd0-fcd50951&amount=12.15"
enum CCPaymentTask
None = 0,
PatronAccount = 1,
PatronRegistration = 2,
CheckOutCharge = 3,
OverdueFine = 4,
CheckInOverduePendingCharges = 5,
ResolveLostBilled = 6,
DeclareLost = 7,
RenewAndOverdueCharge = 8
enum PatronAccountTxnCode
Charge = 1,
Payment = 2,
Return = 3,
Deposit = 4,
Waive = 5,
WaiveExistingCharge = 6,
Forfeit = 7,
Credit = 8,
PayRefund = 9,
AutoWaive = 10
enum PatronPaymentMethod
PayFrmCredit = 1,
PayFrmDeposit = 2,
DepositFrmCredit = 3,
CreditFrmDeposit = 4,
CreditFrmPAY = 5,
StoredValue = 6,
Cash = 11,
CreditCard = 12,
DebitCard = 13,
Check = 14,
Voucher = 15,
CollectionAgency = 16,
SmartCard = 17
Code | Description |
200 | OK. Success |
400 | Null object. Bad request |
409 | CONFLICT. Patron record is secured. |