© 2025 Clarivate
GET /api/.../polineitemsegments?listType=linkable&bibRecordID={bibRecordID}&orderTypeID={orderTypeID}
Return a list of DtoLinkablePOLISegment objects that are:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
listType | String | Yes | Valid values: 'linkable'. |
bibRecordID | Int | Yes | Required when listType is 'linkable'. |
orderTypeID | Int | Yes | Required when listType is 'linkable'. |
destinationOrgID | Int | No | Optional when listType is 'linkable'. |
destinationCollectionID | Int | No | Optional when listType is 'linkable'. |
supplierID | Int | No | Optional when listType is 'linkable'. |
"PurchaseOrderID": 5109,
"OrganizationID": 101,
"PlanName": null,
"SupplierID": 587,
"DestinationOrgID": 101,
"DestinationCollectionID": 0,
"StatusID": 10,
"PONumber": "SAL849 kek",
"LineNumber": 1,
"OrderTypeID": 7,
"MaxClaims": 0,
"ClmWtPer1": 0,
"ClmWtPer2": 0,
"ClmWtPer3": 0,
"ClmWtPer4": 0,
"ClmWtPer5": 0,
"POLISegmentNumber": 1,
"POLineItemSegmentID": 188465,
"POLineItemID": 154697,
"Destination": "Southern Adirondack Library System",
"Collection": null,
"Status": "On Order"
Code | Description |
200 | OK. Success |
400 | Bad Request |
404 | Not Found |
Permission IDs found here.
CR_AccessAcquisitions_Allow ()