Patron Custom Data

List All Patron Messages

GET /api/.../patroncustomdata/{patronregistrationtype}

Returns all custom data associated with the logon organization.

Request Information

Name Type Required Description
patronregistrationtype Integer Yes The unique id assigned to the type of the registration.

Response Information

application/json, text/json
        "DefaultValue":"Jack Smith",
        "PatronDataLabelValue":"Parent/Guardian birth date",
        "PatronDataLabelValue":"City ID",
        "PatronDataLabelValue":"Numeric text box",
        "PatronDataLabelValue":"Restricted patron",

HTTP Response Codes

Code Description
200 OK. Success
400 FAILURE. Invalid OrgID.

Reference for Patron Registration Types:

public enum PatronRegistrationType
    Normal = 1,
    PAC = 2,
    Express = 3