Post Item Record

Post Item Record

POST /api/.../itemrecords/

Post Item Record

Request Information

Name Type Required Description
dto DtoAccessionItem Yes Define this object parameter in the request body.
Property Type Nullable Description
Barcode String No Item barcode, if this barcode already in use, exception will be thrown
Brn Integer No Bibliographic Record Identifier
VolumeNumber String No Volume identifier
BranchID Integer No Branch ID
ClassificationNumber String No Classification Number
MaterialTypeID Integer No Meterial Type ID
AssignedCollectionID Integer No Assigned Collection ID
LanguageID Integer No Language ID
CallNumberSuffix String No Call Number Suffix
Donor String No Donor
Price Decimal Yes Price
DisplayInPAC Boolean Yes Display In PAC
NonPublicNote String No Notes for staff view
PublicNote String No Notes for public view
NonCirculatingFlag Boolean Yes For reference item
ItemStatusID Integer No Item status
ShelfLocationId Integer No Shelf Location Id
FineCodeID Integer No Fine Code ID
application/json, text/json
     "itemId": "123newBarcode123",
     "brn": 5000,
     "volumeName": "TV",
     "locationCode": "AMS",
     "callNumber": "811",
     "mediaCode": "SER",
     "usageLevelCode": "RACL",
     "courseCode": "courseCode",
     "language": "E",
     "suffix": "suffix",
     "donor": "newDonorName132",
     "price": 50,
     "suppressFlag": true,
     "nonPublicNote": "nonBlockingNote",
     "publicNote": "PublicNote",
     "nonCirculatingFlag": true,
     "statusCode": "In-Process"

HTTP Response Codes

Code Description
200 OK. Success
  • Bad request