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GET /api/.../polineitems/{id}
Returns purchase order line item view data by id.
GET /api/.../polineitems/{id}?includeSegments=true
Returns purchase order line item view data by id and includes line item segments.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
id | Integer | Yes | The unique id assigned to the purchase order line item. |
includeSegments | Boolean | No | Include PO line item segments. Default is false. |
"POLineItemID": 175514,
"PurchaseOrderID": 6587,
"Author": null,
"Alert": false,
"AutoCancelInd": false,
"BibliographicRecordID": 537130,
"BackorderInstrID": 0,
"BindingFormatID": 0,
"BindingSubInstrID": 0,
"CatalogNumber": "786936222197",
"CatServInstrID": 0,
"CatServQnty": 0,
"ClmAlertDate": null,
"ClmWtPer1": 1,
"ClmWtPer2": 1,
"ClmWtPer3": 1,
"ClmWtPer4": 1,
"ClmWtPer5": 1,
"CopyNumber": 0,
"CreationDate": "2009-09-16T10:33:34.793-04:00",
"CreatorID": 904,
"CreatorName": "Joanne.Reid",
"ClmNoticeInd": true,
"CanNoticeInd": true,
"CanWtPer": 0,
"ClmCycNum": 0,
"DiscPriceUnitBase": 8.77,
"DiscRate": 42.5,
"DisplayInPac": 1,
"Edition": null,
"ISBN_ISSN": "0788847147 (widescreen) :",
"LineNumber": 1001,
"ListPriceUnitBase": 15.25,
"MaterialTypeID": 5,
"MaterialTypeDescription": "Audiobook",
"MARCLCCN": null,
"MaxClaims": 5,
"MembershipDesignation": true,
"ModificationDate": null,
"ModifierID": 0,
"ModifierName": null,
"NotePub": null,
"NoteStaff": null,
"NoteSupplier": null,
"OrganizationID": 103,
"PaymentStatusID": 6,
"PaymentStatusDate": "2009-09-16T10:33:34.793-04:00",
"POConfirmDate": null,
"Publisher": "Walt Disney Home Entertainment ;",
"PublicationYear": 2003,
"RentalReturnDate": null,
"ReqName": null,
"ReserveHold": 0,
"StartDate": null,
"StartNumber": null,
"SubscrExpDate": null,
"TitleOrderedAs": "Kim Possible. The secret files [DVD]",
"StatusID": 12,
"StatusDescription": "Pending",
"StatusDate": "2009-09-16T10:33:34.793-04:00",
"Title": "Kim Possible. The secret files [DVD]",
"PONumber": "33333333",
"PONumberSuf": "444",
"OrderTypeID": 3,
"OrderStatus": "Pending",
"NormalizedISBN": "9780788847141",
"NormalizedISSN": null,
"NormalizedUPC": "786936222197",
"NormalizedOCLC": null,
"ISBNPriceList": [
"ISBN_ISSN": "0788847147 (widescreen) :",
"Price": 15.25,
"IsISBN": true
"OtherStandardIdentifiers": [
"POLineItemSegments": [
"POLineItemSegmentID": 213538,
"PurchaseOrderID": 6587,
"POLineItemID": 175514,
"AmountEncumbered": 0,
"BindFormatChargeBase": 0,
"CatServChargeBase": 0,
"CreationDate": "2009-09-16T10:33:34.793-04:00",
"CreatorID": 904,
"CreatorName": "Joanne.Reid",
"DestinationCollectionID": null,
"DestinationCollectionName": null,
"DestinationOrgID": 101,
"DestinationOrganizationName": "Southern Adirondack",
"Encumbered": false,
"Expended": false,
"GrandTotalSegmentBase": 8.77,
"Invoiced": 0,
"ModificationDate": null,
"ModifierID": 895,
"ModifierName": "joanne.zukowski",
"POLISegmentNumber": 1,
"PaymentStatusID": 6,
"PaymentStatusDescription": "Open",
"PaymentStatusDate": "2009-09-16T10:33:34.793-04:00",
"OtherChargeBase": 0,
"QuantOrd": 1,
"QuantRec": 0,
"QuantSent": 0,
"SalesTax1Base": 0,
"SalesTax2Base": 0,
"ServChargeBase": 0,
"ShipChargeBase": 0,
"SpecialHandChargeBase": 0,
"StatusID": 12,
"LineItemStatusDescription": "Pending",
"StatusDate": "2009-09-16T10:33:34.793-04:00",
"TotDiscPriceBase": 8.77,
"RequesterName": null,
"ItemTemplateCode": null,
"RecByASN": false,
"SplitPOLISegmentID": null,
"POLineItemSegmentAmounts": [
"POLineItemSegmentID": 213538,
"FiscalYearID": 495,
"FundID": 3171,
"Amount": 8.77,
"Percentage": 100,
"FiscalYearName": "2010cd 2",
"FundName": "Fiction Fund",
"FundAlternativeName": "0000z"
Code | Description |
200 | OK. Success |
400 |
Permission IDs found here.
CR_AccessAcquisitions_Allow (), CR_PurchaseOrders_Access (based on owner ID)