© 2025 Clarivate
GET /api/.../itemblocks/{id}
Return a single item block.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
id | Integer | Yes | The unique id assigned to the Item Block. Used to return a single object. |
"Description":"See Note",
Code | Description |
200 | OK. Success |
GET /api/.../itemblocks
Return a list of all item blocks in the system.
GET /api/.../itemblocks?orgid={orgid}
Return a list of item blocks that belong to a specific organization.
GET /api/.../itemblocks?orgid={orgid}&includeEmptyObject=true
Return a list of all blocks for an individual organization. Include the '(none)' entry for a user listbox or combobox.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
orgid | Integer | No | The unique id assigned to the organization. Used to filter the list. |
includeEmptyObject | Boolean | No | Set to 'true' to return an empty object with ItemBlockID set to '0' and Description set to '(none)'. This may be used when populating a listbox for a user selection. Must be used with the orgid parameter. |
"Description":"See Note","SequenceID":1
"Description":"Check Contents",
Code | Description |
200 | OK. Success |
400 | FAILURE. Invalid organization ID |
404 | FAILURE. Organization ID not found |