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GET /api/.../itemrecords/{id}?view=itemview
Retrieve the following data fields for manage item record dialog without requiring item data access permission:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
id | Integer | Yes | The unique id assigned to the item record. |
view | string | Yes | Define this parameter in the request query string to get manage item record data. Possible Values: itemview |
"ItemRecordID": 1161839,
"AssignedCollectionID": 1,
"AssignedCollectionName": "Adirondack Collection",
"ShelfLocationID": 1,
"ShelfLocationDescription": "Ams and Arg",
"MaterialTypeID": 2,
"MaterialTypeDescription": "New / Popular Book",
"AssignedBlockID": 2,
"AssignedBlockDescription": "Check Contents",
"FreeTextBlock": "free text block"
Code | Description |
200 | OK. Success |
404 | Record not found. Error |