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GET /api/.../invlineitemsegments/{id}
Returns invoice line item segments data by invoice line item id.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
id | Integer | Yes | The unique id assigned to the invoice line item. |
"InvoiceLineItemSegments": [
"InvLineItemSegmentID": 176961,
"InvLISegmentNumber": 1,
"InvLineItemID": 143861,
"QuantRec": 1,
"DestinationOrgID": 101,
"OrganizationName": "Southern Adirondack Library System",
"DestinationCollectionID": null,
"CollectionName": "(None)",
"PaymentStatusID": 1,
"PaymentStatus": "Credited",
"PaymentStatusDate": "2009-10-23T12:17:31-04:00",
"CatServChargeBase": 0,
"SpecialHandChargeBase": 0,
"ServChargeBase": 0,
"ShipChargeBase": 0,
"BindFormatChargeBase": 0,
"OtherChargeBase": 0,
"ChargesSubtotal": 0,
"TotDiscPriceBase": 28,
"SalesTax1Base": 0,
"AmtCreditedBase": 0,
"GrandTotalBase": 28,
"FundName": "0000 (0000z)",
"FiscalYearName": "2010c",
"FiscalYearCount": 1,
"FundCount": 1,
"FundID": 1338,
"PaymentMethodID": 8
"InvLineItemSegmentID": 176962,
"InvLISegmentNumber": 2,
"InvLineItemID": 143861,
"QuantRec": 1,
"DestinationOrgID": 103,
"OrganizationName": "Stillwater Public Library",
"DestinationCollectionID": null,
"CollectionName": "(None)",
"PaymentStatusID": 1,
"PaymentStatus": "Credited",
"PaymentStatusDate": "2009-10-23T12:17:31-04:00",
"CatServChargeBase": 0.01,
"SpecialHandChargeBase": 0.02,
"ServChargeBase": 0.03,
"BindFormatChargeBase": 0.05,
"OtherChargeBase": 0.06,
"ChargesSubtotal": 0.21,
"TotDiscPriceBase": 28,
"SalesTax1Base": 0,
"AmtCreditedBase": 0,
"GrandTotalBase": 28.21,
"FundName": "STI Blanket 2 (STIBla2)",
"FiscalYearName": "Blanket FY 2",
"FiscalYearCount": 1,
"FundCount": 1,
"FundID": 1198,
"PaymentMethodID": 8
"SA_AcqProfFilterBrInvoiceLineSegments": false,
"SA_AcqParamOtherChargeDescription": "Other",
"OrdersLineItemTotalQuantity": 2,
"ChargesLineItemTotalCharges": 0,
"TotalsLineItemTotal": 0,
"TotalsCredited": 0,
"TotalsEncumberedExpended": 0
Code | Description |
200 | OK. Success |
400 |
Permission IDs found here.
CR_AccessAcquisitions_Allow (), CR_Invoices_Access (based on owner ID)