Deny Local Hold Request

PUT /api/.../holds/{id}?action=deny&denyreason={denyreason}

Deny a local hold request from the request manager.

Request Information

Name Type Required Description
id Integer Yes ID of local hold request
action String Yes The value of action must be "deny"
denyreason Integer Yes The reason ID of the item being denied. Valid values:
  • -15 - INN-Reach request denied
  • -14 - No items available
  • -13 - Item was lost
  • -12 - Title not found
  • -11 - Publication year not found
  • -10 - Not available
  • -9 - Not owned
  • -8 - Not Holdable
  • -7 - Not found as cited
  • -6 - Non-circulating
  • -5 - LCCN not found
  • -4 - ISBN not found
  • -3 - Format not found
  • -2 - Barcode not found
  • -1 - Author not found
  • 2 - New Material
  • 3 - Item cannot be checked out
allItems boolean No Flag to deny all items at that branch (true or false). Default value is false.

Response Information

An HTTP return status code of 200 indicates success.

application/json, text/json

HTTP Response Codes

Code Description
200 OK. Success