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GET /api/.../files/{filegrouptype}/{fileId}?fileInfoOnly=true
Returns an object that contains the file information.
FileGroupType return values:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
filegrouptype | String | Yes |
File group type values. "Export", "IDList", "MARC", "Report" or "BulkAddToPO" |
fileId | string | Yes | Unique ID assigned during upload process. |
fileInfoOnly | Bool | Yes | Must be set to 'true'. |
"FileID": "9cb81b2a-ae9c-4ebd-9fd4-29c268dafb8b_xlsx",
"FileGroupType": 1,
"FileFormatType": 2,
"IsExcel": true,
"ExcelColumnNames": {
"Sheet1:0": "Sheet1 - Column 1 - PatronID",
"Sheet2:0": "Sheet2 - Column 1 - MoreBarcodes",
"Sheet2:1": "Sheet2 - Column 2 - ",
"Sheet2:2": "Sheet2 - Column 3 - AreTheseBarcodes",
"Sheet3:0": "Sheet3 - Column 1 - ",
"Sheet3:1": "Sheet3 - Column 2 - ",
"Sheet3:2": "Sheet3 - Column 3 - ",
"Sheet3:3": "Sheet3 - Column 4 - "
Code | Description |
200 | OK. Success |
400 | Bad Request. Unable to open file. Check the path and filename. |
GET /api/.../files/{filegrouptype}/{fileId}?fileInfoOnly=false
Returns the raw file data.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
filegrouptype | String | Yes |
File group type values. "Export", "IDList", "MARC", "Report" or "BulkAddToPO" |
fileId | string | Yes | Unique ID assigned during upload or report creation process. |
fileInfoOnly | Bool | No | Defaults to 'false'. |
No matching patron record was found for the following PatronIDs:
The following PatronIDs were listed more than once in the external file, and were added only once to the record set:
57781, 11111
The following PatronIDs were already in the record set, and were not added again:
11111, 57781
Code | Description |
200 | OK. Success |
400 | Bad Request. Unable to open file. Check the path and filename. |
GET /api/.../files/{filegrouptype}/{fileId}?fileAsIdList=true&locator=
May only be used for IDList file group types. Returns the file data as a list of IDs.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
filegrouptype | String | Yes |
File group type values. "IDList" |
fileId | string | Yes | Unique ID assigned during upload process. |
fileInfoOnly | Bool | No | Defaults to 'false'. |
fileAsIdList | Bool | Yes | Must be set to 'true'. |
locator | String | No | Typically used when retrieving records from an Excel file. Represents the column identifier (key value) returned from the "Get File Info" method. It is case-sensitive. ie: "Sheet1:0" |
Code | Description |
200 | OK. Success |
400 | Bad Request. Unable to open file. Check the path and filename. |