Update Serial Holdings Record

PUT /api/.../serialholdingsrecords/{id}

Modify serial holdings record.

Request Information

Name Type Required Description
id Integer Yes The unique id assigned to the serial holdings record.
dto DtoSerialHoldingsRecordUpdateInfo Yes Define this parameter in the request body.
Property Type Nullable Description
CopyID Int No The unique id assigned to the serial holdings record.
BibliographicRecordID Int No Record linked bibliographic record control ID. This field should not be NULL. Variable control field 004. FK, references to BibliogarphicRecords(BibliographicRecordID).
DestinationOrgID Int No Destination organization control ID. FK, references to Organizaitons(OrganizationID).
DisplayInPac Boolean No Indicates whether or not the linked issues/parts will be displayed in PAC.
OrderType Int No Order type of serial holdings record. It can be either 7 (standing order) or 8 (subcription), but can not be NULL. FK, references to OrderTypes(OrderTypeID).
DestinationCollectionID Int Yes Destination collection control ID. FK, references to Collections(CollectionID).
CompletenessCodeH TinyInt Yes Record's completenes status code. FK, references to MfhdCompleteness(CodeID).
CopyNumber Int Yes Copy number.
CallNoPrefix String Yes Call number prefix.
ClassificationNo String Yes Call number classification part.
CutterNo String Yes Call number cutter part.
Designated Boolean Yes Indicates whether the library receives a serial subscription because of a staff/faculty member's professional affiliation with an organization.
IntentToCancel DateTime Yes Subscription intent to cancel date.
ListServeAddr String Yes Electronic access server address. Usually is an URL.
MaterialType Int Yes Material type. FK, references to MaterialTypes(MaterialTypeID).
NotePub String Yes public note
NoteNonPub String Yes Non public notes.
NoteStaff String Yes Staff notes or warnings.
OrganizationID Int Yes Organization ID where holdings record gets ordered. FK, references to Organizations(OrganizationID).
MemberOrgName String Yes Name of the membership oraganization from which the library receives a serial subscription because of a staff/faculty member's professional affiliation with that organization.
MemberName String Yes Member name of a membership. The library receives a serial subscription because of a staff/faculty member's professional affiliation with an organization.
POLineItemSegmentID Int Yes Purchase order line segment ID.
PlanDescr String Yes Holdings record's purchase order plan description.
PlanName String Yes Holdings record's purchase order plan name.
RetDesignGenH Int Yes Retention designator ID on the serial holdings record. If multiple SHR exist per location/bibliographic record, this ID field is shared by all the SHRs.
RetDesignSpec00813 String Yes Retention period indicator, latest (1) or previous (0), on serial holdings record. If multiple SHR exist per location/bibliographic record, this indicator field is shared by all the SHRs.
RetDesignSpec00814 Int Yes Retention period on serial holdings record. If multiple SHR exist per location/bibliographic record, this period field is shared by all the SHRs.
RetDesignSpec00815 String Yes Retention period term (y - year, m - month, w - week, i - issues, e - edition, etc.) on serial holdings record. If multiple SHR exist per location/bibliographic record, this period term field is shared by all the SHRs.
StartDate DateTime Yes Subscription start date.
StartNumber String Yes Subscription start number.
SubscrExpDate DateTime Yes Subscription expiry date.
SupplierID Int Yes For a Standing Order SHR, this is its linked supplier control ID. For a subscription SHR, this is its linked subscription's supplier control ID. FK, references to Suppliers(SupplierID).
SubsID Int Yes Linked subscription record control ID. FK, references to Subscriptions(SubsID).
SubscrStatusH Int Yes Holdings record subscription status. FK, references to CopySubsStatuses(StatusID).
ShelvingSchemeID Int Yes Shelving scheme ID. FK, references to ShelvingSchemes(ShelvingSchemeID).
VendorTitleNumber String Yes Vendor title number.
SerialClaims List Yes List of DtoSerialCopyClaim.

application/json, text/json
    "NoteNonPub":"Note Non Pub added via Swagger",
    "SerialClaims": [{
        "CategoryId": 1,
        "OrderNumber": 1,
        "DaysToWait": 3,
        "Description": ""
      }, {
        "CategoryId": 1,
        "OrderNumber": 2,
        "DaysToWait": 1,
        "Description": ""

Response Information

True is returned upon success.

application/json, text/json

HTTP Response Codes

Code Description
200 OK. Success
400 FAILURE. Invalid Copy ID.
404 FAILURE. Record does not exist.

Required Permissions

Permission IDs found here.

    CR_AccessSerials_Allow (),
    CR_SerialCopyRecords_Access (based on owner ID),
    CR_SerialCopyRecords_Modify (based on owner ID)