Item Records

Get item records by IDs

POST /api/.../itemrecords/batch/getbyids?patronID={patronID}&view={view}

This method allows the caller to return a list of item record related data based on a supplied list of item record IDs for a specific patron. All data returned will be based on the supplied view. 'ors' is currently the only view supported by this method.

Request Information

Name Type Required Description
patronID Integer Yes Unique identifer for patron.
view String No Values:

Provide a JSON array of integers that represents a list of item record IDs.

Example request body
application/json, text/json
[14640, 25008]

Response Information

Example 'ors'
application/json, text/json
        "BrowseTitle":"Winning soccer : [videorecording] basics of the game.",
        "CallNumber":"VC J 796.334 WINN",
        "BrowseAuthor":"Yeagley, Jerry.",
        "BrowseTitle":"Soccer skills",
        "CallNumber":"J 796.334 Yea",

HTTP Response Codes

Code Description
200 OK. Success

Required Permissions

Permission IDs found here.
