

Workflow methods are not CRUD operations. These are operations that allow the application service to coordinate the presentation flow. This decouples presentation from business and UI sequencing logic by having the workflow drive the user interface.

A typical workflow process consists of a series of communications between the caller and the server. It starts with a REQUEST by the caller and is followed by an ANSWER from the server. If more input is required, the caller may send a REPLY which will again be followed by an ANSWER from the server. This process will continue until the ANSWER returns a status that is completed or an error occurred.

The caller initiates a workflow request by issuing an HTTP POST.
POST /api/.../workflow

The server will respond with a workflow answer which contains the workflow request GUID and the information that will help drive the user interface. If the answer returns a status indicating input is required, the caller may reply to the answer by issuing an HTTP PUT command against the URL with the workflow request GUID.
PUT /api/.../workflow/{workflow-request-guid}

The server will respond with the last known workflow answer which contains the workflow request GUID and the information that will help drive the user interface.
GET /api/.../workflow/{workflow-request-guid}

Example Check Out Workflow Communication

==> Caller sends a check out request
POST /api/.../workflow
    "WorkflowRequestType": 2,
    "TxnBranchID": 3,
    "TxnUserID": 1,
    "TxnWorkstationID": 923,
    "RequestExtension": {
        "WorkflowRequestExtensionType": 1,
        "Data": {
            "CheckoutTypeID": 6,
            "PatronBarcode": "21756003332081",
            "ItemBarcode": "123",
            "OfflineCheckoutDate": null,
            "IsSpecialLoan": false,
            "SpecialLoanUnits": 0,
            "SpecialLoanUnitsNum": 0,
            "IsOvernightPermitted": false,
            "IsBBMBulkCheckout": false,
            "IgnorePatronBlocksCheck": false
    "WorkflowReplies": null
<== Answer from server - Item is blocked
Server would like caller to prompt for more input. Display information is provided.
        "Title":"Item is Blocked","Message":"Do you want to continue with this operation?",
                "ItemTitle":"Space, the next twenty-five years",
                    "Return to Display","This is a free text item block!"
==> Caller sends a reply to the server indicating they want to continue (PromptResult=5).
PUT /api/.../workflow/4e979891-31f7-44a4-8476-17234f1729fe
    "WorkflowPromptID": 7,
    "WorkflowPromptResult": 5,
    "ReplyValue": null,
    "ReplyExtension": null
<== Answer from server - Check out placed successfully
Display information is provided for the checked out item.
            "Message":"Checkout successful"
            "ItemTitle":"Space, the next twenty-five years",
            "AssignedBranchName":"Amsterdam Free Library",
            "Action":"Check Out",
            "CallNumber":"VC Fict My",

Request Types

WorkflowRequestTypeID Name Description
1 CheckIn Check in item.
2 CheckOut Checkout an item to a patron.
3 RegisterPatron Register a new patron.
4 UpdatePatron Update an existing patron.
5 PlaceHoldRequest Place a new hold request.
6 MakeClaim Make a claim on an item.
7 DeletePatron Delete patron record.
8 UpdateItemRecord Update item record.
9 UpdateBibRecord Update bib record.
10 DeleteItemRecord Delete item record.
11 DeleteBibRecord Delete bib record.
12 DeleteAuthorityRecord Delete authority record.
13 AddOrUpdateBibRecord Add or update bib record.
14 UndeleteAuthorityRecord Undelete authority record
15 UndeleteBibRecord Undelete bib record.
16 UndeleteItemRecord Undelete item record.
17 UpdateILLRequest Update ill request.
18 ReceiveILLRequest Receive item for ill request.
19 DeleteILLRequest Delete ILLRequest.
20 ConvertHoldRequestToILLRequest Convert HoldRequest To ILLRequest.
21 UpdateHoldRequest Update hold request.
22 FillNowHoldRequest Fill now hold request.
23 ReactivateHoldRequest Reactivate hold request.
24 TransferHoldRequest Transfer hold request.
25 SerialCheckIn Serial record check in.
26 SerialPredictions Serial Predictions.
27 DeleteSerialIssuePart Delete serial issue or part.
28 CombineSerialIssueParts Combine serial issue parts.
29 PlaceBulkHoldRequests Place bulk hold requests.
30 InvoicePayment Invoice payment.
31 DeleteSerialHoldingsRecord Delete serial holdings record.
32 ReleasePurchaseOrder Release purchase order.
33 SavePOLineItem Update Purchase order line item.
34 CancelPOLineItems Cancel Purchase order line items.
35 AddOrUpdateAuthorityRecord Add or update authority record.


WorkflowStatusID Name Description
-3 InputRequired The workflow is waiting for input from the caller. Ex: Prompt.
-2 ErrorOccurred An error occurred during the execution of the workflow.
-1 InvalidReply An invalid reply was received.
0 Started The workflow's initial state
1 CompletedSuccessfully The workflow process completed and successfully performed the operation. Ex: Item was checked out.
2 CompletedFailure The workflow process completed but failed to perform the operation. Ex: Item was not checked out.
3 CompletedCancelled The workflow was cancelled.

Prompt Types

WorkflowPromptType Name Description
1 Text Simple text prompt
2 ItemCheckoutBlock Item is blocked for checkout
3 PatronCheckoutBlock Patron is blocked for checkout
4 QuickCircCount Quick circ count for ephemeral items
5 ResolveLostBilledItem Resolve lost or billed item
6 OverdueCharge Overdue charge
7 Fine Fine
8 ChargeForCheckout Charge for checkout
9 CourseReserveItemCheckoutSelection Select which course reserve this item is being checked out for
10 ItemInTransit Item is in-transit.
11 DeletePatronLinks Delete patron links.
12 RegistrationCharge Charge for patron registration.
13 DuplicatePatrons Duplicate patrons.
14 CheckoutCharge Charge for checkout.
15 BriefItemEntry Circ OTF brief item entry.
16 RenewChargeOverdue Checkout charge and overdue entry.
17 DuplicateRecords This record appears to be a duplicate of existing records.
18 DeletionLinks Breakable and unbreakable links.
19 DuplicateHoldRequests Duplicate hold requests.
20 RequestSelectDesignationOrVolume Request select designation or volume.
21 AuthorityRecordDeleteOptions Authority record delete options.
22 LastCopyOrRecordOptions Last copy or record options.
23 WidowProcessingErrors Widow processing errors.
24 CheckHeadingsAssistant Check headings assistant options.
25 CheckMARC21FormatOnSave Check MARC21 results.
26 BibDuplicateDetectionResults Check MARC21 results.
27 PromoteItemRequestToBib Promote item Request to bib.
28 ItemNotHoldable This item is not holdable.
29 DuplicateILLRequests This record appears to be a duplicate of existing ILL requests.
30 CheckILLrequestLimits Check ILL request limits.
31 ExternalProcessing External processing.
32 SelectDesignationOrVolume Select designation or volume
33 SerialItemPrompt Serial item.
34 PatronHoldContinuePrompt Check Patron hold
35 ORSPatronPriorCheckout Item was previously checked out by this patron.
36 ORSUpdateServiceDate Update next service date.
37 RecordConfirmDelete Bulk record delete
38 SerialCKIItemCreate Create Item for Issue/Part
39 SerialCKIItemBarcodeEmpty ItemBarcode is Empty
40 SerialCKIBibCreateForPart Create Part Bibliographic Record
41 PublicationPatterns Publication Patterns
42 SerialPredictionResults Serial Prediction Results
43 CombineIssues Combine Issues
44 BibRemoteDBError Bib Remote DB Error
45 BibMARCFormatError Bib MARC Format Error
46 InvoiceFundLimitList Invoice Fund Limit List
47 ReleasePOResolveDisplayInPAC Release PO Resolve Display In PAC
48 ReleasePOPaymentOptions Release PO Payment Options
49 OverEncumbranceExpenditureList Over Encumbrance/Expenditure List
50 Table Display data in table. Contains optional checkbox
51 CheckSeeAlsoFromReferencesAssistant Check see also from references assistant
52 AuthorityDuplicateDetectionResults Authority duplicate detection results
53 AuthorityMARCFormatError Authority MARC format error
54 AuthorityCheckForLinkedRecordsResults Check for linked records

Prompt Option Types

WorkflowPromptOptions Name Description
1 YesNo Yes or No
2 YesNoCancel Yes, No or Cancel
3 OKCancel OK or Cancel
4 OKWaiveCharge OK, Waive or Charge
5 PayWaiveChargeCancel Pay, Waive, Charge or Cancel
6 ContinueCancel Continue or Cancel
7 ContinueWaiveChargeCancel Continue, Waive, Charge or Cancel
9 Cancel Cancel
10 DeleteSuppressRetainOpenPrint DeleteSuppressRetainOpenPrint
11 OKPrint OKPrint

Prompt Identifiers

Workflow Prompt ID Name Description Prompt Type Prompt Option Type
1PatronCheckoutBlockPromptPatron is blocked. Do you want to continue with this operation?PatronCheckoutBlock (3)YesNoCancel
2CreateOTFPromptThis item is not linked to a record and cannot circulate. Would you like to create a record 'on the fly'?Text (1)YesNo
3EphemeralCountPromptA quick-circ item barcode has been detected. Please specify the number of items you are checking out.QuickCircCount (4)OKCancel
4AssignedBranchPromptThis item is assigned to 'Inlet Public Library'. Do you want to continue with this transaction?Text (1)YesNo
5NonCirculatingItemPromptThe item is designated non-circulating. Do you want to circulate this item?Text (1)YesNo
6RestrictedPatronPromptPatron (Mr. Jeffrey D. Franklin) is restricted from borrowing Childrens Video. Do you want to continue?Text (1)YesNo
7ItemCheckoutBlockPromptItem is blocked. Do you want to continue with this operation?ItemCheckoutBlock (2)YesNoCancel
8SatisfiesHoldPromptItem satifies a hold request. Do you want to hold the item?Text (1)YesNoCancel
9ReactivateHoldPromptDo you want to reactivate the hold request for this patron?Text (1)YesNoCancel
10RenewalLimitPromptItem is over the renewal limit. Do you want to continue with renewal?Text (1)YesNo
11ResolveLostItemPromptResolve Lost ItemResolveLostBilledItem (5)OKCancel
12ResolveBilledItemPromptResolve Billed ItemResolveLostBilledItem (5)OKCancel
13OverdueFinePromptOverdue FineFine (7)PayWaiveChargeCancel
14ChargeForCheckoutPromptThere is a charge to checkout this item.ChargeForCheckout (8)PayWaiveChargeCancel
15PlaceInTransitPromptThis item does not belong to this branch. Do you want to put it In-Transit to...?Text (1)YesNo
16OvernightLoanPromptItem is due at library closing time. Permit overnight loan?Text (1)YesNo
17ClaimedPromptClaimed returned/never had. Continue?Text (1)YesNo
18PreviouslyCheckedOutPrompt%s was previously checked out by this patron on %s. Do you want to continue?Text (1)YesNo
19UpdateServiceDatePromptOutreach Services Patron. Do you want to update the Next Service Date?Text (1)YesNo
20CourseReserveItemCheckoutPromptThis item is reserved for the following courses. Please indicate what course the item is being checkout out for:CourseReserveItem-CheckoutSelection (9)OKCancel
21InTransitPromptThis item is in-transit to %s. \r\nDo you want to continue with the checkout?Text (1)YesNo
22FloatingLimitReachedPromptYou have reached your %s floating limit for this title. Do you want to check this item %s at %s?Text (1)YesNoCancel
23CheckedOutToAnotherPromptThis item is already checked out to another patron. Do you want to continue with the check-out to %s?Text (1)YesNo
24RenewPromptThis item already checked out to this patron. Do you want to renew?Text (1)YesNo
25SatisfiesHoldPromptSatisfies hold request. Hold item?Text (1)YesNoCancel
26ReactivateHoldPromptReactivate hold request?Text (1)YesNo
27HoldItemPromptDo you want to hold the item?Text (1)YesNoCancel
28TransferItemPromptTransfer item for hold?Text (1)YesNoCancel
29HoldNextPatronPromptHold for next patron?Text (1)YesNoCancel
30FillsRequestTransferPromptFills another request, transfer?Text (1)YesNoCancel
31RequestedBBMPromptRequested for BBM, continue checkout?Text (1)YesNo
32OverrideHoldPromptOverride hold and continue with checkout?Text (1)YesNo
33ExceededMaterialLimitPromptExceeded material limit count. Continue?Text (1)YesNo
34ExceededItemsOutPromptExceeded items out limit. Continue?Text (1)YesNo
35ExceededCourseReservesPromptExceeded course reserves items out limit. Continue?Text (1)YesNo
36CirculationRestrictedForPatronCirculation of this item for patron code {0} is restricted. Do you want to circulate this item?Text (1)YesNo
37CheckInWithdrawnItemItem is withdrawn. Do you want to check in this item?Text (1)ContinueCancel
38FillsRequestRenewItemThis item fills a request at... Do you want to renew the item?Text (1)YesNo
39OverrideClaimLimitPatron has exceeded the limit on claims.Text (1)ContinueCancel
40DeletePatronRecordPromptDelete of patron is not possible due the following linksDeletePatronLinks (11)ContinueCancel
41ExpirationDateInPastPromptPatron expiration date is in the past. Do you want to continue?Text (1)ContinueCancel
42AddressCheckDateInPastPromptPatron address check date is in the past. Do you want to continue?Text (1)ContinueCancel
43VerifyPatronBlockPatron has been blocked to verify registration information. Do you want to continue to block this patron?Text (1)ContinueCancel
44RegistrationChargeThere is a charge for registration. Please choose to Pay, Waive or Charge to the account.RegistrationCharge (12)PayWaiveChargeCancel
45DuplicatePatronsThe following patrons exist in the database already and may be a duplicate of the current patron record being entered.DuplicatePatrons (13)ContinueCancel
46ObjectLockedThe following patrons exist in the database already and may be a duplicate of the current patron record being entered.DuplicatePatrons (13)OK
47PatronBarcodeExistsUnable to save patron record, barcode is assigned to another patron.Text (1)OK
48PatronFieldValidationPatron field format validation and required fields.Text (1)OK
49SatisfyHoldRequestAssocPatronThis item will satisfy a hold request for an associated patron. Do you want to continue with the check-out?Text (1)ContinueCancel
50ReminderEmailNotValidReminder notices Option is e-mail. Do you want to continue?Text (1)ContinueCancel
51SatisfiesILLHoldPromptDo you want to hold this item for the patron?Text (1)YesNo
52TransferILLItemPromptTransfer this item to pickup library for hold?Text (1)YesNo
53ItemNotFoundPromptThis item is not linked to a record, and cannot circulate. Would you like to create a record on-the-fly?Text (1)YesNo
54InvalidBarcodePromptThe barcode format is not defined. Do you want to continue?Text (1)YesNo
55BriefItemEntryBrief item entryText (1)ContinueCancel
56BriefItemEntryPatron-RecordExistsForBarcodeA patron record exists for this barcode {0}BriefItemEntry (15)OK
57BriefItemEntryOTFTemplateRequiredThere is no 'On The Fly' template for {0}. An item template is required for circulating this item on the fly.Text (1)OK
58AcknowledgeOTFCatalogingAcknowledge OTF CatalogingText (1)OK
59DenyInnReachRequestPromptYou are denying this INN-Reach request. Are you sure you want to continue?Text (1)YesNo
60RenewChargeOverdueFinePromptCheckout charge and overdueText (1)ContinueCancel
61ConfirmItemRecordSaveNo changes have been made to this record. Do you want to save it anyway?Text (1)YesNo(1)
62ConfirmItemBarcodeChangedThe barcode was changed. Do you want to continue saving?Text (1)ContinueCancel(6)
63ItemBarcodeNotDefinedThis barcode format is not defined. Do you want to use this barcode for this item?Text (1)YesNo(1)
64BarcodeDefinedForPatronsThis barcode format is defined for patron records. Do you want to use this barcode for this item?Text (1)YesNo(1)
65ItemNoBarcodeThis item has no barcode. Do you want to continue saving?Text (1)ContinueCancel(6)
66NoDisplayInPACThis item will not display in PAC. Do you want to continue saving?Text (1)ContinueCancel(6)
67AssignedHomeBranchDifferentThe Assigned Branch and Home Branch fields are different. If you want to make Assigned and Home branch the same, click Cancel to stop and re-set the values.Text (1)OKCancel(3)
68ItemLinkedToHostBibAttention: This item record is linked to a host bibliographic record. You may also need to change the call numbers (if any) on linked constituent bib records.Text (1)OKCancel(3)
69ItemLinkedToHostBibDisplayInPACThis item record is linked to a host bibliographic record. The Display In PAC setting also affects the display of constituent call numbers.Text (1)OKCancel(3)
70ContinueToBlockItemForOTFCheckout charge and overdueText (1)YesNo(1)
71StatusChangedContinueWithSaveThe circulation status of this item has been changed to {0}.
Would you like to continue saving the record with this status?
Text (1)ContinueCancel(6)
72DuplicateRecordsThis record appears to be a duplicate of existing records:DuplicateRecords (17)ContinueCancel(6)
73ConfirmItemRecordDeleteAre you sure you want to delete item record {0}?Text (1)YesNo(1)
74ConfirmItemRecordDeleteAutoAuto delete is on. The item record will be deleted. Do you want to continue?Text (1)YesNo(1)
75BreakableDeletionLinksBreakable links.DeletionLinks (18)ContinueCancel(6)
76UnbreakableDeletionLinksUnbreakable links.DeletionLinks (18)Cancel(9)
79ConfirmBibRecordDeleteAre you sure you want to delete bibliographic record {0}?Text (1)YesNo(1)
80ConfirmAuthorityRecordDeleteAre you sure you want to delete authority record {0}?Text (1)YesNo(1)
81AuthorityRecordDeleteOptionsAuthority record heading deletion options.AuthorityRecordDeleteOptions (21)ContinueCancel(6)
82LastCopyOrRecordOptionsLast copy or record options.LastCopyOrRecordOptions (22)Delete(9)
83WidowProcessingErrorsWidow processing errors.WidowProcessingErrors (23)OKPrint(11)
84WidowRecordLockedByCallerWidow record locked by caller.WidowProcessingErrors (23)OK(8)
85CheckHeadingsAssistantThe bibliographic headings with no exact authority matches are listed below.CheckHeadingsAssistant (24)ContinueCancel(6)
86CheckMARC21FormatOnSaveMARC Validation ProblemCheckMARC21FormatOnSave (25)ContinueCancel(6)
87BibDuplicateDetectionResultsBib Duplicate Detection ResultsBibDuplicateDetectionResults (26)ContinueCancel(6)
88PromoteItemRequestToBibPromote item request to bibPromoteItemRequestToBib (27)ContinueCancel(6)
89ItemNotHoldableItem is not holdableItemNotHoldable (28)YesNo(1)
90ILLDuplicateRequestILL duplicate requests existDuplicateILLRequests (29)ContinueCancel(6)
91CheckILLRequestLimitsCheck for ILL request limitsCheckILLrequestLimits (30)ContinueCancel(6)
92CheckMediaDispenserCheck media dispenserText (1)ContinueCancel(6)
93SelectDesignationOrVolumeSelect designation or volumeSelectDesignationOrVolume (32)ContinueCancel(6)
94SerialItemPromptSerial itemSerialItemPrompt (33)ContinueCancel(6)
95PromoteItemRequestToBibPromote item request to bibPromoteItemRequestToBib (34)ContinueCancel(6)
96PatronHoldsBlockPromptPatron is blocked. Do you want to continue with this operation?PatronCheckoutBlock (3)YesNoCancel(2)
97PatronHoldContinuePromptPatron Hold Continue: Do you want to continue with this opration?Text (1)YesNo(1)
98MaximumHoldRequestsMaximum holds limitText (1)YesNo(1)
99ConstituentHoldPromptHold request against a constituent bib recordText (1)YesNo(1)
100ExceededHoldsMaterialLimitPromptExceeded material type for hold requestsText (1)ContinueCancel(6)
101ORSPatronPriorCheckoutPromptItem was previously checked out by this patron. Continue?Text (1)ContinueCancel(6)
102ORSUpdateServiceDateCheckoutPromptUpdate next service date. Continue?Text (1)ContinueCancel(6)
103PatronBarcodeNotDefinedThis barcode format is not defined. Do you want to use this barcode for this patron?Text (1)ContinueCancel(6)
104BarcodeDefinedForItemsThis barcode format is defined for item records. Do you want to use this barcode for this patron?Text (1)ContinueCancel(6)
105RecordConfirmDeleteBibliographic records will be deleted: Do you want to continue?Text (1)ContinueCancel(6)
106EContentRestrictedTitle: {0}

Holds for eContent records are restricted.
To place a hold on this record, you must use the PAC.
Text (1)ContinueCancel(6)
107SerialCKIItemCreateEnter barcode to create Item for Issue/Part.Text (1)ContinueCancel(6)
108SerialCKIItemBarcodeEmptyDo you need to input a barcode for the new item?Text (1)ContinueCancel(6)
109SerialCKIBibCreateForPartCreate Part Bibliographic RecordText (1)ContinueCancel(6)
110SerialCKISubscriptionCanceledThe subscription issue is linked to a subscription that was canceled. Do you want to continue?Text (1)ContinueCancel(6)
111SerialCKIPrintRouteSlipThe subscription issue is linked to a subscription that was canceled. Do you want to continue?Text (1)ContinueCancel(6)
112SerialCKIBibCreateForPartErrorCreate Part Bibliographic Record error messageText (1)ContinueCancel(6)
113SerialCKIItemCreatePriceErrorCreate item barcode maximum unit price errorText (1)ContinueCancel(6)
114SerialCKIBibCodedAsSerialThis bibliographic record is coded as a serial. Continue?Text (1)ContinueCancel(6)
115PredictPublicationPatternList of available publication patternsText (1)ContinueCancel(6)
116SerialDeleteRetainedWarningRetention settings in the linked Serial Holdings Record indicate {0} Do you still want to delete this issue/part?Text (1)YesNo(1)
117SerialDeleteDisplayInPACWarning{0} Do you still want to display this bibliographic record in the PAC?Text (1)YesNo(1)
118SerialDeleteLinkedRecordsWarningThere are {0} records linked to this issue record. Do you want to continue?Text (1)YesNo(1)
119ConfirmPredictIssuesOrPartsList of predicted issues or partsSerialPredictionResults (42)ContinueCancel (6)
120CombineIssuesCombine IssuesText (1)YesNo (1)
121RemoveOTFBlocks{0} On-the-fly items are attached to this record. Remove the OTF block?Text (1)YesNo (1)
122InvoiceFundLimitListList of Invoice or Fund limitsInvoiceFundLimitList (46)ContinueCancel (6)
123LinkedSSOForSHRThere are one or more isues/parts linked to this serial holdings recordText (1)ContinueCancel (6)
124POLinesMissingISBNOrDisplayInPACUncheckedBibliographic record's 'Display In PAC' box is uncheckedTable (50)ContinueCancel (6)
125POReleaseCreateOnOrderItemsDo you want to generate on-order item records?Text (1)YesNoCancel (2)
126POReleaseItemTemplateErrorsItem templates were not found or are missing required fields.Table (50)ContinueCancel (6)
127POReleaseProvisionalBibErrorsOn-order items will not be created for the above line numbers. Release this purchase order anyway?Text (1)ContinueCancel (6)
128POReleasePaymentOptionsPayment optionsReleasePOPaymentOptions (48)ContinueCancel (6)
129POReleaseNegativeFreeBalanceNegative Free BalanceText (1)ContinueCancel (6)
130POReleaseOverencumbranceListOverencumbrance ListOverEncumbranceExpenditureList (49)ContinueCancel (6)
131POReleaseOverexpenditureListOverexpenditure ListOverEncumbranceExpenditureList (49)ContinueCancel (6)
132POReleaseDuplicateLineSegmentsDuplicate Line SegmentsText (1)OK (8)
133POReleaseClosedFundsClosed FundsText (1)OK (8)
134POLineSaveDataErrorSave Purchase Order Line Item data errorsTable (50)Text (1)
135DuplicateSegmentsDuplicate segments already existTable (50)ContinueCancel (6)
136SuspectedLocalDuplicateSegmentsSuspected local duplicate segments existTable (50)Text (1)
137CancelPOLineConfirmAre you sure you want to cancelText (1)ContinueCancel (6)
138InvalidCancelPOLIStatusPO iltems cannot be canceledTable (50)ContinueCancel (6)
139MarkedForDeletionLDR05Marked for Deletion LDR05Text (1)ContinueCancel (6)
140SaveWithoutAuthorizedHeadingSave without authorized headingText (1)ContinueCancel (6)
141CheckSeeAlsoFromReferencesAssistantCheck see also from references assistantCheckSeeAlsoFromReferencesAssistant (51)ContinueCancel (6)
142AuthorityDuplicateDetectionResultsRecord appears to be a duplicate of existing recordsAuthorityDuplicateDetectionResults (52)ContinueCancel (6)
143CheckMARC21StructureAndRequiredFieldsCheck MARC21 structure and required fieldsAuthorityMARCFormatError (53)ContinueCancel (6)
144ItemNotLoanableOutsideSystemItem is not loanable outside of the systemText (1)ContinueCancel (6)
145CheckForLinkedRecordsResultsCheck for linked recordsAuthorityCheckForLinkedRecordsResults (54)ContinueCancel (6)
146CheckForOutstandingCreateRequestsCheck for existing create link requestsText (1)ContinueCancel (6)
147CheckForOutstandingUpdateRequestsCheck for existing update linked records requestsText (1)ContinueCancel (6)
148BibReplaceRecordErrorsFoundBib replace record errors foundTable (50)ContinueCancel (6)
149FirstNameNotRequiredPromptNo first name has not been entered. Do you want to continue?Text (1)ContinueCancel (6)
152ClaimedItemsOverduePromptClaimed Item Overdue ChargesClaimedItemsOverdueCharges (55)YesNoCancel (2)

Prompt Results

WorkflowPromptResult Name Description
2 Yes Yes
3 No No
4 Cancel Cancel
5 Continue Continue
6 Pay Pay
7 Waive Waive
8 Charge Charge
9 Delete Delete
10 Suppress Suppress
11 Retain Retain
12 Open Open
13 Print Print

Request Extension Types

WorkflowRequestExtensionType Name Description
0 None n/a
1 CheckOutData Contains information required to check an item out.
2 CheckInData Contains information required to check an item in.
3 MakeClaimData Contains information required to check make a claim on a set of items.
4 PatronRegistrationData Contains information required to create or update a patron's registration record.
5 RecordIdData
6 UpdateItemRecordData Contains data to create or update an item record.
7 UpdateBibRecordData Contains data to update a bib record.
8 DeleteItemRecordData Contains data to delete an item record.
9 HoldRequestData Contains data to create or update a hold request record.
10 DeleteBibRecordData Contains data to delete a bibliographic record.
11 DeleteAuthorityRecordData Contains data to delete an authority record.
12 AddOrUpdateBibRecordData Contains data to add or update a bibliographic record.
13 ILLRequestData Contains data to update ILL request.
14 ReceiveILLData Contains data to 'Receive' ILL request.
15 DeleteILLRequestData Contains data to delete an ILL request.
16 ConvertToILLRequestData Contains data to convert a local hold to an ILL request.
17 UpdateHoldRequestData Contains data to update a hold request.
18 FillRequestExtensionData Contains data to 'Fill' a request.
19 ReactivateRequestExtensionData Contains data to 'Reactivate' a request.
20 TransferRequestExtensionData Contains data to 'Transfer' a request.
21 DeleteParonRecordData Contains data to delete a patron record.
22 SerialCheckinData Contains data to check in a serial record.
23 SerialPredictionData Contains data to predict issues/parts.
24 DeleteSerialIssuePartExtensionData Contains data to delete an issue/part.
25 CombineSerialIssuesExtensionData Contains data to combine serial issues.
26 BulkHoldRequestExtensionData Contains data to create a bulk hold request.
27 InvoicePaymentExtensionData Contains data to invoice a payment.
28 DeleteSerialHoldingsRecordExtensionData Contains data to delete a serial holdings record.
29 ReleasePurchaseOrderExtensionData Contains data to release a purchase order.
30 POLineItemExtensionData Contains data to update a purchase order line item.
31 CancelPOLineItemData Contains data to cancel purchase order line items.
32 AddOrUpdateAuthorityRecordData Contains data to add or update an authority record.

Prompt Extension Types

WorkflowPromptExtensionType Name Description
8PatronCheckoutBlockAlso applies to renewals
9OverdueFineAlso applies to renewals

Reply Extension Types

WorkflowReplyExtensionType Name Extension Data
0 None n/a
1 Count Extension data is an integer.
2 PatronPayment
3 ResolveLostBilledItem

Note: Also used as reply for the "RenewChargeOverdue" prompt.

4 OverdueFine Extension data is the fine amount.
5 PatronRegistrationCharge
6 BriefItemEntry
    "Title":"New Title",
    "Author":"New Author",
    "ClassificationNumber":"New Call Num",
7 AuthorityRecordDeleteOptions
AuthorityOption values:

0 - DeleteHeading
1 - BreakLinkHeading
2 - FlipHeading

BibOption values:

0 - DeleteHeading
1 - BreakLinkHeading
8 MediaDispenser
    "WorkflowReplyExtensionType": 8, 
    "Data": {
                    "DispenserDescription": "A", 
                    "SlotDescription": "1"
9 VolumeDesignationItemOptions Request any item
"ReplyExtension": {
        "WorkflowReplyExtensionType": 9,
        "Data": {
            "BibLevelOption": 1,
            "IsDesignation": false
Request the first available copy of one of the listed items
"ReplyExtension": {
        "WorkflowReplyExtensionType": 9,
        "Data": {
            "FirstAvailableOption": 1,
            "DesignationOrVolume": "JV",
            "IsDesignation": true
10 ByPassedMaterialTypesForHolds
"ReplyExtension": {
        "WorkflowReplyExtensionType": 10,
        "Data": {
            "ByPassedMaterialTypesForHolds": [1,2,3]
11 DeleteWarningOptionsReplyData
"ReplyExtension": {
        "WorkflowReplyExtensionType": 11,
        "Data": { 
            "WarnBreakableLinks": 1, 
            "WarnUnBreakableLinks": 1
12 CreateItemForIssuePartReplyData
"ReplyExtension": {
        "WorkflowReplyExtensionType": 12,
        "Data": {
            "Barcode": "123",
            "UnitPrice": 1
13 CreateBibForIssuePartReplyData
"ReplyExtension": {
        "WorkflowReplyExtensionType": 13,
        "Data": {
            "BrowseTitle": "100 pictures",
            "ISBN": 1,
            "Author": "Grisham",
            "Publisher": "",
            "PubDate": "",
            "SeriesTitle": "Series",
            "DisplayInPac": true,
            "SeriesNo": "",
            "BibID": 1
14 PublicPatternReplyData
"ReplyExtension": {
        "WorkflowReplyExtensionType": 14,
        "Data": {
            "PubPatternID": 946
15 CombineIssuesReplyData
"ReplyExtension": {
        "WorkflowReplyExtensionType": 15,
        "Data": {
            "Designation": "",
            "ExpectArrivalDate": "",
            "NoteNonPub": "",
            "NotePub": "",
            "NoteStaff": "",
            "TitleOfSupIndex": "",
            "CombineCode": 0
16 ReleasePOPaymentOptionsReplyData
"ReplyExtension": {
    "WorkflowReplyExtensionType": 16,
    "Data": {
        "PrePay": false,
        "PrePayPaymentType": 0,
        "PrePayCheckOrVoucherNumber": "",
        "PrePayDate": null

PrePayPaymentType values:
0 - None
2 - Check
3 - Voucher
17 AuthorityRecordModifyOptions
"ReplyExtension": {
    "WorkflowReplyExtensionType": 17,
    "Data": {
        "BibOption": 0,
        "SeeAlsoOption": 0        

BibOption and SeeAlsoOption values:
-1 - Not applicable
0 - Modify heading
1 - Remove heading
2 - Unlink heading
18 ReplaceRecordsReplyData
"ReplyExtension": {
        "WorkflowReplyExtensionType": 18,
        "Data": {
            "RecordToMaintainID": 0,
            "RecordIDs": [1, 2, 999]

Answer Extension Types

WorkflowAnswerExtensionType Name Description
0 None n/a
1 CheckoutCompleteData
2 CheckinCompleteData
3 ExitData
4 RegistrationCompleteData
5 ItemRecordUpdateCompleteData
6 DeleteRecordCompleteData
7 UndeleteRecordCompleteData
8 ILLRequestUpdateCompleteData
9 HoldRequestUpdateCompleteData
10 ReportData
11 PubDetailsData
12 AddBibRecordCompleteData
13 AddAuthorityRecordCompleteData

Information Message Types

InformationMessageType Name Description
1 Success
2 Failure
3 Acknowledgement
4 Information

Default Prompt Option

The value used here maps to the WorkflowPromptResult enumeration. This is the default option for a prompt.


TxnCodeID Description

Patron Payment Methods

PaymentMethodID Description
1Pay from Credit
2Pay from Deposit
3Deposit from Credit
4Credit from Deposit
5Credit from Pay
12Credit card
13Debit card
16Collection Agency
17Smart card
18Credit card - Manual
19Pay after Refund
20Stored Value

Additional Examples

Check out to same patron with overdue fine and payment.