Get Fixed Tag Types

GET /api/...marc/tags/{tagNumber}/fixedtagtypes

Returns MARC values for fixed field tags, position 00. If no values are found, the response body will contain an empty list, response code 200.

Maps to the following:

Request Information

Name Type Required Description
tagNumber Integer Yes MARC tag number

Response Information

Name Type Description
DataValue string Character position value
MARCLabel string Description of character position value
application/json, text/json
    "DataValue": "a",
    "MARCLabel": "Map"
    "DataValue": "c",
    "MARCLabel": "Electronic resource"
    "DataValue": "d",
    "MARCLabel": "Globe"
    "DataValue": "f",
    "MARCLabel": "Tactile material"
    "DataValue": "g",
    "MARCLabel": "Projected graphic"
    "DataValue": "h",
    "MARCLabel": "Microform"
    "DataValue": "k",
    "MARCLabel": "Nonprojected graphic"
    "DataValue": "m",
    "MARCLabel": "Motion picture"
    "DataValue": "o",
    "MARCLabel": "Kit"
    "DataValue": "q",
    "MARCLabel": "Notated music"
    "DataValue": "r",
    "MARCLabel": "Remote-sensing image"
    "DataValue": "s",
    "MARCLabel": "Sound recording"
    "DataValue": "t",
    "MARCLabel": "Text"
    "DataValue": "v",
    "MARCLabel": "Videorecording"
    "DataValue": "z",
    "MARCLabel": "Unspecified"

HTTP Response Codes

Code Description
200 OK. Success
400 Bad request