Templates by Object Type

List of Templates by Object Type

GET /api/.../templates/{objectid}

Return a list of all templates for the specified object type.

Name Type Required Description
objectid Integer Yes ID of Object Type to retrieve templates for. Authority = 4, Bibliographic = 5, Item = 6, PO = 49, Reserve Item = 68, Reserve Course = 70, Item Bulk Change Template = 104, Weeding Template = 108

Response Information

Example for Item Record Templates (objectID = 6)
application/json, text/json
        "TemplateID": 1541,
        "TemplateName": "Adult Audiobook",
        "OwnerName": "Bancroft Public Library (Salem)"
        "TemplateID": 1558,
        "TemplateName": "Adult Audiobook",
        "OwnerName": "Bolton Free Library"
        "TemplateID": 1575,
        "TemplateName": "Adult Audiobook",
        "OwnerName": "Burnt Hills - Town of Ballston Community Library"
Example for Bibliographic Record Templates (objectID = 5)
application/json, text/json
        "TemplateID": 15,
        "TemplateName": "Acquisitions VHS",
        "OwnerName": "RD-Saturn 5.2 Development System"
        "TemplateID": 1,
        "TemplateName": "Book",
        "OwnerName": "RD-Saturn 5.2 Development System"
        "TemplateID": 2,
        "TemplateName": "Computer File",
        "OwnerName": "RD-Saturn 5.2 Development System"
Example for Item Bulk Change Templates (objectID = 104)
application/json, text/json
        "TemplateName":"Test Item Bulk Template One",
        "OwnerName":"Amsterdam Free Library
        "TemplateName":"Test Item Bulk Template Two",
        "OwnerName":"Amsterdam Free Library"
Example for Weeding Templates (objectID = 108)
application/json, text/json
        "TemplateName":"Test Weeding Template One",
        "OwnerName":"Amsterdam Free Library
        "TemplateName":"Test Weeding Template Two",
        "OwnerName":"Amsterdam Free Library"

HTTP Response Codes

Code Description
200 OK. Success
400 Bad request
404 Invalid object ID