Purchase Order Line Item Bibliographic Data

Get Purchase Order Line Item Bibliographic Data by ID

GET /api/.../bibliographicrecords/{id}/polineiteminfo

Returns purchase order line item bibliographic data by id.

Request Information

Name Type Required Description
id Integer Yes The unique id assigned to the bibliographic record.

Response Information

application/json, text/json
  "Author": null,
  "BibliographicRecordID": 1325976,
  "DisplayInPac": 0,
  "Edition": null,
  "HasConstituents": null,
  "HostBibliographicRecordID": null,
  "MARCLCCN": "2019018578",
  "Publisher": null,
  "PublicationYear": null,
  "RecordStatusID": 1,
  "Title": null,
  "NormalizedISBN": null,
  "NormalizedISSN": null,
  "NormalizedUPC": null,
  "NormalizedOCLC": null,
  "ISBNPriceList": [
      "ISBN_ISSN": "9780590353427 (pbk.)",
      "Price": 1.99,
      "IsISBN": true
  "OtherStandardIdentifiers": [
    "42100 00526"

HTTP Response Codes

Code Description
200 OK. Success
  • Bad request
  • Bibliographic record not found with id 1