Receive shelf ready shipment

PUT /api/.../shelfready/receiveshipment

Receive shelf ready shipment.

Request Information

Array of Integer
Property Type Nullable Description
itemIDs List of Integer No List of item record IDs

Response Information

Array of DtoAcqReceivedResultItem
Property Type Nullable Description
ItemID Integer No
PoliID Integer No POLineItemID
Note String Yes Receive shipment comments.
Title String Yes Title of the item.
Author String Yes Author of the item
MaterialType String Yes
Request Example
application/json, text/json
 2907481, 2913926
Response Example
application/json, text/json
    "ItemID": 0,
    "PoliID": 154742,
    "ISBN": "9780688104795",
    "Note": "1 / 1 Rec",
    "Title": "Rain / by Robert Kalan ; illustrated by Donald Crews.",
    "Author": "Kalan, Robert.",
    "MaterialType": "Childrens Video"
    "ItemID": 0,
    "PoliID": 152610,
    "ISBN": "9780912184036",
    "Note": "1 / 1 Rec",
    "Title": "Bastard in the ragged suit : writings of, with drawings by, Herman Spector / compiled, edited, and with an introd., by Bud Johns and Judith S. Clancy.",
    "Author": "Spector, Herman.",
    "MaterialType": ""

HTTP Response Codes

Code Description
200 OK. Success
403 Unauthorized. don't have required permissions

Permission IDs found here.
