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GET /api/.../holds/{id}
Get a local hold request.
GET /api/.../holds/{id}?history=true
Get a local hold request with a list of request history.
GET /api/.../holds/{id}?satisfiedby=true
Get a local hold request with a list of request satisfied by information.
GET /api/.../holds/{id}?pickupbranchidonly=true
Get a local hold request's pickup branch ID.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
id | Integer | Yes | ID of local hold request |
history | Boolean | No | If set to "true", a list of request history will be retrieved along with hold request data. |
satisfiedby | Boolean | No | If set to "true", a list of request satisfied by information will be retrieved along with hold request data. |
pickupbranchidonly | Boolean | No | If set to "true", only the hold request's pickup branch ID will be returned. |
An HTTP return status code of 200 indicates success.
"SysHoldStatusID": 8,
"SysHoldStatus": "Unclaimed",
"StatusTransitionDate": "2013-10-12T04:40:02.123",
"CreationDate": "2013-10-03T14:05:47.28",
"ActivationDate": "2013-10-03T00:00:00",
"PickupBranchID": 90,
"ExpirationDate": "2014-01-31T23:59:59",
"HoldTillDate": "2013-10-11T23:59:59",
"Origin": "Library",
"ItemLevelHold": false,
"PatronID": 357913,
"PatronBarcode": "zhangexpreg",
"PatronName": "TestExpress2 Zhang",
"PatronCodeID": 5,
"PatronBranchID": 90,
"PatronDeliveryOptionID": 2,
"Author": null,
"BrowseAuthor": null,
"BrowseTitle": "Connecticut local history. 2",
"BrowseTitleNonFilingCount": 0,
"BibliographicRecordID": 946777,
"ItemBarcode": null,
"ItemRecordID": 9942654,
"ItemStatusID": 4,
"Publisher": null,
"PublicationYear": 1867,
"Edition": null,
"ISBNISSN": null,
"ISBN": null,
"ISSN": null,
"LCCN": null,
"CallNumber": null,
"Pages": null,
"VolumeNumber": null,
"StaffDisplayNotes": null,
"NonPublicNotes": null,
"PatronNotes": null,
"PACDisplayNotes": "The requested title A Connecticut village. is associated with a host title Connecticut local history. 2",
"UnlockedRequest": false,
"Designation": null,
"CopyNo": 0,
"BorrowByMail": false,
"TrackingNumber": null,
"Series": null,
"ConstituentBibRecordID": null,
"ConstituentSortAuthor": null,
"ConstituentSortTitle": "CONNECTICUT LOCAL HISTORY 01(2)99",
"ConstituentBrowseAuthor": null,
"ConstituentBrowseTitle": "Connecticut local history. 2",
"NewPickupBranchID": 0,
"InnReachType": 0,
"MARCTOMIDDescription": "Book"
"SysHoldStatusID": 8,
"SysHoldStatus": "Unclaimed",
"StatusTransitionDate": "2013-10-12T04:40:02.123",
"CreationDate": "2013-10-03T14:05:47.28",
"ActivationDate": "2013-10-03T00:00:00",
"PickupBranchID": 90,
"ExpirationDate": "2014-01-31T23:59:59",
"HoldTillDate": "2013-10-11T23:59:59",
"Origin": "Library",
"ItemLevelHold": false,
"PatronID": 357913,
"PatronBarcode": "zhangexpreg",
"PatronName": "TestExpress2 Zhang",
"PatronCodeID": 5,
"PatronBranchID": 90,
"PatronDeliveryOptionID": 2,
"Author": null,
"BrowseAuthor": null,
"BrowseTitle": "Connecticut local history. 2",
"BrowseTitleNonFilingCount": 0,
"BibliographicRecordID": 946777,
"ItemBarcode": null,
"ItemRecordID": 9942654,
"ItemStatusID": 4,
"Publisher": null,
"PublicationYear": 1867,
"Edition": null,
"ISBNISSN": null,
"ISBN": null,
"ISSN": null,
"LCCN": null,
"CallNumber": null,
"Pages": null,
"VolumeNumber": null,
"StaffDisplayNotes": null,
"NonPublicNotes": null,
"PatronNotes": null,
"PACDisplayNotes": "The requested title A Connecticut village. is associated with a host title Connecticut local history. 2",
"UnlockedRequest": false,
"Designation": null,
"CopyNo": 0,
"BorrowByMail": false,
"TrackingNumber": null,
"Series": null,
"ConstituentBibRecordID": null,
"ConstituentSortAuthor": null,
"ConstituentSortTitle": "CONNECTICUT LOCAL HISTORY 01(2)99",
"ConstituentBrowseAuthor": null,
"ConstituentBrowseTitle": "Connecticut local history. 2",,
"NewPickupBranchID": 0,
"DtoRequestHistoryData": [
"RequestID": 811674,
"RequestDate": "2013-10-12T04:40:02.12",
"StatusDescription": "Unclaimed",
"PolarisUserName": "PolarisExec",
"BranchName": "Amsterdam Free Library",
"ItemBarcode": "ECG456877777",
"ActionTaken": "An item was held but not claimed by the patron"
"RequestID": 811674,
"RequestDate": "2013-10-03T14:05:55.963",
"StatusDescription": "Held",
"PolarisUserName": "Zhang",
"BranchName": "Amsterdam Free Library",
"ItemBarcode": "ECG456877777",
"ActionTaken": "An item has trapped and is being held for this request"
"RequestID": 811674,
"RequestDate": "2013-10-03T14:05:47.353",
"StatusDescription": "Pending",
"PolarisUserName": "Zhang",
"BranchName": "Amsterdam Free Library",
"ItemBarcode": "ECG456877777",
"ActionTaken": "Primary RTF processing placed request on pick list"
"RequestID": 811674,
"RequestDate": "2013-10-03T14:05:47.35",
"StatusDescription": "Active in system",
"PolarisUserName": "Zhang",
"BranchName": null,
"ItemBarcode": null,
"ActionTaken": "Request activated during request creation"
"SysHoldStatusID": 8,
"SysHoldStatus": "Unclaimed",
"StatusTransitionDate": "2013-10-12T04:40:02.123",
"CreationDate": "2013-10-03T14:05:47.28",
"ActivationDate": "2013-10-03T00:00:00",
"PickupBranchID": 90,
"ExpirationDate": "2014-01-31T23:59:59",
"HoldTillDate": "2013-10-11T23:59:59",
"Origin": "Library",
"ItemLevelHold": false,
"PatronID": 357913,
"PatronBarcode": "zhangexpreg",
"PatronName": "TestExpress2 Zhang",
"PatronCodeID": 5,
"PatronBranchID": 90,
"PatronDeliveryOptionID": 2,
"Author": null,
"BrowseAuthor": null,
"BrowseTitle": "Connecticut local history. 2",
"BrowseTitleNonFilingCount": 0,
"BibliographicRecordID": 946777,
"ItemBarcode": null,
"ItemRecordID": 9942654,
"ItemStatusID": 4,
"Publisher": null,
"PublicationYear": 1867,
"Edition": null,
"ISBNISSN": null,
"ISBN": null,
"ISSN": null,
"LCCN": null,
"CallNumber": null,
"Pages": null,
"VolumeNumber": null,
"StaffDisplayNotes": null,
"NonPublicNotes": null,
"PatronNotes": null,
"PACDisplayNotes": "The requested title A Connecticut village. is associated with a host title Connecticut local history. 2",
"UnlockedRequest": false,
"Designation": null,
"CopyNo": 0,
"BorrowByMail": false,
"TrackingNumber": null,
"Series": null,
"ConstituentBibRecordID": null,
"ConstituentSortAuthor": null,
"ConstituentSortTitle": "CONNECTICUT LOCAL HISTORY 01(2)99",
"ConstituentBrowseAuthor": null,
"ConstituentBrowseTitle": "Connecticut local history. 2",,
"NewPickupBranchID": 0,
"DtoHoldsRequestItemDataRecord": [
"Branch":"Amsterdam Free Library",
Code | Description |
200 | OK. Success |