© 2024 Clarivate
Post /api/.../funds/
Create a single fund
Name | Type | Required | Description |
DtoFundCreate | Fund Create Information | Yes | Define this parameter in the request body. |
Property | Type | Nullable | Description |
FiscalYearID | int | No | Fiscal Year ID |
Name | string | No | Fund name |
AlternativeName | string | No | Fund alternative name |
EncLimPerItem | decimal | Yes | Encumbrance limits - Line item. |
EncLimPerOrder | decimal | Yes | Encumbrance limits - Orders. |
EncLimTotCurrEnc | decimal | Yes | Encumbrance limits - Fund. |
ExpLimPerItem | decimal | Yes | Expenditure/Debit limits - Line item. |
ExpLimPerOrder | decimal | Yes | Expenditure/Debit limits - Orders. |
ExpLimPerTotExp | decimal | Yes | Expenditure/Debit limits - Fund. |
OverExpAllow | decimal | Yes | Expenditure/Debit limits - Exceed free balance. |
ExtName | string | Yes | Fund extrnal name |
FundingSource | string | Yes | Funding source |
OrganizationID | Int | No | The unique id assigned to the Organization. |
TransfersAllowed | bool | No | Transfers allowed indicator |
Donor | DtoDonor | Yes | The donor information. |
CategoryID | Int | Yes | The unique id assigned to category type. |
TypeID | Int | Yes | The unique id assigned to fund type. |
Note | string | Yes | Funding note |
Display | bool | Yes | Display fund indicator |
Property | Type | Nullable | Description |
DonorID | int | No | Donor ID. |
FirstName | string | Yes | Donor first name |
MiddleName | string | Yes | Donor middle name |
LastName | string | Yes | Donor last name |
CorporateName | string | Yes | Corporate name |
Phone | string | Yes | Pnone number |
Fax | string | Yes | Fax number |
string | Yes | Email address | |
MemorialNote | string | Yes | Memorial note |
DescriptionNote | string | Yes | Description note |
RestrictionNote | string | Yes | Restriction note |
RenewalDate | DateTime | Yes | Renewal Date |
AddressID | int | Yes | Donor Address ID |
Address | DtoAddress | Yes | Donor Address |
Property | Type | Nullable | Description |
AddressID | int | No | Address ID |
PostalCodeID | int | Yes | Postal Code ID. |
PostalCode | DtoPostalCode | Yes | Postal Code object. |
StreetOne | string | Yes | Address street one. |
StreetTwo | string | Yes | Address street two. |
StreetThree | string | Yes | Address street three. |
ZipPlusFour | string | Yes | Address zip plus four. |
MunicipalityName | string | Yes | Address municipality name. |
"FiscalYearID": 345,
"Name": "test",
"AlternativeName": "test alt",
"EncLimPerItem": 20,
"EncLimPerOrder": 20,
"EncLimTotCurrEnc": 20,
"ExpLimPerItem": 30,
"ExpLimTotExp": 30,
"OverExpAllow": 30,
"ExtName": "test ext",
"FundingSource": "source",
"OrganizationID": 99,
"TransfersAllowed": true,
"Donor": {
"DonorID": 0,
"FirstName": "Sept24First",
"MiddleName": "M",
"LastName": "Sept24Last",
"CorporateName": "corp name",
"Phone": "2222222222",
"Fax": "1111111111",
"Email": "test@iii.com",
"MemorialNote": "memorial note",
"DescriptionNote": "desc note",
"RestrictionNote": "restriction note",
"RenewalDate": "2021-09-24T14:46:49.445Z",
"AddressID": -1,
"Address": {
"AddressID": -1,
"PostalCodeID": 6405,
"PostalCode": {
"PostalCodeID": 6405,
"Code": "13090",
"City": "Liverpool",
"State": "NY",
"CountryID": 1,
"County": "Onondaga"
"StreetOne": "street one",
"StreetTwo": "street two",
"StreetThree": "street three",
"ZipPlusFour": null,
"MunicipalityName": "municipality"
"CategoryID": 2,
"TypeID": 2,
"Note": "note",
"Display": true
Code | Description |
200 | OK. Success |