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GET /api/.../itemrecords/{id}?view=specialcheckinview&isBarcode=true
Return display information for a special item check in
Name | Type | Required | Description |
id | String | Yes | The unique barcode assigned to the item record. |
isBarcode | True | Yes | The id is barcode |
view | string | Yes | Define this parameter in the request query string to get the details of the item. Possible Values: specialcheckinview |
"ItemRecordID": 879721,
"ItemBarcode": "ABCDEF123456",
"Author": "Hartley, William B.",
"ItemStatusID": 21,
"ItemStatus": "Claim Missing Parts",
"LastUsePatronID": 357374,
"LastUsePatronName": "Mr. వనజ 5.2 Ramaraos",
"ILLItem": false,
"ElectronicItem": false,
"IsEphemeralItem": false,
"ItemTitle": "The alligator, king of the wilderness",
"MaterialTypeID": 13,
"MaterialTypeDescription": "Art",
"RecordStatusID": 1,
"CurrentPatronID": 0,
Code | Description |
200 | OK. Success |
404 | Record not found. Error |