Reset due date

Reset due date for checked out items

PUT /api/.../itemcheckouts/patron/{id}?action=resetduedate&duedate={date}&closeddate={false}&ignoreblock={false}&ignoreoverdue={false}

This method allows the caller to reset the due date for items checked out to a patron.

Request Information

Name Type Required Description
id int Yes Define this parameter in the request query string. The unique id assigned to the patron.
action String No Define this parameter in the request query string. Possible value is 'resetduedate'
duedate string Yes Define this parameter in the request query string. Html encoded ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DD) for date to be used to calculate accrued fines. Example: 2013-05-30
closeddate Bool No Define this parameter in the request query string. If true, the due date is reset to the next day if the requested date is the day that the branch is closed.
ignoreblock Bool No Define this parameter in the request query string. If true, the due date is reset without considering item blocks.
ignoreoverdue Bool No Define this parameter in the request query string. If true, the due date can be reset for an overdue item.
reason int No Define this parameter in the request query string. ID of the corresponding Due Date Modification Reason. Written in the transaction if the transaction is enabled.
reasonNote string No Define this parameter in the request query string. Note to be written in the transaction if the transaction is enabled. Truncated to 255 characters.
Request Body

Provide a JSON array of integers. This is the list of item record IDs.

Property Type Nullable Description
ItemRecordID Integer No Item record identifier.
application/json, text/json
[46, 52, 66, 0, 44]

Response Information

Array of DtoItemsoutActionResult
Property Type Nullable Description
ItemRecordID Integer No Item record identifier.
Success Boolean No True if the action succeeded, otherwise false.
Action Integer No PAPIAction enum value. None = 0, Stop = 1 or Prompt = 2
StopType Integer No PAPIStopType enum value. None = 0 or Error = 2
PromptType Integer No PAPIPromptType enum value. None = 0 or ContinueCancel = 9
Message String Yes Error message if the action failed, otherwise null or an empty string.
ItemBlocks Array of string Yes List of item blocks or null
application/json, text/json
        "ItemRecordID": 46,
        "Success": false,
        "Action": 2,
        "StopType": 0,
        "PromptType": 9,
        "Message": "Item is blocked. Do you want to continue with this operation?",
        "ItemBlocks": [
        "ItemRecordID": 52,
        "Success": false,
        "Action": 0,
        "StopType": 0,
        "PromptType": 0,
        "Message": "Due date cannot be reset. This item is overdue.",
        "ItemBlocks": null
        "ItemRecordID": 66,
        "Success": false,
        "Action": 0,
        "StopType": 0,
        "PromptType": 0,
        "Message": "Item is not checked out to the patron",
        "ItemBlocks": null
        "ItemRecordID": 0,
        "Success": false,
        "Action": 1,
        "StopType": 2,
        "PromptType": 0,
        "Message": "Item ID is invalid",
        "ItemBlocks": null
        "ItemRecordID": 44,
        "Success": true,
        "Action": 0,
        "StopType": 0,
        "PromptType": 0,
        "Message": "",
        "ItemBlocks": null

HTTP Response Codes

Code Description
200 OK. Success
400 Bad request
403 FAILURE. User or workstation is not privileged.
404 FAILURE. Patron not found
409 CONFLICT. Patron record is secured.